Palace of Westminster
Bombs & Shooting
1605 Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.
Guy Fawkes

Remember, remember the Fifth of
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent
To blow up King and Parliament.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England’s overthrow;
By God’s providence he was catch’d
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! |

American Haloween celebrations. In the United
Kingdom, Gunpowder Plot celebrations take place
in towns and villages across the country in the
form of both private and civic events. They
involve fireworks displays and the building of
bonfires on which "guys" are burnt. These "guys"
are traditionally effigies
of Guy Fawkes, the most famous of the Gunpowder
Plot conspirators. Although the night is
celebrated in York (Fawkes' hometown) some there
do not burn his effigy, most notably those from
his old school. Before the fifth, children
traditionally use the "guys" to request a "penny
for the guy" in order to raise funds with which
to buy fireworks . In the United Kingdom, there
are several foods that are traditionally
consumed on Guy Fawkes Night: toffee apples, baked
potatoes, which are wrapped in foil and cooked
in the bonfire or its embers and black
peas with
vinegar . In the Black Country, it is a
traditional night for eating groaty
pudding. In Sussex, it is a major festival
that centres on Lewes necessitating the closure
of the town centre. The night also commemorates
the Glorious Revolution and 17 local Protestant
martyrs that were burnt at the stake during
Marian Persecutions of the Catholic Queen Mary
I. The night begins with torchlight processions
in costume by a number of local bonfire
societies and culminates in six separate
bonfires where effigies of Guy Fawkes, Pope Paul
V and topical personalities are destroyed by
firework and flame.
The Somerset
Carnivals are highly regarded as the
largest illuminated processions in
the world. They occur late on in the
year at various locations including:
Bridgwater, Burnham-on-Sea, Chard,
Ilminster, Glastonbury, North
Petherton, Shepton Mallet, Taunton,
Wellington, Wells,
Weston-Super-Mare, and Yeovil. The carnivals in
Somerset date back to 400 years, and
are one of the most spectacular
events in Somerset today. In some of
the bigger locations (such as
Bridgwater), you can expect to see
crowds of more than 120,000.
The carnival floats (or carts as
they are sometimes referred as), are
designed and built by dedicated
carnival clubs around the West
Country. These carnival clubs have
many members who raise money
throughout the year, and work
relentlessly to achieve the
spectacular carnival entries. The
carnival floats take part in the
carnival parade along with other
entries; these range from clowns
dancing in the streets to 100ft
illuminated carnival floats (some
with up to 30,000 light bulbs) pulled by tractors. |
Spencer Perceval,
the son of the 2nd Earl of Egmont, was born in 1762.
After being educated at HarrowTrinity College,
Cambridge, he became a lawyer.
In 1796 Perceval was elected MP for Northampton. In
the House of Commons Perceval became a strong
supporter of William Pitt and the Tory group in
Parliament. When Henry Addington became Prime
Minister in 1801 he appointed Perceval as his
solicitor-general. The following year he was
promoted to attorney-general. When Lord
Portland became Prime Minister in 1807 he appointed
Perceval as his Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Perceval got on well with George III and loyally
supported the king's opposition to Catholic
When Portland died in 1809, Spencer Perceval
accepted the king offer to become Prime Minister.
Perceval's period of power coincided with an
economic depression and considerable industrial
unrest. This resulted in his government introducing
repressive methods against the Luddites. This
included the Frame-Breaking Act
which made the destruction of machines a capital
offence. Perceval held the post until
1812 when he became the only British Prime
Minister in history to be assassinated. Spencer
Perceval was shot when entering the lobby of the
House of Commons by John Bellingham, a failed
businessman from Liverpool. Bellingham, who blamed
Perceval for his financial difficulties, was later
hanged for his crime.
Guy Fawkes Failed
During the
second world war, the Palace of
Westminster was hit by bombs fourteen
times. The most serious attack occurred on
the night of 10-11 May 1941. On that night
the Palace was severely damaged, the
chamber of the House of Commons was
destroyed and three people were killed.
This picture below shows Members' Lobby
looking through into the Commons Chamber.
Between 1940
and 1941, both Houses of Parliament were
in fact convened at Church House in
Westminster due to a fear that the
Chambers might be bombed while the Houses
were sitting. The Palace was damaged by
air raids on fourteen different occasions
during the war. On 26 September 1940, a
bomb which fell into Old Palace Yard
caused severe damage to the south wall of
St Stephen's Porch and the masonry of the
west front.
The statue of Richard the Lionheart was
even lifted bodily from the pedestal, but
sustained only minor damage in the form of
a bent sword.On 8 December 1940, a bomb
demolished the south and east sides of the
Cloisters of St Stephen's and did
considerable damage to the other two sides
The incendiary bombs which fell on
the nights of 10 and 11 May 1941 caused the
greatest damage to the Palace. The Commons
Chamber was hit by bombs and the roof of
Westminster Hall was set on fire. The fire
service said that it would be impossible to
save both, so it was decided to concentrate on
saving the Hall.The Commons Chamber was
entirely destroyed by the fire which spread to
the Members' Lobby and caused the ceiling to
collapse. By the following morning, all that
was left of the Chamber was a smoking shell. A
small bomb struck the Clock Tower and broke
all the glass on its south face, but the clock
and bells were undamaged and the chimes could
be broadcast as usual.The House of Lords was
struck by a bomb which passed through the
floor of the Chamber without exploding.As the
Commons Chamber was totally destroyed and the
Lords Chamber was damaged, both Houses moved
to the Church House annexe and sat there from
13 May.From late June 1941 until October 1950,
the Commons met in the Lords Chamber, while
the Lords met in the Robing Room (a fact which
was kept secret during the war). To reach the
temporary Commons Chamber in the Lords, the
Speaker's Procession had to pass through the
Central Lobby. This proved such a popular
feature that the practice was retained after
the Commons moved back to its new Chamber in
1974: IRA bombs
A bomb has
exploded at the Houses of Parliament,
causing extensive damage and injuring 11
people. The
IRA said it planted the 20 lb (9.1 kg) device
which exploded at about 0828 BST in a corner
of Westminster Hall. The explosion is suspected to
have fractured a gas main and a fierce fire
spread quickly through the centuries-old hall
in one of Britain's most closely-guarded
buildings. Scotland
Yard detectives have said they fear this
attack could herald the start of a new summer
offensive by the dissident Irish group on
government buildings. A man with an Irish accent
telephoned the Press Association with a
warning only six minutes before the explosion.
Police said a recognised IRA codeword was
given. Although
officers were not able to completely clear the
palace before the bomb went off, most of the
injured were only slightly hurt. Leader of the Commons Edward
Short announced a review of security
procedures would begin immediately, but he
said the attack would not disrupt
parliamentary business or intimidate MPs. Liberal Chief
Whip David Steel was in the building when
the device detonated and told the BBC the
damage looked considerable. "I looked through
Westminster Hall and the whole hall was
filled with dust. A few minutes later it was
possible to see flames shooting up through
the windows," he said.
1974 was one of the deadliest
years in the IRA's mainland bombing campaign.
In February a bomb
exploded on a coach carrying soldiers on the
M62, killing 12 people. A further 26 people died later
in the year in attacks on the Tower of London
and on pubs in Guilford and Birmingham.
The last Provisional
IRA attack on the British mainland was in
1996, but extremist splinter groups have
carried out bombings since then.
(BBC Report)
1979 AIREY
In 1979, Airey
Neave was blown up in his own car as he
drove from the car park at the House of
Commons. His legs were severed and he was
unrecognisable, though his black coat and
striped trousers identified him as a Tory
It was one
of the most serious assaults on the sanctity
of parliament since the Gunpowder Plot of
1605, and 30 years on the identity of Neave's
murderers is still uncertain and his death
remains unavenged.
The case caused
an enormous shock, for Neave was then a major
political figure. He was Margaret Thatcher's
eminence grise, and steered her to leadership.
More relevantly he was shadow Northern Ireland
secretary, a portfolio that he expected to be
his when Thatcher became prime minister.
But in a new
century Neave is almost forgotten. Paul
Routledge, with several other political
biographies behind him, makes in this book a
strenuous attempt to revive him and to lend to
his life a greater significance than it
possibly had. Public servant, yes; secret
agent, more dubious. Neave had links with the
intelligence community dating back to his war
service, but there seems no real proof he was
active in the field after he became an MP.
During World
War II, however, Neave may have established
one serious claim to historical fame. He saved
the Chartres cathedral from being blown to
pieces by American tanks during the liberation
of France, or so says the record in the parish
church of St Mary's, Oxfordshire, where he is
buried. According to this story, Neave arrived
at the place in front of the cathedral to find
the turret guns ready to fire because, the
Americans said, there were snipers in the
spire. Neave begged for five minutes' grace,
went into the cathedral unarmed, climbed up
the spiral staircase, and waved a handkerchief
to indicate there were no Germans there. A
remarkable story, and it is odd that Neave
does not mention it in his extensive memoirs.
Routledge's biography falls into three
parts. The first section draws heavily on
Neave's own account of his wartime experience
when, as a POW, he became the first Briton to
escape from the "impregnable" fortress of
Colditz. This event has been documented in
films, on television and in print, but still
makes good reading. He was then recruited to a
division of MI6, and set up the "ratlines"
which helped people escape from occupied
Most people
will speed-read the second section of the book
which details Neave's parliamentary record,
though his plotting on behalf of Thatcher has
interest. ("I feel like a puppet whose strings
have been cut," she said after his murder.)
The third and most lively section, at
least to conspiracy theorists, can be
subtitled "Who killed Airey Neave?" Routledge
goes for the obvious suspect, the Irish
National Liberation Army (INLA), a small but
deadly breakaway from the IRA. In a risky
operation he made contact with INLA and spoke
to a masked man who gave details of the kill.
Republicans wanted Neave out of the way,
because as Ulster secretary, his policy would
have been no amnesty, shoot to kill, and
capital punishment for terrorism. INLA and the
IRA itself saw him as highly dangerous.
other theories abound. One is that Neave was
blown up by three "sleepers" who had no
known connection with republican activities
before or after the murder. It was a one-off
job done for patriotic reasons.
more interesting is the theory that MI5 and
the CIA worked together to get rid of Neave.
chief exponent of this theory was Enoch
Powell, who maintained for many years that
the CIA had assassinated not only Neave but
also Lord Mountbatten. The reason? Neave was
determined to keep the six counties part of
Britain, the US Administration wanted a
united Ireland as a member of the Western
defence alliance.
As for
MI5 and MI6, Neave is said to have expressed
the opinion that they were Augean stables
that needed cleaning out and he intended to
do this when Thatcher was in government.
Irish terror group is disbanding amid
claims the British Government has given it
more than £7million.The Irish National
Liberation Army - also thought to have a
hand in the Omagh bombing and the murder of
two British soldiers in Northern Ireland
this year - will pocket the taxpayers' money
over five years, it was claimed
yesterday.The alleged deal was revealed as
the Republican paramilitary group -
responsible for 113 murders - announced an
end to its 35-year campaign of violence. The
INLA said its 'armed struggle is over' and
it would pursue its objectives by
'exclusively peaceful political struggle'.
sources in Ulster claimed the £7million
would be 'dressed up' as grants and funds
for community projects involving former
 London, Middlesex and South

TERRY'S FIREWORKS : 131B High Street, Redcar, TS10 3DQ tel:
01642 471426
With a range of London fireworks displays taking
place throughout the city there are plenty of
options as to where to celebrate Bonfire Night this
year. Londoners of all ages can expect a lively
night out with some serious firework action on the
cards.If you can’t make it out for a fireworks
display during bonfire night weekend, rest assured.
A number of displays will be held before and after
the weekend, giving you the chance to enjoy a
spectacular show at your convenience.
Henry Fitzailwyn was London's first
Lord Mayor in 1189 and the first Lord
Mayor's Show was in 1215. The reason for the
procession is for the Lord Mayor to pledge
his allegiance to the Crown (the current
king or queen).
The new
Lord Mayor is required to swear a pledge his
allegiance in front of the Lord Chief
Justice and Judges of the Queen's Bench
Division, hence the route from Mansion
House in the City of London (the
official residence of the Lord Mayor of
London) to the Royal Courts of Justice.
The Lord
Mayor's Show was the first event to be
broadcast live on television. The BBC
cameras film from Mansion
House each year to an audience of

The 2012 Lord Mayor's Show will be on
Saturday 10 November at 11am
The Lord Mayor's Show is an annual
London event on the 2nd Saturday in
November. More than 6,000
people of all ages take part in the three
mile long procession. Arrive early; by
10.30am the route is always full of
- 11am: Procession leaves from the
Guildhall to Royal Courts of Justice.
- 11am-12.30pm: About 1.5 hours to
reach Royal Courts of Justice
(nearest tube:
- 12.30-1pm: The procession pauses
while the Lord Mayor takes his oath.
- 1pm: Procession returns from
Victoria Embankment to Mansion House.
- 1-2.30pm: Return procession.
- 3pm: Optional free
walking tours of the City of
- Procession
- Procession
route map.
- Procession
running order.
Please note that there will be no
fireworks display this year. After the
wonderful Diamond Jubilee and Olympic
celebrations this summer, it was felt that
there’s only so many fireworks we should be
sending up in one year!
To Watch the Procession:
Anywhere along the route will give you a
good view but the organizers recommend, for the
return journey, Queen Victoria Street and
Embankment. (You can print a copy of the route map.)
For press enquiries: Lesley
Mair at the City of London press office. For
general enquiries: Helen
Field in the Pageantmaster's office. For
problems with the website: William Ross
at spanner. For more details, postal addresses and
phone numbers please see the contacts
Join the
procession: Participation
in the Show is by invitation, but if you would
like to take part next year, you can register
your interest with the Pageantmaster's
office. It's an excellent way to celebrate, show
your support for London, raise your profile and
give your people a great day out.
Perfect, the charitable appeal chosen by
Lord Mayor Nick
Anstee for his year in office, will benefit
the London Symphony Orchestra and the Cricket
Foundation and bring musical and sporting
opportunities to young people in East London.
Alexandra Palace Fireworks
is No Firework display at Alexandra Palace this year
Alexandra Palace
Barking Park Saturday
3rd November 2012
The Barking Park
fireworks display is organised by the Barking and
Dagenham Round Table for the local council. Money
raised on the night will go towards a number of local
charities, so you can do your bit for the community by
just turning up and having fun with friends, family
and neighbours. A whole host of tribute acts will be
keeping the crowds happy with live music on stage just
before the Barking Park fireworks display begins, so
you can catch all the family friendly entertainment on
offer. Kids can also enjoy the funfair rides set up in
the park for the occasion.
While young and old can enjoy all the music and
entertainment to their heart's content, the main
attraction at the Barking Park fireworks display will
of course be the pyrotechnics themselves. Get ready to
gasp at the stunning display of rockets, mines, wheels
and fountains on show in what promises to be one
cracking night out. The Barking Park fireworks
display takes place on Saturday 3rd November 2012.
Gates open at 5.30pm, the entertainment begins at
6.15pm, and the display itself starts at
approximately 8pm. Tickets are available on
the gate. Adult admission is £5.00, while tickets
for kids under 16 cost £1.00 when they are
accompanied by a paying adult.
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Head to the Barnes fireworks
display for a huge bonfire, live music, hot food and
plenty of family friendly entertainment.
Lighting up the skies above south west London with a
spectacular pyrotechnics show, the Barnes fireworks
display gets Guy Fawkes Night off to a big bang. There's
also a Make-a-Guy competition for kids, and the creator
of the best Guy can join the torch lit procession and
help to light the big bonfire at the event.
Bonfire Night is one of the most popular events in the
autumn calendar, and at the Barnes fireworks display you
can join in an age old tradition and mark the 406th
anniversary of the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot in
grand style. There's also live jazz from St Paul's
School to get everyone in the mood for all the
fireworks. As well as the fireworks,
bonfire and live music, the Barnes fireworks display
also features food and drink stalls to keep you warm,
well fed and refreshed. There are hamburgers, hot dogs
and mulled wine, and also stalls selling sparklers and
light sticks. The Barnes fireworks display takes
place on Saturday 3rd November 2012. The gates open at
5.30pm, and entrants in the Guy competition should
assemble in front of the club house with their
creations by 6pm. The bonfire is lit at 7pm, and the
fireworks display itself starts around 7.45pm. Tickets
cost £10.00 for adults and £5.00 for children. A
family ticket for two adults and two children costs
£25.00. Kids under 5 go free. Tickets are also
available to buy in advance from retailers on Barnes
High Street. |
Barnes Sports Club |
Battersea Park Fireworks
Saturday 3rd November 2012
A programme of
entertainment and activities will feature at the
Battersea Park fireworks display, with plenty in store
to keep the crowds entertained. Battersea Park will be
alive with activity during a night of stunning
pyrotechnics, family fun, a bonfire and traditional
attractions. The 2012 Battersea Park fireworks display
promises something special for visitors of all ages,
lighting up the skies of Battersea Park with a
dazzling show of light and colour. Expect huge crowds
on the night for one of London’s biggest and most
popular annual events. Food and drink is available to
buy on the night and a licensed bar is also on the
premises for a drink or two.If past events are
anything to go by this year’s Battersea Park fireworks
display is guaranteed to be one to remember, promising
spectacular sights and sounds during an evening of Guy
Fawkes fun. Londoners are welcome to visit Battersea
Park and get involved this November.
The Battersea Park fireworks display takes place on Saturday
November 2012
with the bonfire lit at 7.30pm and fireworks due to
start at 8pm.Admission is £6.00 with a £1.00 charge
for kids under 10 years old. Advance tickets are
available from booths within Battersea Park from
Monday 1st November. Nearest train: Battersea Park or
Queenstown. Nearest Tube: Pimlico.
Battersea Park |
Cleveland Square
Monday 5th November 2012
The Cleveland Square
fireworks display makes a welcome return for 2012 with a
huge bonfire, barbecue, music and more. Lighting up the
skies above Bayswater and Hyde Park with a loud and
colourful show, the Cleveland Square fireworks display
celebrates Bonfire Night in traditional style. The
display is organised by the Cleveland Square and Gardens
Residents' Association and promises to be an exclusive
and relatively intimate affair, as tickets are only
available to purchase in advance.
While the nights are drawing in and there's a chill in
the air, there's bound to be a cheery atmosphere at the
Cleveland Square fireworks display thanks to the huge
bonfire set up in the gardens. In addition to the
fireworks which are set to music, there's also a light
show on the programme for an evening of all round family
entertainment. A bar is also being
set up in the gardens during the Cleveland Square
fireworks display to provide onlookers with wine, beer,
soft drinks and homemade mulled wine. A barbecue will
also be serving freshly cooked food to keep everyone
warm and well fed throughout the night. The
Cleveland Square fireworks display takes place on
Monday 5th November 2012. The gates open at 6pm, the
bonfire is lit at 6.30pm, the fireworks begin at
7.30pm and the gates close at 9.30pm. Advance
tickets cost £9.00 for adults and £5.00 for children
aged 16 and under. Please note that tickets must be
bought in advance, and no tickets will be available to
buy on the gate. Tickets are available to buy
in person from the Cleveland Arms on Chilworth Street.
Tickets are limited, so early booking is advised.
Cleveland Square |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Bringing the crackle and pop
of fireworks to south London once again in 2012, the
Beckenham fireworks display celebrates the 407th
anniversary of Guy Fawkes' attempt to blow up Parliament
with a colourful pyrotechnics show. Get ready to clap
and cheer as a series of rockets, Roman candles and
fountains of various colours bring the autumnal night
sky to life in celebration of Bonfire Night.
Always a popular event for kids and families, Bonfire
Night returns once again in 2012 to the Croydon Road
Recreation Ground with the Beckenham fireworks display.
The night also includes a funfair, complete with
fairground rides for the little ones.
Organised by the Beckenham Round Table, the Beckenham
fireworks display is bound to be a high point in the
local calendar, with families and all ages out to
celebrate a long standing annual tradition. Better yet,
money raised from ticket sales will be donated to
charity, so you can spend the night watching some first
rate fireworks safe in the knowledge that you're
supporting a good cause. The Beckenham
fireworks display takes place on Saturday 3rd November
2012 at Croydon Road Recreation Ground. Gates open at
6pm and the display begins at 8pm. Nearest rail:
Beckenham Junction. Admission costs £5.00 for
adults and £3.00 for accompanied children under the
age of 16. Kids under 5 go free. |
Croydon Road
Recreation Ground |
Bishops Park
Fireworks Display
Friday 2nd November 2012
The Bishops Park
fireworks display is being staged on Friday 2nd November
2012, and is set to be a huge Bonfire Night occasion for
Londoners of all ages. A selection of events will be
taking place at Bishops Park in addition to the main
fireworks display. A special children’s fireworks
display is taking place as well funfair rides and food
stalls, guaranteeing traditional Guy Fawkes festivities
for visitors on the day. Bishops Park will be alive with
fireworks the weekend of Guy Fawkes Night, in one of
west London’s biggest fireworks events. The crowds will
be out in force to enjoy the show and celebrate Bonfire
Night 2012 with a bang. Doors open at 6pm, with a
children's show at 7.15pm and the main show starting at
8pm. There's a small charge of £7.00 on the door for
those 5 and over. 2012 is the 407th anniversary of the
famous Gunpowder Plot and Londoners are invited to mark
the occasion in a suitably traditional manner at Bishops
Park. Adults and kids of all ages can expect something
special at one of the most popular fireworks display
events in London, which this year is set to music
selected for a super heroes theme. The Bishops Park
fireworks display takes place on Friday 2nd November
2012 with gates opening at 6pm. The children's show
starts at 7.15pm and the main show at 8pm. Entrance
costs £7.00 for everyone 5 and over. Advance tickets
are also available at £5.00 from the Lyric Theatre box
Bishops Park |
Blackheath Fireworks Display
3rd November 2012
The Blackheath fireworks
display is one of the most anticipated London fireworks
displays each year, bringing colour and light to the
skies of Lewisham in a truly dazzling display of
fireworks.This year marks the 405th anniversary of the
Gunpowder Plot and as such, visitors to Blackheath can
expect something special in one of London’s most famous
fireworks display events. Visit Blackheath on Saturday
3rd November 2012 for a lively
Guy Fawkes evening out in London. Refreshments and food
stalls will be available throughout the evening and you
can make the most of a complete night out with family
and friends.A perennial favourite among Londoners in
South London, the Blackheath fireworks display attracts
thousands each year, coming together on Bonfire Night
under the glow of impressive fireworks. Join the crowds
at Blackheath this year for traditional Guy Fawkes
festivities.The fireworks show on Blackheath is one of
the most popular displays in London, and the event
remains free once more in 2010. However, to help towards
the cost of the fireworks and to ensure the return of
the display next year, Lewisham Council is inviting
those planning on attending to make a small donation.
For more information and to make a donation, call 020
8314 3007.The Blackheath fireworks display takes place
on Saturday 3rd November 2012
with the fireworks due to begin at 8pm. Nearest train:
Blackheath and Lewisham. Entry is free for all. |
Blackheath Fireworks
Tel: 0208 314 7321
Email: |
Brockwell Park
Fireworks Display
November 2012
The action will be kicking
off at Brockwell Park, Brixton in November, giving you
the chance to gear up for a night of firework fun and
games on November 5th itself. Prepare for an evening of
top flight firework action in the heart of South London.
Brockwell park fireworks display takes place on
Wednesday 5th November 2012 with fireworks starting at
7.30pm. |
Brockwell Park |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Take the whole family out to
the Norman Park fireworks display and enjoy a
traditional bonfire, funfair rides and spectacular
fireworks. Designed as a family friendly
affair complete with a traditional bonfire, the Norman
Park fireworks display is sure to be popular with those
living in and around Bromley. There's nothing that says
that autumn has well and truly arrived quite as much as
the crackle of fireworks as they light up the night sky,
so dig out your gloves, put on your woolly hat and
prepare to gasp, clap and cheer at all the pyrotechnics
on show in the south east London skies.
Returning once again for 2012, the Norman Park fireworks
display also features a family funfair with plenty of
fairground rides that are bound to be popular with kids.
The display takes place on the weekend before Bonfire
Night, and as it's a Saturday you don't need to worry as
much about getting the kids to bed early on a school
night. As well as the fireworks, bonfire
and family funfair, the Norman Park fireworks display
also features a range of food and drink stalls, so you
can keep warm and refreshed throughout the night. 2012
marks the 407th anniversary of the plot to blow up
parliament, and the Bromley display aims to make sure
that the grand tradition of remembering the gunpowder,
treason and plot of Guy Fawkes Night goes off with a
bang.The Norman Park fireworks display takes place
from 5pm - 10pm, Saturday 3rd November 2012. The
bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm, and the fireworks
display begins at 8pm. Tickets are available on the
gates and cost £5.00 for those aged 11+, and £3.00 for
children aged 3 - 10. Kids under 3 go free. Free (but
limited) on site parking is available. |
Norman Park |
3th November 2012
The event is
organised by the Wallington and Carshalton Round Table,
who have been putting on an annual fireworks display in
the local area for 53 years. Bonfire Night remains
a firm favourite in the yearly calendar, and at the
Carshalton fireworks display you can make the most of
the tradition of gazing upwards at the colourful
pyrotechnics lighting up the cold autumnal sky. Just
remember your gloves and wrap up warm to keep out the
chills on the night, and pay a visit to the park's
bonfire if you need to warm up. All profits from
the Carshalton fireworks display will be donated to
local charities, so you can feel an extra glow on the
night safe in the knowledge that you're taking part in
an event that benefits the whole community. One of the
largest charity fireworks displays in South London, you
can expect both families with kids and spectators of all
ages to be out and enjoying the event.The Carshalton
fireworks display takes place at Carshalton Park,
Saturday 3rd November 2012 Gates open at 6pm, the
fireworks display starts at 7pm and the bonfire is lit
at 7.30pm.Advance tickets are available at local
newsagents from October 2012.
£7.50, adv £5 from local shops and
outside Sainsburys in Wallington (28 Oct-30 Oct). |
Carshalton Park
Ruskin Rd, Surrey,
3th November 2012
These community fireworks are
organised by Caterham Round Table in aid of local
charities. Sat: gates open 6pm
£4 adv from various local stores until 5pm, 2 Nov; more
on the door Click
further details
Top of Church Hill,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6SA
details & map
01883 340 945
October 2010 |
Lambourne End Centre,
Chigwell - Bonfire Party. Small fireworks display to
start. Crafts, drumming workshops and story telling, a
comedy act, tricks and fire juggling. All finished off
with a fireworks display to end the night with a
bang! Tel. 020 85003047 |
3rd November 2012
Taking place
at the Chislehurst Recreation Ground, the Chislehurst
fireworks display celebrates Guy Fawkes Night in
traditional style with pyrotechnics, a bonfire and
family entertainment.With fizzing, popping and crackling
fireworks and a bonfire to warm the crowds, the
Chislehurst fireworks display offers plenty of family
friendly entertainment for the 2010 Guy Fawkes Night.
The event is organised by the Rotary Club of
Chislehurst, and all proceeds from ticket sales will go
towards the group's charities.As well as the fireworks
and bonfire, the Chislehurst fireworks display also has
hot food and drink stalls. Funfair rides will also be
available to keep the kids amused. With the crowds
expected to be out in force once more for the 2010
fireworks display, the Bonfire Night celebrations at the
Chislehurst Recreation Ground are expected to be amongst
the most popular in South East London. Wrap up warm and
bring along the whole family for a night of Roman
candles, fountains, rockets and a good old fashioned
bonfire.The Chislehurst fireworks display takes place on
Saturday 3rd November 2012. Gates open at 6pm, with the
bonfire being lit at 7pm. The display itself starts at
7.30pm.Adult tickets for the event cost £6.00 on the
gates. Accompanied children aged 2 - 14 get into the
Chislehurst fireworks display for £3.00, and kids under
the age of 2 go free. Advance tickets are available at
local shops and the Chislehurst Post Office. Tickets
bought in advance cost £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for
accompanied children. CLICK
Chislehurst Recreation Ground
Empress Drive
BR7 5BQ |
Clapham Fireworks Display
Monday 5th November 2012
The Clapham fireworks display
is set to be one of the biggest and brightest around,
packed with an array of dazzling fireworks for the
crowds to enjoy. Expect busy crowds on the night as
Londoners of all ages hit the common for a South London
firework extravaganza. All are invited to turn up
and join in on the day at what is bound to be a
highlight Bonfire Night event. See in the firework
season with a bang in the heart of Clapham and make it a
big one for 2012. Notorious for its high volume of
pubs and bars Clapham Common is the perfect place to
enjoy an impressive fireworks display before settling
down for a drink or two somewhere warm. Visitors can
enjoy the show before exploring the local watering
holes. With this year marking the 405th
anniversary of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot,
visitors to the Clapham fireworks display can expect
something special during an evening of traditional
festivities. Prepare for pyrotechnics aplenty at a
seriously vibrant South London event.Kids and adults of
all ages can get involved at the Clapham Common
fireworks display, a thrilling family event in South
London. The skies will be bursting with light and colour
during a spectacular fireworks event, exploding onto
Clapham Common for 2012.The Clapham fireworks display
takes place at 7:30pm, Monday 5th November 2012 .
Admission is free.
Clapham |
Corams Fields
Nr Russell Square
Friday 2nd November 2012 |
with young children and families in mind, the Corams
Fields fireworks display is a small but welcome
addition to the events taking place across London
for Bonfire Night 2012.
Catering especially for young children who might
otherwise find Guy Fawkes Night rather overwhelming, the
Corams Fields fireworks display will be lighting up the
skies above the British Museum with a colourful and
seasonal show. The short display is perfect for little
ones and all those who prefer their fireworks to come in
bite sized chunks. Hot drinks and
homemade cakes will be available to buy at the Corams
Fields fireworks display to keep everyone warm and well
fed, while kids can also browse the stalls for glow
sticks. No advance tickets are required to attend the
display, although the organisers will be collecting
small donations on the gate for charity.
The small and family friendly Corams Fields fireworks
display is just one of the events taking place across
London to celebrate Bonfire Night 2012. This year marks
the 407th anniversary of the thwarted attempt to blow up
the Houses of Parliament, with the date remaining one of
the most popular and eagerly anticipated in the autumnal
calendar. The Corams Fields fireworks display takes
place at 5pm, Friday 2nd November 2012. The gates open
at 4.30pm. Admission is free, but donations to charity
are invited. |
Crystal Palace
5th November 2012
ready for fizzes, bangs and pops at the Crystal Palace
fireworks display, which actually features not one but
two fireworks events for young and old alike. While the
main fireworks display starts at 8.30pm, there's a
smaller display earlier on at 7pm for young children who
might not be old enough to burn the midnight oil just
yet.As well as the two fireworks displays, Crystal
Palace Park is also playing host to a family funfair
where kids can try out a variety of exciting rides.
Traditional food and drink is also available at the
Crystal Palace fireworks display, including autumnal
treats such as a hog roast. The Crystal Palace fireworks
display takes place on 5th November 2012. Mon:
gates open 6pm, children's fireworks 7pm, main show
8.30pm £5, children (5-13) £3, under-5s free |
Crystal Palace Park
Thicket Rd, London,
United Kingdom
SE20 8DT
Fireworks Display
3rd November 2012
Music from the last six
decades acts as the backdrop to Ealing's annual
fireworks display, so listen out for everything from
Elvis to Kasabian via Wham, Blur and Take That. A
bonfire will be lit after the display, plus there'll be
bars, a BBQ, candy floss carts and children's rides and
entertainment.Set to a stunning musical accompaniment,
the Ealing fireworks display is set to take place on
Saturday 3rd November 2012. Located at the Ealing
Cricket Club If you like your fireworks displays
to be dramatic and set to some rousing music, then head
to the Ealing fireworks display at Ealing Cricket Club
for a fantastic night out. Kicking off at 7.30pm, the
fireworks will be accompanied by some very exciting
music which will no doubt set off the colourful displays
a treat. The music will no doubt impress music
lovers of all ages and inspire more than a few impromptu
cheers during the pyrotechnics display. The gates
for the Ealing fireworks display open at 6pm, meaning
there is plenty of time to get into the Cricket Club and
get ready for an evening of colourful entertainment. For
kids there will be all the excitement of some funfair
rides and novelty stalls, and of course no bonfire night
fireworks display would be complete without the chance
to eat some lovely sticky candyfloss. Adults won't be
left out of the mix either as mulled wine and barbecues
will keep you warm as the night draws on. The Ealing
fireworks display takes place at the Ealing Cricket
Club, with gates opening at 6pm and fireworks starting
at 7.30pm. £6, children under 14 £4 CLICK
Ealing Cricket Club
Corfton Rd, London,
United Kingdom
W5 2HS
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Get your ooohs and
your aaahs ready for the Enfield fireworks display as
the much-loved event returns for yet another year to
Enfield Town. This is a real favourite for those in
North London so if you’re anywhere near EN2, then head
down to the park and enjoy what looks set to be another
great Enfield fireworks display, courtesy of the
hard-working and community minded Scouts.
There are few better ways to cope with the end of the
summer and the advent of those cold, winter nights, than
the fizzing of fireworks and the Enfield fireworks
display has been warming the cockles of north Londoners
for over thirty years now. And even if you get bored you
can make sure you’re kept entertained as there’s a large
funfair there too, ensuring that the thrills won’t just
be confined to what’s happening up in the cool night
sky. If past years are anything to go
by then this year’s fireworks display should be a good
one. Previous years have seen many of the denizens of
Enfield, and those from further afield, heading to a
display that’s a firm favourite amongst many families
north of the river. The Enfield
fireworks display is put on by the Enfield Scouts and is
a great family-friendly affair that continues to be a
traditional must for anyone in the area. The whole event
kicks off in Enfield Town Park on Cecil Road at 6pm,
with the display itself starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are
just £6.00 for adults and £4.00 for children. The
Enfield fireworks display takes place at Enfield Town
Park, Cecil Road, Enfield at 6pm on Saturday 3rd
November 2012. Fireworks begin at 7.30pm.
Enfield Town Park,
Cecil Road,
Enfield |
Saturday 3rd November 2012.
Lighting up the skies above
South London and Surrey, the Epsom fireworks display
celebrates Bonfire Night with many a fizz, bang and pop
to keep the crowds happy. The Epsom
fireworks display brings all the fun of this long
standing autumnal tradition to the Hook Road Arena.
Organised by the 7th Epsom Scouts, the display is taking
place to help raise funds for local charities, with
money taken from ticket sales being donated to a variety
of good causes. The sight of bright and
multicoloured rockets, fountains and mines exploding in
the night sky usually elicits more than a few gasps and
cheers from both young and old in the crowd, and the
Epsom fireworks display is bound to be a popular event
with all ages. Kids can also have a go on the funfair
rides at the event, to keep them occupied before the
display begins. There's nothing quite like
the sight and sound of fireworks to drive away the
autumn chills, so wrap up warm and take the whole family
to Hook Road Arena to enjoy all the fun. A free park and
ride service is available to and from the park on the
night of the event. The Epsom fireworks display
takes place on Saturday 3rd November 2012. Gates open
at 5.30pm, and the display begins at 7.30pm. Tickets
cost £5.00 in advance and £7.50 on the gate. Tickets
are available in advance from local newsagents, and on
the day itself. Kids under 5 go free. |
Hook Road Arena |
Hampton Court Fireworks
The event is in aid of the
Historic Royal Palaces, The Hobson Charity, and The
Gosling Foundation.
The Hampton Court fireworks display takes place on
Saturday 1st November 2008 at Hampton Court Palace and
tickets are £5.00 for adults, £2.50 for kids, and free
for under 5s. Booking in advance is necessary, and for
more information phone 0844 482 7795. The gates open
at 6.30pm. |
Hampton Court |
Fireworks Display
Friday 2nd November 2012
Round Table and Kingston Rotary Club are delighted to
announce that once again they will be hosting
Kingston's main Firework Display on Friday 2nd
November 2012 at Kingsmeadow Athletics and Fitness
Centre Stadium in Surrey. The organisers promise
a display full of colour, noise and excitement,
designed to flow with the music. There will be
children’s funfair rides before the show and family
activities. Radio Jackie will be on site from 6.30
p.m. to entertain you before the display. The event is
aimed very much at the family, with firework safety
being a prime consideration - so please do not bring
any sparklers, as these will not be permitted by the
Catering and toilet facilities will be available on
site during the evening. There is limited cover in the
grandstand but places cannot be booked, however, a
covered area is reserved for people with disabilities.
Tickets are now on sale costing just £5.00 for adults
and £3.00 for children aged 5 to 11, if purchased in
advance. You may buy them online by either clicking
the "Buy Tickets" button or by Pay
Pal on the tab above, or, alternatively they are
available by visiting Kingston Tourist Information
Centre, in the Market Place or at Kingsmeadow
Athletics and Fitness Centre, Kingfisher Leisure
Centre, Tolworth Leisure Centre and the Malden Centre.
Please note that tickets must be purchased in person
from these facilities and that unfortunately it is not
possible to pay by credit or debit card. Tickets can
be bought on the day at the gate and are £6.00 for
adults and £4.00 for children.
Kingsmeadow Stadium will be open from 6.30pm, last
entry at 7.45pm, with the firework display commencing
at 8.00pm. All surplus proceeds from the event will go
to local charities. The event is organised by Kingston Round
Table and Kingston Rotary Club in conjunction with
Royal Borough of Kingston and D C Leisure with support
from Radio Jackie, the local Police and the St. John
Ambulance Service.
Kingsmeadow Stadium,
Jack Goodchild Way,
Kingston, KT1 3PB. |
Lord Mayors Show London
Saturday 10th November 2012
The Lord Mayors Show
London takes place on Saturday
10th November 2012, with the
procession beginning at 11.02am (following a two
minute silence at 11am). Arrive early anywhere along
the route to ensure a good spot. The event is free to
attend. Please note that there
will be no fireworks display this year. After the
wonderful Diamond Jubilee and Olympic celebrations this
summer, it was felt that there’s only so many fireworks
we should be sending up in one year!
Morden Fireworks Display
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Visit Morden Park and have
a blast of a Bonfire Night at the 2012 Morden
fireworks display. Londoners are invited to
join in the fun at the Morden fireworks display and
make it one to remember for 2012 Fireworks and
bonfires will be accompanied by a fairground and
sidestall attractions, offering up plenty to keep the
crowds busy all evening. Visitors to Morden Park can
make the most of traditional fairground attractions
after enjoying a stunning display of fireworks. The
Morden fireworks display takes place on Saturday
3rd November 2012. Gates
open at 5.15pm. The first bonfire will be lit at
6.30pm followed by a fireworks display at 6.45pm. The
second bonfire will be lit at 8.15pm followed by a
second fireworks display at 8.30pm. Nearest tube:
Ravenscourt Park Fireworks
Saturday 3rd November 2012
The Ravenscourt Park
fireworks display is being staged on Saturday 3rd
November 2012, and is set to be a huge Bonfire Night
occasion for Londoners of all ages. The
picturesque surroundings of Ravenscourt Park will
provide a fitting backdrop to a massive display of
pyrotechnics, guaranteed to leave mouths agape and
fingers pointing. Join the crowds to ooh and ahh at the
Guy Fawkes Ravenscourt Park fireworks display in a
landmark London fireworks event. A mini
fireworks display for children will set the scene for a
bigger display choreographed to music later in the
evening, offering something special for adults and kids
of all ages. Expect rockets, bangers and much more in a
first rate display of firework mayhem. A
line up of events promise to make Ravenscourt Park one
of the best places to be to enjoy fireworks in London.
As well as the main fireworks display and smaller kids’
display, there will also be food stalls and funfair
rides, promising a range of proper festivities
throughout the evening. The gates open at 6pm, with the
smaller kids' show beginning at 7.15pm. The main show
will then start at 8pm. It's been 407 years
since the Gunpowder Plot took place and Guy Fawkes was
found guilty of treason. To mark this historic occasion,
Ravenscourt Park will come alive with a huge display of
first rate fireworks that's sure to amaze residents of
Hammersmith and Fulham. This year,
Hammersmith and Fulham Council will also be hosting
their display at Bishops Park once again, following the
venue's major improvement works. Along with the
Ravenscourt Park fireworks display, this gives locals
even more choice when it comes to big and impressive
shows in the area.
The Ravenscourt Park fireworks display takes place on
Saturday 3rd November 2012 with the gates opening at
6pm. A children's show commences at 7.15pm, with the
main display to follow at 8pm. Tickets are
£7.00 on the day, or £5.00 in advance from the Lyric
Theatre box office. Kids under 5 go free.
Ravenscourt Park |
4th November 2012
This year's
display is themed around the 'Best of British' and set
to British music in celebration of some great UK
achievements this year (presumably not including
talent-show winning dogs). The display will be
preceded by dance performances and competitions, plus
there'll be fairground rides, a hog roast and mulled
wine. The lighting of the bonfire, which promises to
be bigger and better than ever, has a surprise in
store. A real favourite for
locals, the Richmond fireworks display remains
incredibly popular thanks to a family friendly
atmosphere and a display that’s always of the highest
And if it rains then fret not, the
Richmond fireworks display has a big covered stand to
keep you dry.This display is always a good one and there
are few better ways to welcome in the colder weather and
the clocks going back than wrapping up warm for Bonfire
Night. So get your woolliest hat, your longest scarf and
your thickest gloves and head down to Richmond for a
great display of Catherine wheels, rockets, serpents and
crysanthemums that are sure to make your Bonfire Night
go off with a bang. The Richmond fireworks display takes
place at Richmond Athletics Ground on Sunday 4th November 2012.
Gates open at 5pm, with the fireworks starting at 7pm.
Advance tickets can be purchased by calling (020) 8940
0397 .£10, children £5, under-5s
free, family (2 adults and up to 4 children) £30;
advance discounts available.
The Athletic Ground
Twickenham Rd, Surrey,
Richmond TW9 2SF
Roundwood Park Fireworks
(Willesden) Display
5th November 2012
The Roundwood Park
fireworks display is taking place in November 2010,
promising traditional Guy Fawkes fun for Bonfire Night
2012. A fireworks and laser display set to
music takes place at 8.30pm, with a George Irvin funfair
and catering stalls adding to the fun. Gates open at
7pm. The Roundwood Park fireworks
display is taking place on 5th
November 2012, giving Londoners
the opportunity to enjoy traditional Guy Fawkes
fun. Commemorate one of the most
notorious events in London history in traditionally
festive style at one of the capital’s most popular
London displays. Roundwood Park fireworks display
takes place on 5th November
2012. The gates open at 6.45pm
with the display starting at 8pm. The event is free to
attend and finishes at 9pm.
Roundwood Park |
Southgate, North London
Saturday 3rd November 2012
The Southgate
fireworks display returns for another year, bringing
one of the best-loved displays to north London. A
perennial favourite, the 2012 Southgate fireworks
display at Walker Cricket Ground looks set to be just
as popular and every bit as magnificent.
It’s not only fireworks at this year’s Southgate
fireworks display, but they are the reason that
everyone keeps coming back. Prepare to get your best
ooohs and aaahs at the ready as the Catherine wheels,
Roman candles, rockets and more shoot up into the air
and ensure that the Southgate fireworks display
remains one of north London’s best
displays. Fireworks for Bonfire
Night are such a great tradition and offer the perfect
antidote to both the clocks going back and the onset
of the colder weather. You can’t beat wrapping up
warm, getting out into the autumn air and keeping the
hands warm with a cup of hot soup, and this display at
Walker Cricket Ground will enable you to do exactly
that in a family-friendly atmosphere.
Visitors to the display can also expect to enjoy a
whole host of other great autumnal delights, with food
stalls and children’s funfair rides adding more
entertainment in addition to the impressive fireworks.
And if you want to bring your little ones, remember
that children under 4 go free. The Southgate
fireworks display takes place on Saturday 3rd
November 2012 at Walker Cricket Ground. The gates
open at 5pm, with the fireworks display kicking off
at 7.45pm. Tickets on the gate cost £6.00
for adults and £4.00 for children under 16. Kids
under 4 years old go free. Tickets can be purchased
in advance at a discounted rate at the office and
bar area, costing £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for
| |
Sunbury on Thames
Firework Display at
Kempton Park Racecourse, Sunbury on Thames TW16 5AQ.
Organiser: Staines Round Table & Feltham &
Hounslow 41 Club Tickets: £6 in advance; £8 on the gate
Gates & funfair open 6:30 pm; Fireworks 7.45 pm;
Free parking 'Biggest & best display in West London'
| |
Friday 2nd November 2012
Head to the Totteridge
fireworks display for an evening crammed full of fizzes,
whizzes and bangs come Bonfire Night. The Totteridge
Millhillians Cricket Club on Totteridge Green is hosting
the family friendly display, which also includes a
traditional bonfire.Lighting up the skies of North
London with a colourful display of rockets, fountains,
Roman candles and more, the Totteridge fireworks display
marks the 407th anniversary of the plot to blow up
parliament. Bonfire Night is a perennially popular event
in the autumnal calendar, and the 2012 displays taking
place across London are bound to be a memorable
affair. As well as the central
attraction of the fireworks themselves, the Totteridge
fireworks display also includes a full bar, mulled wine
and hot food stalls to keep everyone refreshed and well
fed. While you're munching on a hot dog you can also
enjoy live entertainment as a precursor to the
fireworks. You can expect plenty of
drama and stirring emotion at the Totteridge fireworks
display, thanks to the musical accompaniment to the loud
and colourful pyrotechnics. A traditional bonfire will
also be lit to provide an extra glow to the night's
proceedings. The Totteridge fireworks display takes
place on Friday 2nd November 2012. The gates open at
5pm, while the fireworks display begins between 7.15pm
- 7.30pm and will last for 20 minutes. Adult tickets
cost £7.00, tickets for children under 16 cost £5.00,
and toddlers and infants go free. A family ticket for
two adults and three children costs £20.00. On the
door, tickets cost £10.00 and a family ticket will
cost £30.00. To book tickets in advance, visit the
club house or call 020 3519 2779. Nearest station:
Totteridge and Whetstone. Car parking facilities are
also available close to the cricket club.
Totteridge Millhillians
Cricket Club
on Totteridge Green |
Tower Hamlets
Sunday 4th November 2012
Lighting up the skies above
Bethnal Green with a loud and colourful display, the
Weavers Fields fireworks display is one of three events
organised by Tower Hamlets Council for Bonfire Night.
Other displays are taking place at Millwall Park and
Bartlett Park, as smaller, more community focused events
to replace the fireworks at Victoria Park.
Visitors to the Weavers Fields fireworks display can
expect plenty in the way of rockets, willows, Roman
candles and chrysanthemums as the residents of east
London come out to celebrate Bonfire Night in the usual
style. It's now 407 years Guy Fawkes and his
co-conspirators tried and failed to blow up the Houses
of Parliament with gunpowder, and since then it's been
the custom to mark the anniversary with bonfires, guys
and pyrotechnics.
Bonfire Night is one of the highlights of the autumn
calendar, and provides some welcome cheer in the midst
of shorter days and colder weather. Wrap up warm with
gloves, hats, scarves and thick coats and enjoy a night
of free entertainment at the Weavers Fields fireworks
display in Bethnal Green. As the 5th November falls on a
Monday this year, most display's in London have decided
to take place on the Saturday and Sunday before.
Therefore, you can take the kids out for a full night of
fireworks related fun safe in the knowledge that it's
not a school night. The event at Weavers Fields is bound
to a popular event with children and families, so get
your oohs and ahhs ready and prepare to look skywards
for a spectacular show. The Weavers
Fields fireworks display takes place from 7.30pm,
Sunday 4th November 2012. Admission is free. |
Walthamstow Fireworks Display
Monday 5th November 2012
The Walthamstow
fireworks display is a huge Bonfire Night event kicking
off on Monday 5th November 2012, promising traditional
fireworks fun in the heart of East London. Prepare for a
stunning display of pyrotechnics and set the night off
with a bang range of fireworks displays are
taking place throughout London this year and the
Walthamstow fireworks display is set to be a highlight
East London event. Children and adults of all ages can
join in the fun and make it a memorable Bonfire Night
event. The Walthamstow fireworks display takes place on
Saturday 5th November itself, giving locals and visitors
to the area the chance to enjoy traditional Guy Fawkes
festivities on the historic date. Expect a seriously
vibrant atmosphere on the night, as crowds of Londoners
flock to Chestnut Showground for first rate fireworks.
This year marks the 407th anniversary of the infamous
Gunpowder Plot, in which Guy Fawkes and co-conspirators
attempted, unsuccessfully, to blow up Parliament.
Visitors to the Walthamstow fireworks display can
celebrate this historic event in classic style at a huge
fireworks event. In addition to fireworks the event will
include funfair rides and other events for kids and
their families. Visitors can make a day out of it and
join in the festivities on the night. The Walthamstow fireworks display takes
place at Chestnut Showground (behind Walthamstow Town
Hall) on Monday 5th November 2012. The gates open at
5pm and Entry is free. |
Chestnut Showground
(behind Walthamstow Town Hall) |
Sunday 4th November 2012 |
Head to the free Newham
fireworks display on Wanstead Flats and see the skies
above east London lit up in a bright and colourful
pyrotechnics show on Bonfire Night. Hosted
by the Mayor of Newham, the fireworks display on
Wanstead Flats brings plenty of fizzes, pops and bangs
to the green open land on the edge of Epping Forest.
There's nothing quite like some fireworks on Guy Fawkes
Night to bring a spot of colour and cheer to the long
autumn nights, so wrap up warm and take the whole family
along for some free and traditional fun.
There's an intergalactic theme to the 2012 Newham
fireworks display, with a musical soundtrack that aims
to take you through the solar system and beyond. Expect
to hear plenty of chart topping favourites during the
fireworks display, from Take That's Rule the World and
Elton John's Rocket Man to the soundtracks from E.T. and
Star Wars. Keep warm, well fed and
refreshed during the Newham fireworks display with a
selection of hot food and drink available from the
stalls set up on Wanstead Flats. Jerk chicken wraps,
soup, burgers and hot dogs will all be available to buy
at the event, so you can make a night of it and enjoy a
seasonal community event with the whole family.
The free display on Wanstead Flats has been designed by
Pains Fireworks, winners of the top award at the
International Fireworks Festival. Onlookers can enjoy
plenty in the way of rockets, Roman candles, fountains
and chrysanthemums at a first rate display in east
London. The free fireworks display
organised by Newham Council is likely to be a very
popular affair, so make sure you carefully plan your
journey to and from the event. Centre Road and Woodford
Road will be closed between 7pm and 8.30pm, and visitors
are advised to use public transport rather than driving
to Wanstead Flats. The Newham fireworks display
takes place on Sunday 4th November 2012. The gates
open at 5.45pm, and the display begins at 6.30pm.
Admission is free. Entrances to Wanstead Flats
will be on Centre Road and Dames Road. Please note
that no dogs or personal fireworks, including
sparklers, will be allowed. |
Wanstead Flats |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Back for another
year in 2012, the Danson Park fireworks display makes
the most of of their event with a stunning fireworks
show, a funfair and more family friendly
entertainment. Set in the beautiful grounds
of Danson Park in Welling, the 2012 Danson Park
fireworks display aims to be one of the biggest shows in
south east England, so get your gasps of admiration
ready for a spectacular pyrotechnics show. Lasting
nearly half an hour, the display will be lighting up the
night sky on Saturday 3rd November 2012.
Other attractions at the Danson Park fireworks display
include a funfair for kids and food and drink stalls, so
there'll be something to keep both young and old happy
on the night. A variety of community stalls will also be
set up in the park, while the display itself takes place
over the lake and will be choreographed to music.
Organised by Welling Round Table, the Danson Park
fireworks display is a charity event that raises money
for good causes in the local community. Past events have
raised much needed funds for projects such as the
children's water park in Danson Park, new mess tents for
the Scouts, the local junior football club and more, so
you can be sure that your money is going to be put to
good use. The Danson Park fireworks display takes
place on Saturday 3rd November 2012. The gates open at
6pm, with the display itself starting at 8pm. Tickets
cost £5.00 on the gate or £3 for kids and £4 for
adults if booked in advance which can be done online
or via local ticket agents in Bexley. For more
information please click on the link below.
Park Fireworks Official Site | |
5th November 2012
Head to the
Westway fireworks display for a traditional bonfire,
fire jugglers and an impressive fireworks show for Guy
Fawkes Night...Guy Fawkes Night
is one of the most popular events in the autumn
calendar, and for 2011 you can mark 406 years of
gunpowder, treason and plot at the Westway fireworks
display. The annual display comes courtesy of the
Westway Development Trust, and takes place in Maxilla
Gardens close to the Westway flyover. One of the best things about the Westway
fireworks display is that it's completely free, although
as it's a relatively small display you'll want to arrive
early for the chance to secure a viewing spot. Around
300 people are expected to enjoy this fireworks display
in Maxilla Gardens, which also features a giant bonfire. As well as the pyrotechnics show and bonfire
at the Westway fireworks display, you can also enjoy a
display of Guys made by local schoolchildren. There's
also stilt walkers and fire jugglers to provide some
extra entertainment inbetween all the fizzes, bangs and
pops. The Westway fireworks display takes place
from 6pm on Friday 4th November 2011. Admission is
free. Entrance is from St Marks Road alongside the
Westway flyover. Nearest Tube: Ladbroke Grove.
Maxilla Gardens |
Wimbledon Fireworks Display
Monday 5th November 2012 |
Visit Wimbledon
and have a blast of a Bonfire Night at the 2012
Wimbledon fireworks display, taking place on Monday
5th November. The skies of
Wimbledon Park will be alive with light and colour
during a night of thrilling fireworks, exploding
onto the scene at a perennially popular London
event. Children and adults will be out in crowds to
enjoy fireworks in Wimbledon, in celebration of
Bonfire Night 2012. A smaller
children’s display will be taking place ahead of the
main fireworks display event, and both displays will
be accompanied by the lighting of a bonfire for an
appropriately traditional touch. Kids and adults
of all ages can expect traditional Guy Fawkes fun in
Wimbledon, with plenty of firework action in store.
The displays also feature music, guaranteeing
something extra special on the night and a lively
soundtrack to proceedings. In addition to
the fireworks displays and two bonfires a selection
of stalls will be open throughout the evening, along
with a complete fairground. Visitors to the
Wimbledon fireworks display can enjoy the
pyrotechnics and go for a spin beneath the
stars. Visitors to the Wimbledon fireworks
display can make a day of it in one of London's most
famously pleasant areas. Expect a bubbling community
atmosphere at a highlight Guy Fawkes event for 2012.
Wimbledon fireworks display takes place on Monday
5th November 2012. Gates open at 5.15pm. The first
bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm, followed by a
fireworks display at 6.45pm. The second bonfire will
be lit at 8.15pm, followed by a second fireworks
display at 8.30pm. Nearest tube: Wimbledon Park. Tickets are £8.00
for adults and £5.00 for children under 16. Kids
under 4 go free and family tickets (two adults and
two children) are available for £20.00. Sidestalls
and the fairground remain open until 10pm.
Wimbledon |

Firework display at Ascot Racecourse
3rd November 2012 |
Ascot Racecourse – United House Group Day
& Firework Spectacular
Throughout the
day racegoers are welcome to head to the Plaza Lawns
where there will be a selection of thrilling rides for
your entertainment, including a few tamer rides for
the under 10’s. The rides will be free of charge from
10.45am however after the last race, rides will be
charged at £1 per ride which will be donated to local
charities. After racing, Ascot presents a firework
spectacular at 6pm. All racegoers who have purchased
tickets to the racing are welcome to stay for the
display. Last Admission and any re-admission advised
before 4pm. Bars, food outlets and fairground rides
will all remain open until the Fireworks commence.
Candy floss and toffee apples are available all day
from the Plaza kiosks.
Firework Only Ticket
Tickets to just the firework display can be
pre-purchased from the Ascot Round Table or can be
bought on the gate after 4pm.
Ascot, SL5 7JX
For more go to
or for race and fireworks tickets go to |
Binfield, Nr
Sunday 4th November 2012
Following the huge
success of our 2011 event Blue Mountain Golf &
Conference Centre are delighted to announce that
our annual fireworks display will be taking place on
Sunday 4th November 2012. Blue Mountain hosts
one of the largest and most popular firework displays
in the Berkshire area. The display this year will yet
again be produced by 'Star Fireworks' who are known
for their fabulous displays at the Big Brother events.
As well as the fireworks there will be plenty of
things going on for the whole family: Bonfire,
Adult Fun Fair, Kids Fun
Fair, BBQ, Bar, Live
Band. Gates open at 5pm with the
bonfire being lit at 6pm and the display taking place
at approximately 6.35pm. Adult tickets are £8.00 &
Children's tickets are £5.00 - RECEIVE A £1.00
DISCOUNT off all pre-booked tickets! For
more information contact our events team on 01344
312504 or email
Blue Mountain Golf
& Conference Centre ,Wood Lane, Binfield,
Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 4EX
Visit Website |
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary
School Parent Teacher Association is holding its annual
Fireworks Display at the school in Pembroke,
Hanworth.Bracknell company Star Fireworks, which did
displays for Channel 4’s Big Brother, will be managing
the display.Hot snacks and drinks will be
available.Gates open at 6.30pm, with the fireworks
starting around 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6 per adult, £4
per child, or a Family ticket for £15 (two adults and
two children OR one adult and three children) available
only in advance from the school office (01344) 424030. |
John Nike Leisure Centre, Firework
Display, John Nike Way, Bracknell, gates open at 6pm,
call 01344 789000 |
2nd November 2012
Bradfield Southend
2 Nov – A FIREWORK SPECTACULAR at Bradfield CE Primary
School, Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, RG7 6HR
Fireworks set to music. Doors open 5.30pm. Fireworks
7pm. Vicars’ burgers & hot dogs, hot drinks, soup
and doughnuts.Family Ticket £15 (2 adults and up to 4
children) or £5 Adult, £3 school age children. Buy
tickets online at or from Bradfield CE Primary School or
Bradfield Village Stores.
Cock Lane,
Bradfield Southend,
RG7 6HR.
Monday 5 November 2012
Chieveley Fireworks – at Chieveley
Recreation Centre.
Gates open 6.15pm,
* Deadline for entries to Guy Competition 6.30pm * Judging of Guys
* Torchlight
procession of guys to bonfire 7.00pm * Bonfire lit 7.15pm * Fireworks 7.45pm
As always there will be a great selection
of food and drink to choose from. This includes a
licensed bar, refreshments, and a BBQ serving locally
produced burgers, sausages and bacon from Chieveley's
Down Farm with rolls and doughnuts from Shepherd's
Bakery in Chieveley. Free parking is available
on or near to the Recreation Ground.
Guy Competition
Guys on BonfireParents, please encourage
your children to enter the Guy Competition. There are
lots of prizes to be won. You and your Guy will take
part in the torch lit procession through the crowds to
the bonfire. There will be the usual prizes for the
best traditional Guy and this year's special theme is
the Olympics. Bring your Guys to the marquee by 6.30pm
at the latest for judging. There will be two
categories; 1. Traditional Guy 2. Olympics (best
Olympic \ ParaOlympic themed guys)First prize for each
category £25, second prize £15, third prize £10
Bring your Guys to the tent next to the Village Hall
by 6.30pm at the latest for judging.
852904 1 Clewer Hill Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 4BU
Chieveley Recreation
/index.php?page=190 |
Wellington College, Fireworks Display,
Crowthorne, gates open at 6.30pm, call 01344
4th November 2012 |
As well as the annual firework display there is a bouncy
castle, soft play and trampolining for children as well
as a family disco - all supported by the centre’s mascot
Foxy. For grownups, the Time Out café bar will be
selling hot and cold drinks and snacks with a BBQ
outside. Doors open at 5pm, and the 20 minute firework
display to music will commence at 6.30pm. Advance
tickets cost £19 for a family of two adults and up to
two children, £7 for adults, £4 conc. Further discounts
are available for leisure centre members, whilst tickets
will cost slightly more if bought on the night. |
Edgbarrow Sports Centre, Crowthorne
Hungerford Round Table
present their Firework Extraveganza. (Still To Be
Hungerford Town Football Club, Bulpit Lane, Hungerford.
RG17 0EY.
All proceeds to local charities - Mini funfair and hot
refreshments available.
The display set to music will start at 6.15pm.
Tickets £3 for adults - £2 for under 16's - Under fives
are free.
Family ticket £8 - Further information from Neil Benson
on 07885 229314 |
2nd November 2012 |
will soon be here!!
Gates open at 6pm, the fire will be
lit around 7pm and the fireworks will be around
7.30pm. Tickets are the same price as last year, £15
for a family ticket of upto 5 people. With food and
drinks available, this is always a popular event.
Tickets available in the clubhouse or over the
phone. See you there!! Telephone:
0118 947 8600
Caversham Heath Golf Club
RG4 7UT |
3rd November 2012 |
CARTERS STEAM FAIR at Boyne Hill Cricket Club, Boyn
Grove, Bath Rd, Maidenhead. 2-10pm. Grand Firework
Display from 5pm (Entrance tickets needed - £3 per
person, under 5s free) |
Boyne Hill Cricket Club, Boyn
Grove, Bath Rd, Maidenhead |
Wash Common
Monday 5th November 2012 |
Falkland Cricket Club - Grand Bonfire
& Firework Display, plus Barbecue Gates open at
6.00pm - Bonfire lit at 7.15pm, followed by the
firework display. Admission (to be confirmed) - Children
under 5 FREE. Tel: 01635 47658 or 07768 696291 No sparklers
please - do not bring your own. There is limited
car parking space (£2 per car) - Please come on foot
if possible. |
Falkland Cricket Club, Enborne Street, Wash
Common |
3rdNovember 2012 |
The Lions Club Of Newbury -
Spectacular Fireworks Display - Newbury Racecourse
Every year this event proves to be the greatest
pyrotechnic display in West Berkshire and is enjoyed by
thousands of people, some of whom travel great distances
to enjoy the spectacle. As in previous years the
Firework Display will be augmented by some stirring
music and the theme this year is Witches, Wizards and
Fireworks display, Fun Fair, BBQ, Bar, Novelties,
Donuts. Gates open at 4.30pm - Fireworks start at
Tickets bought in advance are £4 for adults, £3.50 for
those aged 5 to 16 years and just £12 for a family
ticket (2 adults and 2 children) and are available from
Tesco Superstore in Newbury, Newbury and Thatcham
branches of Newbury Building Society and The Corn
Exchange.Market Place, Newbury |
The Racecourse,
RG14 7NZ
Lions Club of Newbury |
Saturday 10th November 2012 |
Thatcham Rotary Club presents a
Spectacular Fireworks Display Henwick Farm
off Turnpike Road (Opposite the West Berkshire Community
Hospital) Tickets are available from Subway in Thatcham
and Newbury, Newbury Building Society and the Family
Bookshop in Thatcham and the Regency Hotel Sports
Centre. Advanced tickets - Adults £4.,00 Child under 16
£3.00 Gate tickets - Adults £5.00 Child under 16 £4.00
Gates open 5.30pm - Infants display (quiet) 7.00pm -
Main display 7.30pm. Big Bonfire - Refreshments -
Supported by the Breeze, the new local radio station for
Newbury & West Berkshire. |
Henwick Farm off Turnpike
(Opposite the West Berkshire Community Hospital) |
Kingslere Fireworks Extraveganza.(
Still to be confirmed) Fieldgate Centre
Grounds, Kingsclere. RG20 5SQ
Gates open 5.30pm -
display starts at 6.30pm Tickets in advance £4 for
adults £2 for children under 16 from Kingsclere
Village Stores or Kingsclere Primary School. - Event
organised by the Parent Teacher Association.
Refreshments are
available including a BBQ with vegetarian option. The
Fieldgate Centre bar will also be open. |
3rd November 2012 |
The Friends of Pangbourne Primary School will be hosting
their popular Firework Fiesta with a huge bonfire, 30
minute firework display, BBQ and bar, games and plenty
of fun for all the family. Gates open at 5.30pm. Tickets
are £7.50 in advance for adults/over 12s (£10 on the
gate). All primary school children accompanied by an
adult enter FREE. |
Pangbourne Primary School, Kennedy Drive,
Pangbourne, RG8 7LB
Tickets available online from |
The Shoulder of Mutton in Playhatch (off the
A4155) will be holding its annual firework display.
Bring one large firework per family and get one free
jacket potato (with one filling) per family member
Full bar and hot drinks available. Pancakes
afterwards, donations for charity.
Doors open from 6pm. Phone (0118) 947 3908 for
details. |
3rd November 2012 |
FIREWORKS DISPLAYat Reading Town Football
Club, Scours Lane, Reading
Organisd by The Lions Club of Reading and Reading 107fm.
Plus music, food, drinks and a funfair. Gates open at
5pm and fireworks start at 7pm. Tickets available in
advance from at £4 for adults and £3
for children. On the day, if there are any tickets left
they will be £5 for adults. |
Reading Town Football Club, Scours Lane,
Reading |
8th November 2012 |
2012 Firework Display
Blue Coat’s annual Firework Display takes place at the
School on Thursday, 8th November, with the gate opening
at 6.30pm. Tickets bought in advance cost £7.00; tickets
bought at the gate will cost £8.00; no charge for Under
5s. Tickets will be available from Reception from
Friday, 19th October. Signposted parking will be
available on Sonning Field from 6pm on the day. Hot food
and beverages will be available.
Holme Park,
Sonning Lane,
Sonning on Thames, Berkshire RG4 6SU
Emmer Green
Reading Abbey Rugby Club will hold its
display with a barbecue and bar at its ground at
Rosehill, Peppard Road, Emmer Green. Gates
open at 6pm. Fireworks start at 8pm. There
be a barbecue and bar. Tickets for a
family cost £12 in advance or £15 on the day. Available
from the club house or call 07760 198555. |
9th November 2012 |
Checkendon Primary School, RG8 0SR
This year’s spectacle starts at 6pm when gates open for
a barbeque, bar and various stalls. The fireworks will
start around 7pm. Tickets: adult £3, child £2, available
at the gate on the night.
Checkendon Primary School,
RG8 0SR |
Shinfield Rise
Whiteknights Primary School,
Firework Display, Fairlawn Green, Shinfield Rise,
gates open 6pm, call 0118 987 2588
Rivermead Primary Fireworks Display, Loddon Bridge Road,
Woodley, time tbc, call 0118 954 0770
Springfield School, Barton Road, Tilehurst, Reading,
call 0118 942 1797 |
Saturday 3 November 2012 |
Slough's Bonfire and Firework Spectacular
and firework spectacular will be lighting up the sky
above Upton Court Park on Saturday 3 November.
The crowd will be treated to a superb display of
dramatic multi-coloured fireworks and a flaming
bonfire. There will be refreshments from around the
world and a large fun fair.
Advanced tickets are on sale now from:
and Langley
leisure centres.
Absolute Ice
Tickets will also be available on the
gates. Ticket prices Advanced tickets :
Adult Tickets £4.50, Children/senior citizen Tickets
£2.50, Family Tickets £12.00 Child tickets are
needed for youngsters aged four to 15. Children aged 3
and under get in for free. 16 year olds and above need
adult tickets.
On the night : Adult Tickets £6.00 Children/senior
citizen Tickets £4.00 Please note Family
Tickets won't be available on the night.
For more information contact events on 01753
875194 or e-mail
Upton Court Park,
Website |
TBA. |
fireworks party
Head to Deanwood Park golf club for a three-in-one
spectacular night of Halloween, fireworks and a bonfire
on Saturday 31 October 2009.The club, in Stockcross,
Newbury, is holding a Build A Witch competition at
18.30, with the winning witch being placed on top of the
bonfire and ignited with a rocket.There will also be
prizes for the best fancy dress as well as
apple-bobbing, a barbecue and a bar.Details: Gates open
at 18.00, bonfire and witch-burning at 18.50, adult and
kids fancy dress judging at 19.00, fireworks at
19.30.Advance tickets cost £5 for adults, £3 for
children aged under 16. |
Stratford Saye
3rd November 2012 |
Fireworks Fiesta Saturday 3rd November
This year's event will be held at the Park on
the 3rd November.
This event is run and organised by the
'Lodden Lions' as a charitable fund raising event,
raising cash for local charities. As part of our support
for that, we provide the location free of charge.
Tickets this year will 'only' be available online.
Ticket prices will be £8.00 for adults and £4.00 for
children. ,Tel: 0118 932 6444 |
Park, Odiham Road, Riseley, near Reading, RG7 1S
To purchase tickets, please click on the link below:-
Wellington Country Park cannot be held liable for any
transactions processed via this link |
27th October 2012 |
The Twyford Round Table will
be holding its bonfire and fireworks
display Gates
open at 6.30pm and the fireworks start at 7.30pm
There will be a fun fair, barbecue and
refreshment tent. Tickets can be purchased in advance
from Brighton’s newsagents in London Road or Hare Hatch
Sheeplands farm shop, also in London Road. |
Field in Loddon Hall Road
For more information visit |
5th November 2012
Enjoy a spectacular pyrotechnics display with proceeds
supporting Camp Mohawk, a day centre for children with
special needs. 6-9pm. Refreshments available. Adults and
over 12s £5, under 12s £3. Further details available on
Camp Mohawk,
Highfield Lane,
Wargrave, |
Racecourse Fireworks Extravaganza
Windsor Racecourse Firework Spectacular Family Day
Tel: 0870 727 1234
Fireworks Click |
Fireworks at Legoland Windsor
27th,28th October &
2nd, 3rd & 4th November 2012
Prepare for a
bang, as brand new for this year, LEGO Monster
Fighters Fireworks will be firing LEGO bricks in 3D
(with the help of some 3D glasses!) over the LEGOLAND®
Windsor Resort. Evil Lord Vampyre has awakened his
army of monsters and is escaping with the moonstones;
the Monster Fighters must stop them before they
complete their evil plan to eclipse the sun forever.
Can you help Dr Rodney Rathbone and his team to rescue
the precious moonstones? Before dark,
there will be masses of Brick or Treat fun to get the
whole family in the spirit. Can you complete the
mission and uncover the LEGO Monster Fighter’s
moonstones hidden around the resort? Join Ollie the
Dragon for dancing, singing and monster mash fun! LEGO
build challenges, as well as your favourite LEGOLAND
characters and shows complete this year’s line up, to
keep the whole family entertained from dawn until
dusk. Ever wanted to experience your favourite
LEGOLAND rides after dark? Now is your chance, as some
of the rides will stay open after the Fireworks. So
why not avoid the traffic and treat yourself to a
twilight adventure!
Feeling Hungry? For the bravest of families why not
try our Halloween themed lunch buffet in the Bricks
Family restaurant (available through half term week),
in our new LEGOLAND hotel. Limited edition Halloween
themed Collector’s badges will be back and available
in Kid’s meals during half term week.
Tel: 0871 2222 001
Winkfield Road,
SL4 4A |
Woodley & Earley
3rd November 2012
Club of Woodley & Earley is staging their annual
charity fireworks extravaganza.
The firework display, is accompanied
by music and there will be hot food and beverages on
sale.All Proceeds donated to local deserving causes.
Details: Gates open at 18.00, fireworks at 19.00.
Details can be obtained from the Secretary, Chris Nunn
on 0845 833 9863
Laurel Park in
Rushey Way, Lower Earley,
For more go to
You can enjoy a fantastic display by a
professional pyrotechnic at the Rivermead School in
Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley. There will also be a
barbecue, drinks and glow novelties available. Tickets
are available from Parent Teacher Association's of all
Woodley primary schools up to Thursday 5 November, or
you can pay at the gate on the night. Details: Gates
open at 18.30, display starts at 19.30. Entry is £4
for adults and £3 for children. Ring 0118 9618967 for
more information.
3rd November 2012
A stunning torchlight procession leaves the town centre
at 6pm led by St Sebastion’s brass band and various
local dignitaries, followed by the amazing sight of 500
flaming torches. The procession arrives at Cantley
Field, where there is a funfair and a number of food
outlets. This year’s event is supported by Heart FM
radio, who will provide a presenter in the field to
entertain you and their Heart Angels will be
circulating, giving away freebies. The fireworks start
at 7.30pm and will last 25 minutes. It ends with a big
Tickets cost £4 in advance/£6 on the day. Under 7s are
free. Tickets can be bought at various outlets
including: Wokingham Information Centre, Tescos
(Finchamstead Road), Barclays Bank (Market Place),
Newbury Building Society (Broad Street).
Cantley Park in
Twyford Road

Midsummer bonfires are still lit on some high hills in
Cornwall (see Carn Brea and Castle an Dinas, St.
Columb Major). This tradition was revived by the Old
Cornwall Society in the early 20th century. Bonfires
in Cornwall were once common as part of Golowan, which
is now celebrated at Penzance, Cornwall. This week
long festival normally starts on the Friday nearest St
John's Day. Golowan lasts several days and culminates
in Mazey Day. This is a revival of the Feast of St
John (Gol-Jowan) with fireworks and bonfires. This
list pertains to the Guy Fawkes Tradition.
5 November 2012
football field,Bodmin. Bonfire
and Laser Show from 7pm & Fireworks from 7.30pm
Local schools 'Best Guy Competition' Childrens Rides,
Hot Dogs etc. No sparklers please. Children must be
accompanied by an adult
The Joint organisers reserve the right of admission in
the interest of public safety All proceeds to local
Tickets available at: Bricknells,
Stan May Stores, Football Club,
Morrisons, Martin & Budge, Sproull Solicitors.
Children under 5yrs free if accompanied by an adult. Tickets £4 for adults and £3 for children
on the gates. The under 5s get in free. For more
info contact Bodmin Visitor Centre. |
Priory Park, football field, Bodmin
Lawrence Social Club. Trelawney Fireworks are firing
a Display at St. Lawrence hospital in Bodmin for St.
Lawrence Social Club Halloween party. The party
should start 7pm
St Lawrence Social Club |
Bodmin Moor
Lake Park. Events during Day with
Beast Burning in the evening. Beast Burning and
Firework Display. Magnificent fire show and burning
of giant wooden sculpture of the infamous Beast of
Bodmin. Tickets Adults £7 Child (3-15) £6
Family Ticket (2 + 2 Children) £23 Advance
Booking Prices: Adult £6 Child £5
Family £21 For more information Phone:
01208 - 821469
Colliford Lake Park |
November 3rd 2012
Bude Rugby Club. The bonfire will be
lit at 6.30pm with the a professional firework display
starting at 7.00pm.
On sale will be burgers and hotdogs from the
bar-b-que. Tea and coffee will be available and our
bar will be open. |
Bude Rugby Club |
November 4th 2012
Fireworks – The
View Inn in Widemouth Bay is holding its firework
night on November 4 from 6pm. The Bay View Inn is a
family run hotel and award winning freehouse inn
overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with stunning views of
the bay. Local produce is used for its dishes which can
be eaten al-fresco on a deck overlooking the sea, sand
and surf or in the restaurant.
T: 01288 361273
View Inn,
Widemouth Bay,
Bude, EX23 0AW |
Monday 5th
November 2012
Firework Display
Fire lit 6pm Fireworks 6.30 pm Entrance £10.00 Family (2
Adults/3 Children) Older Children and Adults £3.50
Primary School Children £2.00 Hot dogs, hot drinks No
sparklers and no alcohol.
Bugle School, Fore Street, Bugle,
St Austell, PL26 8PD
3rd November 2012
Callington Community College,
Once again this year, the College is hosting
a spectacular Firework Display for the Community
Start Date:3rd
November 2012 7:00:pm The annual display,
always a huge success, is sponsored by Callington Town
Council, Ginsters and Callington Community College. Entry is free, but
you are invited to make a donation for charity.
This year's charities are Bristol Children's Hospital
Cardiac Ward, Cornwall Air Ambulance, and College
charities. . For more information: Claire
King 01579 386012
Callington Community College,
Launceston Road, Callington, Cornwall
Fireworks, Hot and cold
refreshments on sale.
Gates open at 6pm. Fireworks @ 7pm Family tickets(Max 2
adults & 2 children) available in advance from the
school - £6 On the gate - adults £3, children - £1 |
Rosemellin County Primary
School, Cliff View Road, Camborne |
Sunday 4th November 2012
Carbis Bay Beach, off
Porthrepta Road, Carbis Bay, St Ives Fireworks, Bonfire
and craft fair. 6-10pm
Carbis Bay Holidays are delighted to be the main sponsor
for the Carbis Bay Residents' Association Bonfire and
Fireworks Party once again. Together with other local
businesses we look forward to welcoming you to Carbis
Bay Beach to see the fireworks, enjoy the BBQ
and join in the fun. Start with the lighting of the
bonfire BBQ, mulled wine, teas & coffees,
doughnuts, candlyfloss and sweets. |
Bay Beach, off Porthrepta Road, Carbis Bay, St Ives,
TR26 2NP
Cardinham Sports Club. Bonfire,
Fireworks, Hot Dogs, Burgers, Drinks. Best Guy
Competition at 5.30pm. Bonfire lit 5.45pm and Firework
Display 6.15pm. Tickets on the night Adults £3 Children
£2 (16 and under) Tickets available in advance from a
committee member Adults £2.50 Children £1.50
Contact 01208 813745 (after 6.00pm) for more details. |
Cardinham Sports
Club |
Chacewater Millenium Green.
Bonfire lit at 6.45pm Firework Display starts at 7.30pm.
BBQ and refreshments available. |
Chacewater Millenium Green next to
Village Hall on Church Hill |
Inn. Torchlight procession across the fields from
Cubert, free minibus from Smugglers Den back to Cubert,
hot refreshments, bonfire etc, plus little childrens
fairground rides. Fireworks approx 8.00pm. Approx. £10
for a family of 4. Tel: 01637 830209
Smugglers Den Inn, Trebellan, near
Cubert |
Falmouth Cricket Club Firework
display by Falmouth Firefighters.6pm £6000 of fireworks
set to music. Entrance costs £4 for adults and £2 for
children (no concessions). There will be limited
disabled parking before 5.30pm.
Falmouth Cricket
Club, Trescobeas Rd Falmouth TR11 4JB |
Swanpool Beach Firework Display
in aid of Swanpool Nature Reserve, Also featuring...
Swamp Circus Beach Cafe open for excellent food , Bouncy
Castle, Indaba on the Beach for drinks and hog roast.
Tel: 01326 314740
Swanpool Beach |
Hotel. More information Tel: 01726 833866Bonfire,
BBQ & Bangers. Join us for a bonfire, BBQ &
sparklers for the children on Friday 5th November.
(Please note No Firework Display).
£19.95 per person, children @ £8.50.
Saturday 3rd
November 2012
Lankelly Fowey Rugby Club,
Free Parking · Gates open 6:00pm ·
Guy Judging 7:00pm · Firelighting 7:30pm ·
Fireworks 7:45-8:00pm
· Adults £3.50 Kids £2.50 · Family Ticket £10 · Under
5’s FREE
Lankelly-Fowey Rugby
Club, Lankelly Lane, Fowey PL23 1HN |
Godrevy, near Gwithian, Hayle
Saturday 3rd
November 2012
Annual Firework Extravaganza
There will be an outside marquee for shelter as well as
a stand selling glow sticks, sparklers and other
illuminated objects. There will also be a family disco
in the early evening building up to a reggae club night
with DJs Indian Billy, Sy Clopps and Puzzle for those
who wish to stay on after the firework show. Food will
be served at the Sandisfter from 5pm, where guests will
be treated to a choice of famous Sandsifter burgers,
sausages in rolls, chips or a variety of dishes from the
noodle bar. Hot drinks will also be served. he
firework show will start at 7pm, please arrive early to
ensure nearby parking. Admission is free.
Sandsifter, 1 Godrevy Towans, Gwithian,
Hayle TR27 5ED
31st October
Halloween Firework Spectacular. Fun,
fear, ghosts and ghouls.
Firework display at approximately 7.45pm. Advance saver
tickets available - £10.95 each for adults and children.
Buy your tickets online on Flambards website or call
01326 573404. Advanced tickets can be bought up until
Tuesday 30th October.
Flambards, Helston, Cornwall TR13 0QA
Parc Eglos School, Helston, TR13
8UP, Pumpkin Party Fancy dress parade, games, fireworks,
burgers, hotdogs and activities. 5pm
Parc Eglos School, Helston, TR13 8UP |
Helston Football Club
Helston Football Club |
3rd November
Lanreath Grand Firework Display.
BBQ/Bar facilities available. Tickets at the gate £10
family ticket. £4 adult ticket. Organised by The
Lanreath Amenities Group and kindly sponsored by Old
Ferry Inn Bodinnick, Charter Oak Estates, Moss removals,
Karadow Garden Service and Academy Framing. Firework
Display 7pm For more information: Sandra Pipe Tel: 01503
Lanreath Village Hall,
near Looe,
Cornwall PL13 2NX
Landrake Motoparc, Nr Saltash, Cornwall.
For more info: Rachel Phone number: 07792214342
Organised by Cornwall Schoolboy Scramblers Club.
Fireworks on the Saturday evening. Everyone welcome. |
Coronation Park,
Launceston. Firework Display 7.15pm
-8.30pm approx. Adults £5.00, children 5 and over £2.50,
Under 5s free. Refreshments available. Toilet facilities
at the leisure centre. |
Coronation Park,
Launceston PL15 |
Strawberry Fields, Lifton. Charity
Pumpkin Extravaganza. Family fun, fireworks and
childrens show.
Tickets avalible now in aid of Children in Need From
Strawberry Fields,
Lifton |
Rugby Training Field, Trevecca, Liskeard.
Firework Display organised by Liskeard and Looe Round
Table. From 7pm. Please remember that this is a charity
fund raising event so please be generous. It would also
be sensible to bring a torch as the road between parking
and the display field is unlit. |
Rugby Club Field,
Culverland Park, Trevecca, Liskeard. |
Lizard Town
The Witch Ball, Lizard Village.
Hot food, BBQ, raffle to raise money for the Lizard's
new lifeboat. Mini firework display - all donations
Banjo Pier, Looe, Cornwall.New
Year's Eve celebrations during the evening culminating
in a fantastic firework display. Midnight
Banjo Pier, Looe,
Cornwall |
Tencreek Holiday
Park, Looe. Firework Display organised by
Liskeard and Looe Round Table. From 7pm The funds raised
this year will be going to local youth groups in the
area. Any youth groups in the area should contact
Liskeard and Looe Round Table to tell them what projects
they have and how they can be helped financially by the
Round Table. |
Tencreek Holiday
Park, Looe PL13 2JR |
Mabe, near Penryn
Mabe Car Boot Field. Highway church
firework display. 6.30pm pasty supper Display starts
7.30pm. Tickets with food available only until 1st
November. Book early! Adults & children 13+ with
pasty £5.50 entry only £4.00. children under 12 with
pasty/sausage roll £2.50. child entry only £1.00. under
2yrs free. For ticket information call 01326-378433. If
it rains then the display will be held on the following
Saturday 14th November. All profits go to Penryn &
Falmouth food bank.
Mabe Car Boot Field
3rd November
Water born fireworks – The Malpas
Firework Display is a spectacular event with the
fireworks let off from a pontoon in the middle of the
river so the colours are reflected in the water and
watchers can hear the echo of the bangs in the valley.
Entry is free but donations will be asked for on the
night. Parking is limited. The event on November 3 is a
featured event for the village’s Heron
Inn. It overlooks where the Truro and Tresillian
rivers join the River Fal.
T: 01872 272773 |
Heron Inn,
Trenhaile Terrace,
Truro, TR1 1SL |
Sunday 4 Nov 2012
Bonfire and
Fireworks Display:
Gates open
5.15pm, display at 6pm. Tickets avaiable in advance
from the Spa Shop Menheniot, adults £2.50, children
50p. Ticket prices on the gate £3.00 adults, £1.00
children. Please do not bring your own sparklers due
to insurance restrictions.
Cross Farm Field, across the road from
Menheniot Cricket Club. Cornwall PL14 3RR |
Millbrook Football
Club. Firework Display with Fairground Rides. From 7pm
Adults £2.50 and Children (to be accompanied by an
Hot food and refreshments available.
Millbrook Football
Club, Millpark, Millbrook |
Mithian, near St Agnes
The Miners Arms. BBQ, Bonfire
& Fireworks Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night at the
historic Miners Arms (weather permitting). 7pm
The Miners Arms |
Morval, near Looe
The Grace Church, Morval, Looe
Trelawney Fireworks are firing the Bonfire Night Display
for Grace Church at Morval, Looe.
The Grace Church,
Morval, Looe |
Mousehole Harbour
South Pier (By kind permission of Mousehole Harbour
Commissioners). 5th Annual Firework Display.
From 7.30pm The display can be viewed from anywhere
along the harbour front. Free admission but any
contributions towards the cost via collection boxes on
the night would be gratefully received. (Weather
permitting). |
Mousehole Harbour
South Pier (By kind permission of Mousehole Harbour
Commissioners) |
Mermaid Inn, Alexandra Road, Porth. From
6pm Firework Display approx. 7.30pm depending on tide
times.Organised by Mermaid Inn and Newquay Lions Club.
The evening is free to everyone with the Firework
Display provided free by the Mermaid Inn.Newquay Lions
will be collecting on behalf of the Maternity Unit at
Treliske and Lions Charities so please give generously.
If you are over 16 and would like to help marshal and
collect for the charities on the evening, please call
Lion Andy Cole on 07971550893 or Mermaid Inn 01637
Mermaid Inn,
Alexandra Road, Porth Beach |
3rd November
Firework Display
and Cornwall Hospice Care Fire Walk
Are you bold enough to extinguish your fears and take
on our most extreme challenge yet? Take an
inspirational journey- a bare foot walk over red hot
embers, with no tricks and no special effects, just
you and the fire. Join Cornwall Hospice Care for their
first ever sponsored Fire Walk at Newquay Sports and
Community Centre on Saturday 3rd November 2012. The
Fire Walk will be followed by the Centre’s annual
firework display, with a BBQ, entertainment and more.
So even if you’re not feeling daring enough to walk
the walk yourself you can come along, support the
cause and have a great evening! Register now for just
£25 and join the Hot-Foot it for Cornwall Hospice Care
Fire Walk by calling the fundraising team on 01726
66868, visiting our website – or emailing For more information:
Tamsyn Cocks
Phone number: 01726 66868 Email:
Newquay Sports and Community Centre,
Yeoman Way, Tretherras, Newquay TR7 2SL
7th December
Firework display - part of
Padstow Christmas Festival.
The fireworks will be set off from the north outer
harbour wall beyond the ferry steps at 8pm. The
fireworks can be viewed from anywhere on north or south
quay. For more information: Tel: +44 01841 533449
Padstow Harbour
November 5th 2012
Penzance Football Club, Penlee Park,
Penzance.Annual Rotary Fireworks Display. Firework
Display at 7.00 pm
Admission at the gate: Adults £4.00 Children £2.00
Organised by Penzance Rotary Club.
Penzance Football Club, Penlee Park,
Penzance |
Perranporth Airfield at Cligga end.
Bonfire and Fireworks. Bonfire at 7.00pm and fireworks
about 7.30pm onwards. Cost is the same as last year
£4.00 per adult and £2.00 per child. There is lots of
onsite free parking and there will be refreshments.
Perranporth Airfield
at Cligga end |
Saturday 3 November 2012
Polperro Harbour, PL13 2RT Polperro's
grand firework display. Where else can you watch a
spectacular display against the backdrop of such a
beautiful harbour?! 7.30pm | |
Port Isaac
Saturday, November 10th 2012
Isaac's annual firework display will be held on
Saturday, November 10th. The event will take place at
Gaverne. The bonfire will be lit at 7pm followed
by fireworks at 7.15pm. |
Port Gaverne Beach
The Unicorn Inn Fireworks party, BBQ,
Bouncy castle, raffle, disco. From 6.30pm Bonfire lit
about 7pm and fireworks at approx. 7.30pm |
Portreath Beach. Firework
Display Free Park & Ride from The Treasure Park,
from 5.30pm & last returm at 8.30pm.
Realistic Donations please. 7.30pm
Beach/Clifftop |
Signposted from Grampound Road and new
Stables. Probus Young Farmers Club Annual Firework
Display and Bonfire Party. Display at 7.30pm Adults £3
Children £2. Food and Drink available. Free parking. For
more informatiion Lewis 07813579006 or Jonathan
Probus Old
Demonstration Gardens (Probus Gardens), St Austell
Road, Probus, Truro |
November 3rd 2012
Redruth Cricket Club
Clubhouse |
Rock Inn, Roche.
Rock Inn and Roche Y.F.C Fireworks Party. Bonfire lit
7pm Fireworks 8pm BBQ, Hog Roast, Prize for Best
Dressed Guy, Raffle Followed by entertainment in the
pub from 9pm - The Belfast Busker. Children/OAPs £1.50
Adults £2.00 All proceeds to local charities. For more
information call Shane 07788814467 or Mel 01726
Edgcumbe Road,
Roche (follow signposts) |
T H Sandry Yard. Bonfire lit at 6.00 pm,
fireworks at 6.30 pm. Free entry. Donated fireworks
welcomed. Raffle for local village hall funds.
T H Sandry Yard
First and Last Inn. Trelawney
Fireworks are firing the Bonfire Night Display for The
First and Last Inn at Sennen. All welcome.
First and Last Inn |
Magic in the Skies
Firework display at Land's End. October Half Term.
Fireworks ignite at 6.45pm – 7.00pm approx.
Land's End. |
St. Agnes
Driftwood Spars Hotel,
Trevaunance Cove.BBQ & Fireworks. Celebrate Guy
Fawkes Night at the historic Driftwood Spars (weather
permitting). 7pm
Driftwood Spars Hotel, Trevaunance
Cove. |
St Austell
St Austell Rugby Club Tregorrick Park,
Tregorrick Lane, St Austell, Cornwall. Halloween
Firework Display
Limited free parking, childrens fancy dress comp, hog
roast, bar. Adults £3.00 pre sold ticket or £4.00 on
gate, Under 16's £2.50 pre sold ticket or £3.00 on gate
under 2' free. Donations to Cornwall Hospice Care. Tel:
01726 76300 Email:
St Austell
Monday 5th November 2012
Bishop Bronescombe School Field, Boscoppa
Road. Fireworks display and bonfire. Tickets will be on
sale from Wednesday 13th October. Family Tickets £10
Adults £4 & Child £3 Gates open at
6.40pm - Fireworks start at 7pm |
Boscoppa Road
St Austell
Cornwall PL25 3DT
St Blazey
Friday 2nd
November 2012 |
Bonfire & Firework display
BBQ, followed by a Halloween Fancy Dress & disco by
Retallicks Razer Lights Disco in the club. Ends 11.55pm.
Adults £3.00, children and OAPs £2.00. In the week
before this on Weds 31st October we are having a Guy
making competition where children can come along and
make a Guy, materials are to be provided but they can
bring their own if they want. The winning Guy will have
pride of place on the bonfire on the 2nd and all the
others will be put around the fire. For more
information: St Blazey Football Club Tel: 01726 814110 |
t Blazey Football Club, Station
Road, St Blazey, Par, Cornwall, PL24 2ND |
St Dennis
3rd November
St Dennis Fireworks, Bonfire
& Mini Fair.
Followed by live music with "Cover Up" amazing live act.
Kids rides open at 5pm. Fireworks at 7:30.
Competition for best Guy Fawkes. Entry by donations. All
in aid of Cancer Research & St Dennis Variety
Hot food, candy floss, sweets available. For more
information: Richard Keast Phone number: 07792670584
St Dennis Working Mens Club (Main
car park) Fore Street, St Dennis PL26 8AD
St Ewe
Village Hall |
St Ives
Porthminster Beach. Firework Display.
from 6.30pm Firework Extravaganza. The usual spectacular
pyrotechnics on the beach, plus the barbecue and
refreshments available at the Pedn-Olva end
servery.Light-up is at 7 pm. Donations in the buckets go
to cover costs, with any surplus for St Ives Town AFC
funds. Price: Free to watch !
Porthminster Beach,
St Ives |
St Just, Near
St Just Rugby
Football Ground. 7pm Firework Display
St Just Rugby Club
St Mawes
Barge off St Mawes Quay Firework
Display. Donations for Firefighters Charity and other
local charities. Donations can be made at Barclays Bank
- Quote St Mawes Fire Brigade. 7 pm
St Neot
2nd November
Whizz Bang Boogie.
Carnglaze Caverns annual fireworks display with music
from the King Earl Boogie Band.
Admission: Adults £10, Children £5. Tel: 01579 320251
We’ve fireworks aplenty the sky will be ablaze with a
cacophony of colours as you munch your burger or your
hot sausage in a bap! After you have oohed & ahhed
at the splendiferous efforts of Celebration Fireworks
you will find the air rife with that wondrous odorous
post firework haze… Then into the cavern for the most
brilliant boogie music you’ve ever heard provided by
The King Earl Boogie Band, it makes your feet itch
with the desire to dance! Held in Aid of St Neot Scout
The Rum Store, Carnglaze Caverns, St Neot,
Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 6HQ
St Tudy
Bonfire Night event. From 6pm
Hengar Manor Country
Park, St Tudy, Nr Bodmin, Cornwall, PL30 3PL |
Grand Firework Display organised by the
Lions Club of Tavistock for and on behalf of the
community. In Tavistock Meadows by kind permission of
Tavistock Town Council. Entrance £4 for adults and £1
for children. Display starting at 7pm. Come early and
enjoy the Lions Club barbecue. Grand firework
display staged by the local award winning company Two
Tigers Fireworks on behalf of the Lions Club of
Tavistock.Contact 0845 8334807 for further
Meadows, Plymouth Road, Tavistock, PL19 8SP
Tintagel Cricket Club, The Butts,
Tintagel Fireworks. Free entry. The money for the
fireworks has been raised by local buisness in Tintagel.
Free bouncy castle for children. Food available and
refreshments at a reasonable cost.
Tintagel Cricket
Club, The Butts, Tintagel |
The Mill House, Trebarwith. Firework
display 6.30pm. BBQ.Trelawney Fireworks are firing the
Bonfire Night Display for The Millhouse Inn, Tintagel.
All welcome.
The Mill House,
Trebarwith, near Tintagel. |
Tregony Bridge TR2 5RW Fireworks
event featuring special guests, The Pearl of Africa
Children's Choir. This choir of Ugandan children tour
the country once a year to raise money for their
orphanages back in Uganda. Please help us support The
Pearl of Africa Children's Choir by attending the
fireworks event. Entry is £3.50 for adults and £2 for
children with 50p from each adult ticket going to the
Pearl of Africa Children's Choir. Remaining proceeds go
towards this year's production from the Tregony
Clockhouse Players.Gates open at 7pm, the Guy Fawkes
competition 7.30pm with the fireworks from 8pm. Burgers
etc available from the BBQ and sparklers/glow necklaces
available too.
Tregony Bridge, Tregony TR2 5RW |
Treknow Village
Hall. Festival of Lanterns. Family event. Parade
through Village starts 6.00pm Bonfire, Fireworks, Bar
BQ's Licensed Bar, Cornish Band FREE ENTRY Contact
Richard on 01840 779230 for further details.
Treknow Village Hall
Well Parc Inn.
Fireworks & Bonfire extravaganza, BBQ,
refreshments. Bonfire lit 6.30pm Fireworks at 7.30pm
Barbecue, Hot Drinks, Bar. Plenty of parking
available. For more information, contact 01841 520318.
Well Parc Hotel,
Trevone, Padstow, Cornwall PL28 8QN |
From Lemon Quay.
During City of Lights Procession.7pm -
8.30pm |
Lemon Quay |
5th November
Tremorvah Playing Fields Group, in
association with Truro City Council are holding their
annual bonfire and fireworks display on Monday 5th
November. The event is kindly sponsored by local
solicitors Stephens Scown and will raise money for
Cornwall charities. Gates open at 5pm with the fire lit
at 6pm and fireworks set off at 6.30pm. The event will
finish by 7pm. Hot food and refreshments will be on sale
and there will be stalls selling snacks, glowsticks and
sparklers. Admission is adults £3, children over
4, £1 and under 4's are free. Any child bringing along a
guy will have free entry – judging is at 5.15pm by
Truro’s Mayor.
Tremorvah Playing Fields, Bodmin Road,
Truro. (opposite Archbishop Benson School, Truro, TR1
Tywardreath Primary School,
South Park Road. Firework display. Fun for all the
family - come along and join the fun. Display starts at
7pm. BBQ Available. No Sparklers please |
School, Southpark Road, Tywardreath PL24 2PT. |
Outer Retallick Farm Just off
Winnards Perch Roundabout. Wadebridge YFC Bonfire Night
Fireworks 7.30pm Refreshments available Entry -
Donations on Gate All proceeds to charity. Everyone
Outer Retallick Farm Just off
Winnards Perch Roundabout
Crealy Leisure Park, Tredinnick,
Wadebridge, Cornwall. Trelawney Fireworks are Firing a
Display for Cornwall Girl Guides at Crealy Leisure Park.
All welcome.
Crealy Leisure Park, Tredinnick,
Wadebridge, Cornwall.
Town centre |
3rd November 2012
WADBRIDGE Camels RFC are holding a
bonfire on Saturday the 3rd of November from 6pm
Wadebridge Camels RFC, Molesworth Field, Wadebridge,
Wadebridge |
WADEBRIDGE Young Farmers' Club holds a
annual bonfire and fireworks. This year for more
information, please ring Emma Sleep on 07545 612092. |
Fawkes Night Firework DisplayFirework Display starts
7.30pm Hot Food Come early! Event ends at 10pm. |
Wendron Cricket Club, Underlane ground,

Round Table
fireworks and Hallowe'en party at Barnstaple Rugby
Gates open: 6pm; fireworks: 7pm
| |
Budliegh Salterton
Monday 5 Nov 2012
Bicton College Bonfire and
Firework Night
Join us for a fantastic family event on Monday 5th
November. Enjoy the grand firework display with
wonderful reflections over the lake and blazing bonfire.
Gates open at 5.30pm, with the fire lit shortly
afterwards. Free parking and lit walkways. Make sure you
wrap up warm and don\’t miss out this Bonfire Night!
Please wear sensible footwear as the terrain is uneven.
Refreshments include: Hog Roast, Mulled Cider, Stone
Baked Pizza and Home-made Soup Call 01395 562300 or
email: for more
information. Advance tickets available from Bicton
College Reception, tickets will also be available on the
gate. more
Open - 5.30pm Adult - £5 Child - £3 Phone - 01395
562300 to order tickets from Reception, tickets will
also be available on the gate. |
Bicton College, East
Budleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Devon EX9 7BY
- River Dart Country Park - entry from 4.00pm fireworks
to music, high ropes by candlelight, hog roast, fun
stalls, grand raffle
Tuesday 6 Nov 2012
Display Bonfire BBQ
Fireworks Display Denbury Down Lane Denbury Tuesday 6th
November gates open 5.45pm Display 7pm Tickets £4 adults
£1 children all proceeds to Denbury School Available
from Denbury School or Post office or call 01803 812478
Lane Denbury Devon TQ12 6DP |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
DunkeswellBonfire and Fireworks
Dunkeswell Village Hall Management Committee are holding
a Bonfire and Firework Display from
7.00pm Large Bonfire, Fantastic Fireworks,
Hot Dogs, Barbecue Punch Hot soup and other treats
provided by Dunkeswell Pre-School Group Entrance by
Donations |
Dunkeswell Airfield |
5 November 2012
Exeter Round Table
Charity Firework Display at Westpoint Arena, by
Exeter Round Table’s Annual charity fireworks display is
being held at Westpoint again this year. This
spectacular event has grown to become the biggest
fireworks display in Exeter, and taken on a new
dimension since moving to Westpoint three years ago.
Expect a great fun night out for everyone with:
fairground rides, food and drink stalls
- and of course a spectacular fireworks display by
Firemagic(UK) Ltd. Opening times: 5.30pm Gates open
7.30pm Fireworks display Please plan to arrive on site
by 6.45pm at the latest, to allow time to park and pass
through the ticket gates before the fireworks go off at
7.30pm. Please note that we will need to close the main
gates to road traffic at 7.15pm due to the location of
the fireworks firing area. If you arrive after 7.15pm we
cannot guarantee that you will be able to get onto site
even if you have bought advance tickets. Sparklers are
not permitted at this event.
Admission Prices - In Advance: Adults &
Seniors: £5 - Children: £3 - Family (2 Adults & 2
Children): £13
Advance tickets will be available from the 17th October
from the following locations: - Londis, Sylvania Drive,
Exeter, Londis, Gladstone Road, Exeter,
Londis, Clyst St Mary, Quickprint, Sweetbrier
Lane, Heavitree, Specsavers Opticians, Fore
Street, Exeter, - Lavis News, Magdalen Road - Queen
Street News, Queen Street - Broadway Stores, St Thomas -
Dunns Motors (BP Garage), Marsh Barton - Stagecoach
Travel Shop, Exeter Bus Station - Gillets Spar,
Silverton - Redmayne Bentley Stockbrokers, 20
Southernhay, West Exeter - Co-Op, Heavitree, Exeter -
The Range, Exeter - Phoenix, Exeter - Pinhoe Pharmacy,
Admission Prices - On the Door (Cash Only): - Adults
& Seniors: £6 - Children: £4 - Family (2 adults, 2
Children): £17 Stagecoach are offering a special
return fare of £1 per person from Exeter city centre to
Westpoint Arena on the 5th November for this event. This
fare is only valid on Stagecoach Services 52B and X52.
To qualify for this fare each person travelling must
present an advance ticket for the event ( a family
ticket entitles 2 adults and 2 children to travel
together for £1 each)
- Westpoint arena
- EX5 1DJ
/fireworks/index.php |
Exmouth Fireworks,
Exmouth Rugby Club , Imperial
Recreation Ground, Imperial Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8
7pmCost: Adult £8,
Kids £3The 2009 Exmouth Fireworks will be on
Thu 5th November. Held at the Exmouth Rugby Football
Club the Exmouth Fireworks are organised by the
Exmouth Round Table.So for a fun family Bonfire Night
out, make a date for the 2009 Exmouth Fireworks at
Exmouth Rugby Club
Exmouth Rugby Club |
Firework Display
Exmouth Devon Bassets Farm Primary School.Firework
Display At Bassetts Farm Primary School Exmouth
Exmouth, Devon Friday 6th November 5pm to 6.30pm We
will be lighting the skies over Bassetts Farm
Primary School Exmouth and counting down the seconds
to the lighting of our grand roaring bonfire and
spectacular musical firework display. Join us...
and firework display
Professionally organised bumper firework display and
giant bonfire, bar b que, soups, toffee apples, bar. £4
adult, child £2.50, family ticket 2+2 £11.00.
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM. the playing fields, offwell, honiton.
Virtual Bonfire Night * Hundreds of people celebrate Guy
Fawkes night crowded around a VIRTUAL bonfire projected
onto a giant screen tonight after health and safety
killjoys forced them to scrap the real thing. The
fireworks & the fun are real! Chambercombe Park
Road, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9QN Tel: +44 (0)1271 863001
Rugby Club Firework display - Ivybridge Rugby Club,
Exeter Road. 7.30pm
Saturday 3 Nov 2012
Lee Mill Fireworks
Fireworks at 7.30pm (approx.) There will be a bar with
refreshments aswell as a Hog Roast and BBQ and a
Veggie Option. On behalf of the Lee Mill Community
Association, raising money for a new village hall. more
Starts 6pm. Fireworks at 7.30pm. Approx. times.
Please be aware the park is grass, so wellies
advisable if wet. Parking available in the lorry
park behind the garage.
Bottle Park, Lee
Mill Devon PL21 9EJ |
- at the playing fields, gate opens 5.30pm
Recreation Field - Grand Fireworks Display, binfire lit
7.00pm, Fireworks from 7.30pm - Refreshments. Entrance
Firework Display Advance Tickets Adult £4 Child £3
Family £12 (2ad 2ch) Gate Prices Adult £6 Child £3.50
Family £17 (2ad 2ch) Tickets on sale from both
Okehampton Road and Cowick Street Post Offices (St
Thomas) until 12pm Sat 6th Nov. Music, Bar-be-que,
Licensed Bar, Hot and cold drinks, Glow toys. (sorry no
sparklers for insurance reasons) Due to the nature of
the event, All under 18's MUST be under the supervision
of a responsible adult. Car park restricted to blue
badge holders only, but plenty of on-street parking is
available nearby. Sunday, November 7, 2010, 6:00 PM.
Exwick Civil Service Club, EX4 2BQ
Saturday 3 Nov 2012
On Saturday 3th November, Moretonhampstead Sports and
Community Centre is hosting the annual Fireworks
Display for the village. South-west firework company
‘Skyburst’ will be choreographing a superb display;
there will be roast pork rolls with apple sauce and
stuffing and hot soup with a ‘special brew’ of mulled
wine available and hot chocolate, as well as a full
range of drinks from the Centre’s licensed Bar. more
at 6.00pm with Hot food available and Bar open.
Bonfire will be lit 7.00 followed shortly by
Fireworks. Adults £5 Children £2.50
Sports and Community Centre Devon TQ13 8NZ |
5th November 2012
OS Grid Ref: 191:SX641940. Start 7.30. Gates open
6pm Admission: Adults £7; children (14 and under): £3
Tel: 01837 840334 / 01837 84063
Email: |
Finch Foundry Field,
Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon, Devonshire, EX20 2NW |
Ottery St Mary
Friday 26th October 2012
There is a special Bonfire
Night tradition in Ottery St Mary, a town in Devon (near
Exeter). Barrels which have been soaked with tar are lit
and are then carried on people's backs through the
streets. This has been done since the 17th century. The
fires were believed to drive away evil spirits from the
town. For more about this tradition, see:
Friday 26th October 2012 Firework
Display on the Land of Canaan after the Grand Carnival
Procession at 10.00pm
Tel: 01404 813964 Email: |
The most
incredible, the most amazing and most wonderful firework
display will take place again this year. Please come and
support it by contributing to this fund raising event
for the facilities for our children - young and old.
The gates will be open from 5:00pm, the bonfire lit at
6:00pm and the firework display at 7:00pm.
Location : Village Play ParkContact : Ann Down
07717762758 or email
Admission is as follows; Family (Two parents and all
their school age children) £10.00, Adults £4.00 and
Children (Under 18) £2.00.
5th Nov 2012 |
Colebrook, Plymouth
Colebrook Community Centre firework display at Peacock
Meadow in Colebrook
Fired by Skyburst - The Firework Company
in Colebrook
5th Nov 2012 |
Plymouth Hoe Bonfire and
Firework Night
Join us for
a spectacular evening of music, lighting and
fireworks display
The countdown to
the pyrotechnic action will get underway at 6pm with
entertainment from the stage on the Hoe promenade. The Bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm and
Fireworks being launched at 8pm set to dramatic
musical soundtrack. Smeaton's Tower, the Citadel and
the War Memorial will again be 'colourwashed' with
coloured floodlighting to complement the glow of the
bonfire.There will also be
fairground rides and food stalls available all
The Hoe
PL1 2AR |
5th Nov 2012
Following last
year’s popular display, we hope to stage an even
more spectacular event in 2012.
the ‘bonfire’ will be constructed to replicate a
massive rocket, which the builders assure me, will
‘lift off’ after the ignition sequence. Interesting?
This will take place at 6.30 p.m. Be there. Before
and after this we have music from the excellent
local band :Seth Paver and the usual well stocked
bar serving our unique blend of mulled wine, local
ale and cider.
In the food tent there will be a pig roast, Drew’s
succulent burgers and home made toffee apples,
as well as tea,coffee and soft drinks. Sponsorship
from local companies and individuals is welcomed;
please contact Roger Davey for further details 01395
597751 Times: Gates Open 5.30 p.m.
Rocket Ignition: 6.30 p.m. Fireworks 7.15 p.m.
DISCOUNTED PRICE: Adults £5 Children (under 16)
£3 (ON THE GATE) Adults £6 Children £4
Starts: November 3, 2012 5:00 pm Ends:
3, 2012 10:00 pm Cost: ££6 Adults £4
Under 16 £4 Discount for advance tickets |
Manor Grounds. Sidbury Manor
Tipton St
From 4pm
at Tipton St John Playing Field - a Hallowe'en themed
bonfire and barbecue. Lots of spooky fun on the field,
pumpkin skittles and a haunted hike walk. Come in
ghoulish fancy dress and bring your decorated pumpkins
for the chance of winning a prize, plus monster bonfire
and a fantabulous barbecue.Tipton St John is easy to
find on the road between Ottery St Mary and Sidmouth,
the playing field is in the centre of the village.
Annual Bonfire and Fireworks
Start: 7 Nov 2009 - 7:00pmEnd: 7 - 9:00pm.Come
and see our annual bonfire and fireworks display
. held
at the Torrington
Rugby Club, Donnacroft, Torrington.
Keep an eye on this site for more
information and prices as we know them.We will be
again using Two Tigers Fireworks so the
display will as spectacular as usual ond of course
very well priced.Email:
Torrington Rugby Club,
Donnacroft, Torrington
Friday 2 Nov 2012
Gigantic annual firework display. Amazing fireworks to
music, sparkler area, fairground rides, food stalls and
more. Free parking. All proceeds go to Uffculme Primary
School PTFA to help fund extra activities and resources
at our village community school. more
children £3 free parking
Ground, Bridge Street, Uffculme Devon EX15 3R |

3rd November 2012
Big Bang Firework
Display at St. Mary's School Beaminster
Refreshments including burgers and hot dogs will be
available. The St Mary's School
Association (SMSA) will again be organising the splendid
Firework Display which takes place within the school
grounds. Gates open at 6.00pm and the display starts at
6.30pm. £2 adults, £1 children |
St.Mary's School,
Beaminster, Dorset
3rd November 2012 |
Bournemouth is the centre of the Bonfire Night
celebrations in England's grooviest seaside
The Gates open at 5.30pm and there
are 3 firework displays. At 7pm, 8pm and the White
Knuckle display will start at 9pm. There is also a
family funfair, licensed bar, refreshments and arena
entertainment. Plus a free indoor family zone with kids
disco and circus entertainment. Adult
tickets - (16 years old and over) £6 Child tickets -
(Under 3 Free) £4 Family Early Bird Deal – book
before 28th October 2 adult & 2 child tickets £15. Tickets are available to buy on the gate but
family tickets and discounts are not available on the
night. Tickets are available on the Ticket Hotline 0844
576 3000 and at the BIC Box Office. Tickets
are also available from THE SHOP (Littledown
Reception),BIC Box Office, Pig & Whistle Pub (14
Queens Road), Christchurch Information Centre or by
calling the Ticket Hotline. Children under 16
years old must be accompanied by an adult and will not
be admitted at the gate. There is parking on site
at the Littledown Centre and an overflow car park will
be situated at Bournemouth Hospital.
BH7 7DX |
3rd November 2012
Fireworks Night
7pm for an 8pm start. £3 per adult, £2
children, £8 family
Bridport Leisure
Centre Skilling Hill Road, Bridport. Dorset DT6 5LN
3rd November 2012
Fireworks, Bonfire
and Tank Display Bonfire, Tank Display and Fireworks.
An explosive evening of tank action and
fireworks as The Tank Museum hosts the Bovington
Garrison Display in association with ATDU. There will be
entertainment, traders, refreshments and plenty of free
parking. Simply wrap up warm and buy your tickets on the
gate. PROGRAMME: 17.00 Gates open; 18.30 Bonfire lit;
19.00 Vehicle display from ATDU and Tank Museum; 20.00
Fireworks; 22.00 Site closes.
Bovington Garrison,
Viewing Area. Bovington
Dorset BH20 6JG |
3rd November 2012
fireworks |
beach |
Saturday 3 November 2012
Community Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular
Christchurch Community Bonfire and Fireworks Spectacular
Christchurch Rotary, announces the 2012
Christchurch Community Bonfire and Fireworks Spectacular
with the customary wide range of complementary
activities. Once again, with the participation of many
local organisations, there will be plenty for young
people to do between opening time and the start of the
fireworks. Gates open
at 5pm, fancy dress competition at 5.45pm, Bonfire at
6.15pm, Gugge Band at 7pm and fireworks at 7.45pm. Food
stalls, face painting and free parking at 2 Rivermeet
Leisure Centre.
Tipping for the bonfire starts on Monday 24 October
and finishes on Wednesday 2 November (excluding Sat 29
& Sun 30 October) Combustable material only. No
Leaves. All loads will be strictly supervised and
refused if not satisfactory. |
Stanpit Recreation
Stanpit, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 3LU |
Corfe Castle
2nd November 2012
from 9pm; fireworks over Corfe Castle & a delicious
BBQ. Fireworks from 7.30pm. Families welcome. |
5th November 2012
Dorchester Rugby
Club Fireworks Display
Wrap up warmly and watch this wonderful fireworks
display which starts at 7.30pm. There will also be a hog
roast and barbecue. Gates open at 6.00pm.
Rugby Club, Coburg Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2HX
Lyme Regis
3rd November 2012
Lyme Regis Bonfire
Night & Firework Display. Lyme Regis is the place to
be on bonfire night. Join the crowds of people who come
to enjoy a fantastic firework display over Lyme Bay and
warm themselves by the bonfire on the beach. Fireworks
at 6.30pm Admission Free
The Cobb
Lyme Regis, Dorset |
3rd November 2012
Piddle Valley
First School Bonfire and Fireworks Night
All welcome to the Piddle Valley Bonfire
and fireworks night. Food and drink available. Gates
open at 6pm, fireworks at 7pm. Adults £4. Children £2
Family ticket for 2 adults and up to 4 children
£12 So wrap up warm, come down to our
school, grab some hot food and a drink and enjoy the
bonfire and fireworks. It starts early so all the little
ones can enjoy the evening too. See you there! |
First Scool, Pidletrenthide, Near Dorchester Dorset DT2
7QL |
3rd November 2012
Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Zorbing Balls, Face
Painting, Bar til Late and Chocolate Fountain.Gates open 5.30pm Bonfire Lit
6.30pm Fireworks 7.15pm
East Dorset
Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club: Salterns Road,
Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH14 8BL,
5 November 2012
Poole Quay, Poole Quay, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HJ,
Dorset Fabulous fireworks will be setting Poole’s
skyline ablaze as spectacular November 5th celebrations
get underway on Poole Quay.Celebrate the night with a
bang from 4.30pm on 5th November as the largest
FREE firework night event takes place on the South coast
thanks to event sponsors Quayside and Wave 105. As
jesters, stilt walkers and street performers delight the
crowd, there will be plenty to keep the whole family
entertained. Children’s rides, face painting and a
special disco plus snap and glow will keep younger ones
occupied whilst dare devils try their skills on the
Vertigo Climbing wall. With live music, including the
sounds of steel band, Samba Panache the fun continues
throughout the early evening with the Bournemouth
Carnival band. Just the thing to ward off the winter
blues, the party atmosphere is rounded off with the
traditional fireworks extravaganza over Poole Harbour at
7.45pm. For enquiries please contact Poole Tourism
on 01202 253253 |
Poole Quay, Poole Quay, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HJ,
Friday 9th November 2012 |
Gates open 6pm, Bonfire lit 6.30pm, Display at
7pm. Adults £5 in advance or £6 on the gate -
children free. |
- St Andrew's C of E VA Primary
- West
Fontmell Magna
3rd November 2012 |
The Sherborne
Castle Fireworks Extravaganza
Sherborne Castle
hosts entertainments, live music, refreshments and
food from 5pm, bonfire will be lit at 7pm and the
fireworks will start at 7.30pm. Co-ordinated by
Sherborne Area Youth & Community Centre and the
Rotary Clubs of Sherborne and a proportion of the
proveeds will go towards supporting charitable work in
the town.
OAPs/Children £3, Car £3
Castle |
Sat 10th
November 2012
Fireworks Night -
Fantastic display, social fun, hot food, hot chocolate
& winter mulled wine! |
Yarrells House
BH16 5EU |
Saturday 27th October 2012 |
will be taking place on Saturday 27th October 2012
at"The Fuzzy Bit" Verwood
Due to public demand Flameburst 2012 will feature a
larger Junior fireworks display complete with mini
bonfire. As in previous years Firework Effects will fire
this event. |
Bit" Verwood |
Friday 2nd November 2012
Halloween Fireworks and Torch
Live Music, Licenced Bar, Food, Fairground Rides
Prizes for best Fancy Dress Spectacular Firework
£5 adults £1 Children (under 14) Torch
procession starts at Wareham Town Hall at 6.30pm
Event at Rugby Club Ground...
Event at Rugby Club Ground starts at 7pm |
Fawkes Celebrations, Weymouth
5 November 2012 |
Pavilion, Beach & Bay. Remember
Remember the 5th of November One of the Borough’s
biggest annual community events. On Thursday 5th
November 2012, many thousands of local children with
their families will gather on Weymouth Esplanade to
enjoy the Free Traditional Community Guy Fawkes
Celebrations. A wealth of family
Guy Fawkes entertainment, including Fireworks, Guy
Fawkes Competition, Fun Fair and Beach Bonfire with many
special guests and visitors including the Mayor of
Weymouth and Portland enjoying the fun. The
climax of the evening will be a fabulous Free
International Firework Display at 7.20pm over Weymouth's
moonlit bay. The display is presented and co-ordinated
by Weymouth’s favourite Firework Company Pains
Fireworks. Get Building! for the
Children's Guy Fawkes Competition at 5.45 pm in the
Pavilion Foyer judged by our special guests. Don't miss
the lighting of the Great Beach Bonfire at 7.00 pm and
International Firework Display at 7.20 pm with the Fun
Fair in the Pavilion Forecourt from 2.00 pm to 10 pm.
Tel: 01305 785747 Email:
DT4 8DF |
3rd November 2012
Wimborne and Colehill Fireworks
Dorset's longest firework display and, thanks to
you, we keep getting bigger and better! In 2011 we fired
an incredible 15,210 fireworks! This year, its going to
be an even grander event. 2012 marks our ninth
year, and our guests, friends and fans keep coming back
for more! With an estimated 20 minute display, a
supervised sparkler zone for the kids, professional
catering and low ticket prices, we like to think we
offer the best value of any display in the South
West. Book your tickets now and ensure your place
at Dorset's longest firework display! Tickets can be
purchased in person from the School reception, or by
sending an SAE to the School address. The SAE method of
application will close on Monday 29th October Pre-book
your tickets now and YOU could be the lucky ticket
holder** invited to trigger the start of this year's
display - an incredible ONE TONNE of fireworks! (**Any
competition winner under 16 must be accompanied by an
adult) Gates Open at 4:30pm Best Guy Competition 5:30pm
Bonfire Lit at 6:00pm |
Middle School, Colehill Lane, Wimborne, Dorset |

2nd November
Association's annual bonfire and fireworks night
begins at 18:00 hours, when there will be a BBQ
(locally sourced), mulled wine and tea
tent, sweets and treats. Bonfire lighting will be at
18:30 hrs. Everyone welcome.
at 19:00 until
20:00 Adults: £5, Children £2.50,
Family £12
Birdlip Primary School,
Birdlip, Gloucestershire GL4 8JH
Bonfire and Fireworks Night's Website
3rd November
Bonfire Night and Fireworks Display . Bonfire and
fireworks display, best guy competition and hot
refreshments. Event organised by Bisley Bluecoat Primary
School PTA to raise funds for primary school. Firework
display run by specialist company. Parking Gates open at
5.30pm, judging of guy is at 6pm, bonfire is lit at
6.30pm and fireworks start at 7.30pm. Family ticket for
4 people is £10 The pleasure ground,
This is a great
family night out. Hot food available: BBQ, soup,
chilli. Bar and mulled wine. Glow items on sale.
Park at school, walk to Bisley Recreation Grounds in
Vanderbreen Street.
Guy Competition - entries received by 17:45, Judging
of Guy competition at 18:00, Bonfire lighting at
18:30, Fireworks at 19:00 hours.
Van der
Breen Street, Bisley,
Gloucestershire GL6 7BN
Visit the
'Bisley School Bonfire & Fireworks Display 2012'
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
Display at Cheltenham Racecourse 2012
The Round Table display is
recognised as the largest in the South West region
attracting a crowd in excess of 10,000 people.In
addition to a spectacular firework display there will be
the following to keep the crowd entertained prior to
what promises to be a colourful
extravaganza. fireworks,
Star 107.50 FM local radio, fun fair, street
performers, food and
drink. The
racecourse location offers a natural amphitheatre for
the display itself as well as ensuring that spectators
can safely watch the event from hard standing and in
some areas under cover of the Grandstand. All profits from the event will be donated to
local deserving good causes. Time: The gates are open at
5.00pm and the display is scheduled to start at 7.00pm.
Ticket: TBC Available
on the gate. Adults £6, children £4, family tickets
available |
Cheltenham Racecourse, Cheltenham
Racecourse |
To be Updated |
Light Up The Dark
service and fireworks
St Philip & St James’ Church in Cheltenham
will be holding its annual Light Up The Dark service
for families once again , with a fireworks display and
hot dogs afterwards. The service starts at 6pm, and
this year children are being encouraged to dress up in
the theme of ‘Magical and Marvellous’. St Philip &
St James Church, 60 Painswick Road, Cheltenham, GL50
2ER Free of charge Telephone: (01242) 573508
10th November
& Fireworks Display at St. Edwards School. Organised
by the school PTA this display is a popular choice in
Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. Bonfire, Hotdogs,
Stalls , Rides for small children. Time:
Gates open 6.00pm display at 7pm. Tickets: Available
from St. Edwards School or on the gates.
St Edwards School, London
Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Glos
GL52 6NR
Visit the 'St Edward's
Firework Display 2012'
2nd November
Churchdown's annual
firework display! Gates open at 17.30. Tickets on
sale at Council Offices and the LG3 Community Hub.
19:10 until
20:30 Adult: £3
advance £4 on gate, Child: £2 in advance, £3 on gate
Churchdown Park,
Glos GL3
Visit the 'Churchdown
Extravaganza 2012' Website |
3rd November
Table will be holding their fireworks extravaganza
parking at the Beeches car park.
While more details are yet to be confirmed, the gates
are expected to open at 5pm, with the bonfire being
lit at 6pm, followed by the fireworks display at
Victoria Road Playing
Fields, Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Visit the
'Cirencester Round Table
Fireworks Display
2012' Website |
3rd November 2012 |
FERN Bonfire & Firework Display
A family event including free glowsticks for
children, a funfair, stalls, amusements, food and hot
drinks. Gates open 5pm. Bonfire from 6pm. Firework
display 7.30pm.
Speech House Field,
Saturday 3 November 2012
Dursley Round
Table fireworks display
Dursley Recreation Ground will come alive with
fireworks and a big bonfire , at the annual
fundraising event organised by the Dursley and
District Round Table.As well as the fireworks display
shown in two halves, families can also see the
lighting of the bonfire, with a funfair and hot food
and drinks served. Funfair rides
Guy competition at mid-day on Saturday Time:
gates open 6pm fireworks at 7pm, bonfire at 8pm Tickets:
TBC adults £4, children £3, family £12
Dursley, GL11 4EH |
Monday 22 October 2012
Display 2012
The 2012 Ebley Firework Display is
organised by Stroud Rotary Club and Stonehouse Round
table. This years Ebley Firework
Display will feature more fireworks than ever before,
synchronised to music. Funfair, Local
Gates open 6pm Tickets:
adults £6, children £3
Marling School Field, Stroud.
6 November 2010
Fireworks in The Park Organised jointly by the
PTA, Fairford School and St Mary's Church. This years
display promises to be bigger than ever before with the
following on offer: Bonfire, Fireworks, Some
fairground rides, Hot food
Drinks Time: From 6pm Tickets: £10 family(2 + 3),
£4 adult, £2 child (4-16) and OAP's in advance from
Fairford Primary School and 7a coffee shop and Deli
Allium. Where: Fairford Park,(behind the town car park),
top of High Street, Fairford
To be Updated
Fireworks at The Inn at
FossebridgeA spectacular display in the
grounds of a 300 year old coaching inn to Help 5
year old Bethany Fenton The Inn at
Fossebridge is to stage a fund raising Bonfire &
Firework displayin aid of St
Andrews's C of E Primary School, Chedworth..
Massive bonfire - BBQ with hot dogs, burgers -
Toffee apples - Mulled wine & winter Pimms -
Proceeds in aid of The Bethany Appeal - Event:
Fireworks at The Inn at Fossebridge -
- Time: Bonfire at 6.30pm,
fireworks at 7pm - Tickets: FREE
The Inn At Fossebridge, on the A429
between Cirencester and Northleach, GL54 3JS
To be Updated |
Firework Display at The Ground.
Start 6.45. £5 adult; £3 under 16
Tel: 0117 9108030
Email: |
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
Fireworks at Gloucester Docks 2012
over Gloucester Docks will be lit up with a firework
spectacular organised by the Gloucester Round Table.
Lots of family fun is guaranteed with fantastic firework
illuminations and pyrotechnics ensuring a great evening
of entertainment at Gloucester Docks for 2012 Guy Fawkes
celebrations. The Gloucester Docks Fireworks 2012
will include... Hot food, Refreshments, Live music,
Market stalls with bonfire night treats, Local radio and
lots more!!! No pets - except guide dogs. Time:
gates open at 6pm, display begins at 7.15pm Tickets:
Family Four (Gate Price) - 2A + 2C £16.00,
Advanced Family £13.00, Adult (Gate Price)£6.00,
Advanced Adult £5.00, Child (5-15 yrs) (Gate Price)
£4.00, Advanced Child £3.0, Seperate (2 Adult, 2
kids)£20.00,Citizen "Early Bird" Family Ticket Offer
£12.00. Available from Gloucester
Quays Customer Services desk, Gloucester TIC and
National Waterways Museum. Limited tickets available
on the gate. Tickets available online from October.
The Docks,
Gloucester, GL1 2ER
Fireworks |
3rd November
Hucclecote Rugby
Club's annual firework display. Advance tickets from
Creese Brothers Butchers, Passion Florist, Topshop
and Hucclecote Rugby Club. Gates open 18.30hrs.
Limited car parking.
19:15 until
Adults: £2.50, Under 16's: £1.50, Under 5's: free,
Family: £7
Hucclecote Rugby Club,
Churchdown Lane, Hucclecote, Glos GL3 3QH
Visit the 'Hucclecote RFC
Firework Display 2012' Website |
3rd November
Leckhampton Scout annual bonfire night and fireworks
celebration. Refreshments will be available.
Scout Hut, Leckhampton,
Cheltenham, Glos GL53 0AL
Visit the
'Leckhampton Scouts Bonfire Night Firework Display
2012' Website |
To be Updated |
Fawkes Night at The Courtfield Arms, Lydbrook
: Come along to the Courtfiled Arms Guy Fawkes
Night - in aid of Lydbrook School. Childrens Guy
Free firework display.
Apple bobbing
Time: 6pm.
Tickets: Free.
The Courtfield
Arms, Ross Road, lower Lydbrook, Glos. GL17 9NU |
Monday, November 5 th 2012
Spectacular at Bathurst Park, Lydney Bring the
whole family to watch a fantastic fireworks display in
beautiful Bathurst Park. The display is managed by a
professional pyrotechnic company, who provide a
spectacular show. Refreshments,
Danter's Fun Fair. We'll see you there!!!! Time:
19.30pm Gates open at 18.00 Tickets:
16+ £3, 5-16 £1, under 5s Free Event Contact: 01594 842
234 |
Park, Whitecross Road, Lydney, Glos. GL15 5HE
Visit the 'Bathurst
Park Fireworks Display 2012' Website
To be Updated
Hampton Bonfire and Firework Display Bonfire
6.30pm fireworks 7pm Tickets available from The Masons
Arms Meysey Hampton or (18 Church Street, Meysey
Saturday, November 3rd
Minchinhampton Fireworks Night
Time: Gates open at 5pm Tickets: £5 for
adults, £3 for children and senior citizens, and
children under three are free of charge on the gate (£12
for a family of five in advance.) There will be a
fabulously fiery bonfire, spectacular fireworks, a
delicious barbecue, mulled wine and more.
Telephone: 01453 883273 |
Minchinhampton School
School Road
Minchinhampton School |
To be Updated |
The Fire Service
College hosts a display of fireworks. A collection will
be made for Click Sargent.
Bonfire Food and drinks
Time: Gates open 6pm, bonfire at 6.45pm,
fireworks at 7.15pm
Tickets: FREE - collection to be made for Click
Where: Moreton Fire College, Mosedale Road entrance,
Moreton-in-the-Marsh, GL56 0RH |
November 10 th 2012
Quedgeley Fireworks
Time: Fireworks start at 7pm |
Dimore II Playing Field, School Lane
Quedgeley Fireworks
Monday, November 5 th 2012
Quenington Fireworks Night
Time: Gates open 6.30pm, bonfire lit at 6.45pm
Tickets: Entry is free (voluntary contributions in aid
of local causes) |
Godwin's Field Quenington |
Monday, November 5 th 2012
Leonard Stanley Fireworks
Time: Gates open at 6pm Organisers are planning a
fireworks night event at Leonard Stanley School.
Weather and conditions allowing, it hopes to hold the
event on Monday, November 5. If it is rained off,
however, it's hoped the display will be able to go ahead
the following day. Refreshments will be on sale. More
details to follow. |
Leonard Stanley Primary School |
To be Updated
Family Firework Display
Time: Gates open at 6pm Tickets: Adults £5,
children £2.50. Family tickets costing £12 are available
in advance from the school A family firework display
organised by the Friends of Thrupp School, with the
usual fireworks and bonfire, plus licensed bar,
barbecue, toffee apples, hot soup and much more.
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. |
Thrupp Primary School, Thrupp Lane, Stroud
GL5 2EN |
To be Updated
Tetbury fireworks display
The annual bonfire night celebration at Sir
William Romney’s School in Tetbury will start when the
gates open at 6pm. There will be a best Guy
competition, before the lighting of the bonfire takes
place at 6.30pm and the fantastic fireworks display
starts at 7pm. Organised by the South Cotswold Rotary
Club, tickets will be available on the gate with
proceeds going to charity. Huge
bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm with the fiirework
display at 7pm Hot and cold drinks and
refreshments The colourful and
sometimes noisy display means that local animal owners
may want to keep their pets indoors between 7.00 and
8.00pm. SWR School is the place to enjoy Tetbury’s
Fireworks Extravaganza in safety; it’s far less
expensive than individual back-garden parties – and
certainly not to be missed! Time:
Gates open 6pm, Tickets: £5adults/£2.50
and pensioners T
elephone:(01666) 502378
Sir William Romneys
School,Lowfield Rd , Tetbury |
To be
A firework
display with a difference as the fireworks will be
lit on a raft in middle of the lake for more
dramatic effect.
This event is in aid of the County Air Ambulance
and will include the following:Bonfire,
Refreshments, Bar, Live
music Time: Gates
open at 6pm, bonfire lit at 6.30pm,
fireworks at 7pmTickets:
£10 per car Where:
C Firework Display on the Water at Croft Farm,
roft Farm
Waterpark, Bredons Hardwick, Tewkesbury, GL20 7EE
To be
bonfire and fireworks display
Vineyards Playing Fields in Tewkesbury will play host
to a huge bonfire and free fireworks display with
Tewkesbury Abbey used as a photogenic backdrop ,
at the annual event organised by Tewkesbury Rotary
Club.Opening at 6pm, there is also set to be
amusements for children and refreshments being sold
before the bonfire is lit at 6.30pm.
This is a free event organised by Tewkesbury Rotary
Club with a collection made for local charities.
The Vineyards Field, (behind Tewkesbury Abbey),
Tewkesbury |
5th November 2012
The Chantry - Annual Firework
Display Celebrate bonfire night at The
Chantry's popular annual display. Gates open at 6pm
for a 7pm start.
01454 414268 |
52 Castle Street, Thornbury,
South Gloucestershire, BS35 1HB
To be
Winchcombe School plays host to a spectacular
firework display which is orgainised by the
Winchcombe School Association and the Friends of
Winchcombe Abbey Primary School. A spectacular
professional display will be lighting up the skies
over Winchcombe on Friday 7 November.
BBQ, Bar. The organisers have suggested that it be
preferable to leave cars at home as there is limited
parking .
Time: Gates open 6pm ,
display starts at 7pm Tickets: Adults
£3.50, children £2.50, pre-school age free, family £10
Where:Winchcombe School Field, Greet
Road, Winchcombe, GL54 5LB |
To be
Bishops Cleeve
Cleeve Primary School bonfire and fireworks
Bishop’s Cleeve Primary School in Cheltenham
will be holding its annual fireworks display and
bonfire on its playing fields once again in 2009.
Gates for the popular event will open at 6.30pm, with
the bonfire being lit at 7.15pm. Visitors can expect
hot food and drinks as well as a roaring fire to keep
them warm. A
bonfire and firework display near Cheltenham
organised by the Friends of Bishops Cleeve Primary
School in the school grounds.
Refreshments , Stalls. The
will be lit at 7pm Time:
Gates open 6.30pm TTickets
£4 for adults and £1.50 for primary school children,
on the gate.Tickets available from
the school and on the night. Where:Bishops
Primary School, Tobyfield Road, Bishops Cleeve, GL52 8NN
Telephone: (01242) 673814 |
To be Updated |
The Burley
Fields Firework Display (Leckhampton Firework Display
2012) has the biggest bonfire in England.A
large firework extravaganza in Leckhampton, Cheltenham
with lots of entertainment for the whole family,
including disco & live music, small fun fair, fast
food serving mouth watering pork baps, burgers, hotdogs
and chips . The fireworks are professionally lit
by Sandling Fireworks.N.B. Strictly no
alcohol, fireworks or sparklers are to be brought in.
Bonfire lit at 7pm, Kids Firework display at 8.15pm with
main display at 9.45pm. Tickets: £4 in advance or £6 on
the night (limited tickets available) available from
Burley Fields Farm shop (Friday 10 am - 1 pm & Sat
10am - 4pm), Leckhampton convenience store and
Shurdington Post Office or by Phoning Pam on 07769700067
or Steve on 07831734683. Where: Burley Fields,
Crippets Lane, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GL51 4XT
Fields, Crippets Lane, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GL51 4XT
To be
A firework display hosted by Parliament Primary
Fireworks , BBQ, Refreshments,Bouncy
Childrens rides, Fully
disabled access and parking
Time: Gates open 6pm
fireworks at 7pm Tickets:
£1.50 adults, £1 children in advance £2.50 adults and
£1.50 children on the night. All children must be
accompanied by an adult. Where:
Parliament Primary School, Bisley Old Road, Stroud, GL5
1NL Contact phone : 01453 753994 |
To be
Ashton Keynes
A fanfare of fireworks at Bradstone Field will
be lighting up the skies over Ashton Keynes in
dramatic style this year.
Bar , Refreshments.Time:
gates open 5.30pm fireworks at 6.30pm Tickets:
£4 adult (£5 gate); £2 child (£3 gate); £10 family (£12
gate) in advance Where:
Bradstone Sports Field, Rixon Gate. Ashton Keynes. |
To be Updated
Organised by the PTA in aid of Fairford School.
This years display promises to be bigger than
ever before with the following on offer:
Bonfire , Fireworks, Laser
Fairground rides, Food and
drinks Time: From 6pm Tickets:
£10 family, £4 adult, £2 child (4-16) and OAP's in
advance from Fairford Primary School. Also available on
the night. Where: Fairford
Park,(behind the town car park) Fairford |
To be Updated
Nailsworth Scouts Firework will be holding their annual
display on Saturday night.This is a
community event for people of all ages.Proceeds from the
evening will go to The Nailsworth and Forest Green Scout
Group The brilliant firework display will be followed by
the big bonfire! Hot dogs and hot
drinks are available. Time: 6.30 - 8pm Tickets:
£2.50 for adults and £1 for children. All money raised
goes to supporting the Nailsworth and Forest Green Scout
Group. Which provides a wide variety of adventurous
activitys for over 70 young people. Where:
King George V Playing Field, Nailsworth |
To be
Society brings the village together for a celebration of
Bonfire Night. Everything
takes place between the vilalge green and the village
hall. Full bar, Traditional
- hotdogs, baked potatoes etc. Food also
available at The Butchers Arms pub Time:
Bonfire lit at 6.45pm, fireworks at 7pm Tickets
: a donation of £10 per family to cover costs and
maintain the high annual standard Where:
The Village Green, Sheepscombe |
To be
firework display and bonfire organised in aid of
Northleach C of E School, Northleach.
Refreshments , Bar Bonfire
at 6.30pm Fireworks 7pm Time:
Gates open 6pm, Tickets:
Family £10 - Adult £4 - Conc. £2 - Under 3 free (all
children under 12 must be accomp by adult) Where:
Next to Westwoods Centre, Northleach |

3rd November 2012
Gates open at 5.30pm and entertainment on stage begins
at 6.15pm. A special ten-minute fireworks display will
be at 6.45pm for children under five years old and will
be set to children's TV themes. The main display, which
celebrates the best of 2012, starts at 8pm and is a
twenty-minute spectacular of colour and surprises.
Advance tickets: Adult: £6 / Child (under 16): £2 / OAP:
£4. On the gate: Adult: £7 / Child (under 16): £3.
Manor Park, Aldershot
Rushmoor-Fireworks-Spectacular |
To be Updated
Four Marks Bonfire
and Fireworks night
Four Marks C of E School Fireworks, Bonfire, Fairground
rides, BBQ, bar, refreshments. Entry Passes available
from Reeds Butchers, Medstead and Village Flowers Four
Marks from 11 Oct or on the night at Four Marks School.
3rd November 2012 |
Round Table
Firework Display - Anstey Park 6pm - 9pm
A fantastic display that sure to WOW. Again
provided by Pains Fireworks this year, we will expect a
bigger a better display. Held on the anniversary eve
this year, we hope the atmosphere will again light up
the skies of Alton. We will again this year be listening
to the sounds of "On Edge" in the build up to the
fireworks. Our MC for the evening is a guest speaker
form Eagle radio. Keep an eye out for further
information around the town. To see a review from last
year see the website link. For advanced tickets see our
outlets in the info link. |
- Anstey Park, Alton, Hampshire
- GU34 2RL
- Alton
To be Updated |
War Memorial Park, Crossborough Hill,
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AG Time: Gates open 6pm
Fireworks 7.30pm (all times approx). Prices: Adult £7
(adv £6) U16's £4 (adv £3), U3's FREE The 2010 Mayors
Charity Firework Fiesta in Basingstoke will take place
on Friday 5th November in the War Memorial Park. In
addition to the fireworks, there will be a funfair and a
local radio roadshow as well as a variety of
refreshmentsFor a great evening of fireworks and fun for
the family, head to the 2010 Basingstoke Bonfire Night
Fireworks, Hampshire! | |
27th Oct 2012
Overload Fireworks at National Motor Museum, Beaulieu
Fireworks at National Motor Museum, Beaulieu
New Forest Beaulieu’s annual Fireworks
Spectacular, one of the largest in the South,
Beaulieu will be celebrating early with a Superhero
theme. Everyone is invited to turn up in fancy dress
with prizes going to the best dressed. So don your best
Superman or Catwoman costume, ride the old fashioned
fairground and watch the fireworks make a bang to
superhero music. Email: |
Beaulieu National
Motor Museum,
New Forest
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Bonfire & Fireworks – The nights are drawing
in, the clocks will soon be changing and Bonfire Night
is just round the corner! This year’s Village Bonfire
Night celebration takes place on Saturday 6th November -
don’t miss it! 5 pm – Meet at Village Hall
for tickets & torches,
5.30 pm – Torch-light procession from Village
Green to Recreation Ground, 6pm – Lighting of the
Bonfire at the Recreation Ground, 6.30 pm – Firework
display Tickets £5 (adults) & £2.50 (children) BBQ,
mulled wine & soft drinks available
Important note: If you have anything to
contribute to the bonfire, please bring it
along to the area marked on the Recreation
Ground from Saturday 20th October!See you there! |
Beech, Nr
Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4AD
Village Website
To be Updated
Come along
to our annual Bonfire and Firework Display at Broughton
Sports Field, Buckholt Road, Broughton, Hampshire.
Fireworks start at 7.45pm.
To be Updated
Bonfire and Live Band. Bransgore School Association
Firework display, bonfire and live band. Bransgore Hog
roast, bbq and glow sticks. In
the grounds of the Three Tuns Inn, Gates open - 6pm
Further details: |
Bognor Regis
To be Updated
Yacht Club, 1 West Front Road, PO21 4SY. Enjoy an
evening at the beach with a good firework display,
bonfire, barbeque, tombola, stalls, lucky dip, BBQ and
Roasted Chestnuts. Start time 7.30pm.
Website |
To be Updated
Rotary, announces the 2010 Christchurch Community
Bonfire and Fireworks Spectacular with the customary
wide range of complementary activities. Once again, with
the participation of many local organisations, there
will be plenty for young people to do between opening
time and the start of the fireworks. Free Parking
To be Updated |
in Colden Common. 6:00pm - 8:00pm THE annual
fireworks show at Colden Common will take place on
Sunday, November 7th. It will begin at 6.15pm with a
torchlight parade, which will start from the community
centre in St Vigor Way. Those attending need to bring
their own torches, and the group will head to the
recreation ground. Fireworks start there at 7pm and
other attractions include sales of florescent necklaces,
and a barbecue run by the Scouts. Visitors will also be
asked to make a donation towards the cost of the
show. Colden Common Community Centre, St Vigor
Way, Colden Common, Hampshire SO21 1UU
7 November 2012
GEORGE V PLAYING FIELDS Cosham. Time: From 6.30pm. Watch
as the biggest firework extravaganza takes to the skies
in Portsmouth Portsmouth City
Councils annual bonfire and fireworks display, sponsored
by Aqua Cars. A fantastic free event for all of the
family with live music from 6pm provided by Wave
105.2fm. The bonfire is to be lit at 7pm and the
firework display will be at 7.30pm This year there
will be a fancy dress competition sponsored by
Stagecoach, if you come along dressed in a fantastic
costume, you may win a prize. There will be also
be an amazing fire juggling performance. . Food: A variety of stalls. Parking: Limited
free parking at IBM. Cost: Free, charity collections.
Contact: (023) 9282 6722.
George V Playing Fields,
Fareham and Gosport
To be Updated
St Anthony's
Firework and Bonfire Spectacular 2010 at 4pm - Come
early. Fantastic firework dislay (6pm), brilliant
bonfire (5pm), magnificent models and much more. Gates
will close before 5pm. Bring all the family and
friends and enjoy the hog roast, bbq, hot chocolate,
mulled wine, toffee apples and fun for all. There will
be a pumpkin competition, stall and games for all!
Tickets available from the school in Primate Road at
discounted prices before the night - Adults £3,
children £2, pre-school children free and family
tickets available. # Venue: St. Anthony's RC Primary
School # Telephone: 01489 579100
3rd November 2012 |
Fleet Lions Fireworks Fiesta in Calthorpe Park
Fleet’s firework display with refreshments, Gluhwein,
BBQ and more. Free parking in Victoria Rd and
Harlington Way Council car parks Entry on the night:
adults £6, children £3. Advance discounted FASTRACK
tickets from the Lions in the Hart Centre (see our
website)Gates open 5pm for display at 6.30pm
Calthorpe Park, Reading Road North,
Fleet GU51 5FA
/fireworkfiesta.html |
To be Updated
Fairground and BBQ. Bring wellies and torches, but
please no sparklers or fireworks. All proceeds to
local charities. Damerham Sports
Field - gates open 6.30pm, free parking. Prices
£5 adult, £3 children or £15 per family of up
to 5 and pre-school children are FREE Contact : |
To be Updated |
SULTAN, GOSPORT Military Road, Gosport. Time: Gates open
6pm, fire lit 7.15pm, fireworks 8pm. Other
entertainment: Fire Eaters, Jugglers, Titan the Robot,
plus fairground rides. Food: A number of quality
Parking: Free parking close to the site. Cost: Family
(two adults, two children) £10, Adult £3.50, Child (five
to 14)/OAP £2.50 Contact: (023) 9272 2351.
Sat 3 Nov 2012
fireworks, a monster display and great music organised
by the Rotary Club of Lymington.
firework display, plus trampolines, bouncy castle,
rides for toddlers, climbing wall, hot dogs &
burgers, hot & cold drinks, candy floss, toffee
apples & novelty items. Adults - £4.00. Children -
£2.00. Under 4 years - free. Gates open at 18:00,
Firework to Music Display 19:30 Organised by Rotary Club of Lymington. All
proceeds to local charities.
Recreation Ground
Pennington, Lymington, SO41 8HH
To be Updated
great firework display and bonifire put on by the New
Milton Round Table.
Saturday 3rd November 2012
VICTORIA COUNTRY PARK - Time: Gates open 6pm, fireworks
display at 7.30pm. . Parking: Free on site.
Contact: (023) 8045 5157
Another spectacular display to music in a beautiful
setting. Refeshments, activities, miniature steam train
rides and a mini fun fayre also available. Gates will
open at 6pm.Cedar Tea rooms will be open until 7.30pm.
Fireworks at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from
1st October. In advance: £5/adult,£3/child.
On the night:£7/adult, £5/child. £20/family ticket
(2+2) Under 4s free Cost: £5/adult,
£3/child |
Royal Victoria
Country Park, Netley Abbey, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31
Royal Victoria Country Park
Fireworks 2012 (link)
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Fireworks and Music Extravaganza 2012
You can buy your tickets right now: Buy
There will be almost 20 minutes of fireworks and
the display will be professionally run to the highest
standards by The UK Firework Company, so you can enjoy
the spectacle of an organised display. The event is
organised by Petersfield Round Table and the
funds we raise go back to the local community.The
event starts in the town square (See map) with
entertainment and you can buy a selection of 'glowies'
to light up the procession. Once the local fire &
rescue crew arrive in their fire engine they will lead
a procession from the square to the field (Map showing Bell Hill recreation
Best "Guy Fawkes" Contest -
Win £500! We're offering a fantastic
prize of a £500 donation to your club, charity or
organisation for the best themed/dressed Guy! Bring
your Guy along to the Fireworks before 6.30pm. Entries
will be judged by the Chairman of Petersfield Round
Table and his panel of judges. Put on your best
creative and imaginative hats to make a guy that will
stand out to the judges! The winner will be announced
at 6.45pm. School
Competition A prize draw is being
held through the local schools. Put your name and
number on the entry form and take it back to school
and you could win the chance to light the bonfire or
start the fireworks by pressing the Big
Red Plunger. The winners get special
Golden tickets for free family admission. One
runner-up from each school will also win a family
ticket. Additional info for a great
evening Please note there is NO
parking at the field, or the adjacent roads..
Please park in one of the many car parks in town.
There will be catering on the field, including a
licenced bar. Please take your litter home! The Air
Training Corps have kindly offered their toilet
facilities. We prefer that you do not
bring sparklers onto the field. They can be
dangerous in crowds and the wire can cause injury to
children and pets if left on the grass.
Safe illuminated novelties will be on sale. There will
be a first aid station at the ATC building by the
entrance. For more information contact |
Bell Hill Recreation Ground
2nd November 2012
QUAYS, PORTSMOUTH Place: Portsmouth Harbour. Time:
Entertainment from 6pm, fireworks 8.0pm.
Other entertainment: The display will be set to musical
soundtracks. Food: The usual bars, restaurants and
Parking: Usual car park tariff applies and recommend
arriving early Cost: Free. Contact: (023) 9283 6700. |
Gunwharf Quays Fireworks
Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth
9 November, 2012
Firworks Spectacular
from 5.30 pm Bonfire to be lit
at 7.00pm Firework display at
7.30pm Tickets £5 per person
by ticket only - no ticket sales on the
night Please
note this is not a public event. Tickets are
restricted to HCS pupils and staff and their families
Hampshire Collegiate School
Embley Park
SO51 6ZE
Isle Of Wight
5th November 2012
Sandown, Isle of Wight. November 5th
Carnival Celebrations Firework Display. 8pm. Off Sandown
Tel: 01983 402334
Off Sandown
Pier |
3rd November 2012 |
Fireworks Fiesta
Saturday 3rd November
This year's event will be held at the Park on
the 3rd November.
This event is run and organised by the
'Lodden Lions' as a charitable fund raising event,
raising cash for local charities. As part of our support
for that, we provide the location free of charge.
Tickets this year will 'only' be available online.
Ticket prices will be £8.00 for adults and £4.00 for
children. ,Tel: 0118 932 6444 |
Park, Odiham Road, Riseley, near Reading, RG7 1S
To purchase tickets, please click on the link below:-
Wellington Country Park cannot be held liable for any
transactions processed via this link |
Friday 26th October 2012
St Monica Infant School will be hosting
a spectacular community fireworks event - fun for all
the family. BBQ and refreshments. Tickets available on
the gate or in advance from the school office Contact:
St Monica Infant School,
Bay Road, Sholing, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 8EZ
Sholing Fireworks
Friday 2nd November 2012
Ageas Bowl Fireworks
The Ageas Bowl’s
Fireworks Party returns on Friday 2nd November
following last year’s sell-out event. The 2012 display
is promising to be bigger and better with more
entertainment, more fun and more fireworks than ever
before! The event is run in
conjunction with partners Heart
FM who will bring music, entertainment
and competitions as well as their presenters and Heart
Angels team. This is followed by the
spectacular firework display which will celebrate the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee. This stunning show of light
and colour is certainly one the most impressive on the
South Coast and promises to illuminate the Hampshire
skyline better than ever before. In
addition, you can ride the dodgems, “hook a duck” or
test your skills on the coconut shy as there will also
be a traditional funfair with fairground stalls all
around the ground. A
wide selection of hot food and drinks will be
available during the evening. So come and join us for
an entertaining and explosive family night out at The
Ageas Bowl. Schedule:
5.30pm: Gates and Funfair opens
6.45pm: Heart FM Live Experience
8.00pm: Fireworks 9.30pm: Funfair closes and event ends. Prices: Adults: £8.00 in advance or £10.00 on the day
(advance tickets available until
1st Nov, 5pm) Under 16s: £6.00 Children aged five and under are free and do
not require a ticket Family
ticket (two adults and two children): £22 (in advance only) (gates open 5.30pm, fireworks
8pm) Contact:
0800-197-4404 |
The Ageas Bowl, Marshall Road,
West End, Southampton, SO30 3XH
Ageas Bowl Fireworks
Monday 5th November 2012
Redbridge Fireworks 2012
Redbridge is hosting a professional
fireworks display on the 5th November 2012. Tickets
are available
now from reception. Gates open at 6.00pm and the
Fireworks start at 7.30pm. BBQ, tuck shop, Hot Drinks,
Glowsticks, live bands and a Guy Fawkes competition
will all be taking place. Ticket Details; Adults:
£3.00 Children: £2.00 Family: £10.00 (2+3) Tickets
available from reception. Limited
will be available on the gate. Free Parking PLEASE
THANKYOU. Contact: 02380-771-381 |
Redbridge Community School,
Cuckmere Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 9RJ
Redbridge Fireworks 2012
Sat 3 Nov 2012
Contact Mr Greg Livermore
Tel: 023 8089 3603 |
Gang Warily Rec. & Community Centre
Newlands Road, Fawley, Southampton, SO45 1GA |
To be Updated |
Totton Sports
Club. 6:30pm Annual Firework Display
being held at Totton Sports Club,(former BAT Club)
Southern Gardens, Ringwood Road,Totton,Southampton SO40
8RW. Delicious Hog Roast, BBQ, Licensed Bar, Hot
Refreshments, Music etc. Tickets £5 in advance (£7 on
night) or Family Ticket (2 adults & 2 U16's) - £16
in advance (£20 on the night). NO SPARKLERS PLEASE.
Tickets available from the Clubhouse telephone 02380
862143 or email Come &
See our New Clubhouse - new members welcome
Friday 2nd November 2012
AFC Totton are pleased to announce that
Testwood Stadium will be hosting it's first ever
fireworks display next month. The event will take place
on Friday 2nd November from 7pm until late. As well as
the fireworks display there will also be live music from
girl band "Vendetta" and hot food, including a hog
roast. Admission for the evening is priced at £3 for
members, £5 for non-members and £2 for children.
02380-868-981 |
Testwood Stadium, Salisbury Road, Totton,
Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2RW
Totton Fireworks 2012 (link)
Sat 3 Nov 2012
The display this
year in Mayflower Park is going back to traditional
effects, expect to hear and see massive bangs and
vibrant colours from a high aerial effect show. Be sure
to be there early to appreciate the atmosphere this very
popular event creates. This year we are having a grand
prize draw for pre purchased ticket holders. No tickets
are available on the night however you can pay on the
gate, but you wont be entered into the draw. Fun fair
from 3pm fireworks at 7.30pm Cost Adult £5, child
over 5 £3, under 5 free
Parking, local parking only in council car parks
Disabled parking is at the Holiday Inn. TICKETS
Friday 9th November. 2012
5.15 pm |
Church Road, Swanmore, Hampshire,
SO32 2PA.
To be Updated
Festival committee around town are announcing the
fireworks and bonfire on the Millennium Meadow
starting at 5pm. Leading up to what promises to be a
spectacular evening, there are two pumpkin decoration
competitions...The Whitchurch Arts pumpkin decoration
competition is open now, and judging takes places during
the week of the 25th. Members of Whitchurch Arts will
pop around to view your creative display and announce
the winners between 6 and 6:30pm on the Meadow on the
30th, just before the bonfire is lit. In addition, The
White Hart will have pumpkins to decorate starting from
3pm on the 30th. Again, Whitchurch Arts members will
judge those pumpkins before encouraging their owners to
parade them down to the Meadow for 5pm. So, lots of
chances to light up the town even before the big show!
3rd November 2012 |
Winchester Round Table Bonfire &
Fireworks Display
event starts 6pm / fireworks start 7.45pm
Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night at the
Winchester Round Table Bonfire & Fireworks Display
- events start with a torchlit procession from
Broadway through the medieval centre of the town to
River Park. When the procession arrives at River Park,
the Mayor of Winchester lights the bonfire, after
which there is a spectacular fireworks display. The
Winchester Round Table Bonfire & Fireworks Display
is free, but do give generously to the Round Table
organisers, who collect for a different charity each
year: over the years more than £250,000 has been
Park, Winchester, SO23 7DD |
Winchester Bonfire Night
3rd November 2012
Table Torch-Lit Parade, Bonfire and Fireworks
At 6.00pm there will be
entertainment on The Broadway outside The Guildhall,
followed by the torch-lit procession through the town.
At 7.15 the Mayor lights the bonfire and thereafter
the wonderful fireworks display begins.
01962 840500 |
Recreation Ground,
SO23 7DD
To be Updated |
Yateley Lions
Fireworks at School Lane, Yateley
Gates open: 6pm; Bonfire: 6.45pm; Fireworks 7pm.
£4 (adults), £2 (child) on gate; £3/£1.50 in advance
Tickets from Westfield's Junior School; Yateley Angling
Centre; Balfours (Monteagle Estate); Trevallen and
Simon's Video and Bottle Shop | |

Saturday 3rd November 2012
17:00 -
CLUB Telephone Number: 0790
3236733 Email Address:
Ticket Prices:Adult £6.00,
Child £3.00, Under5
Free,Family 2+2 £15.00,
Adult on gate £8.00, Child
gate £4.00
Family on gate £20.00 |
November 2012
Firework Displays 2012
Biddenden Blaze
is a local event that is held in the village of
Biddenden on the 2nd November.
Recreation Field , Biddenden Nr
Ashford |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
A new and exciting Firework Event
is currently being prepared for 2012. Live music from
EK1 and The Cojones (confirmed) Free parking Please no
pets / personal fireworks / homemade guys |
Quex Park, Park Lane, Birchington, Kent
CT7 0BH |
3rd November 2012
Fireworks on the Farm
The same venue that hosts Canterbury's
annual music festival 'Lounge On The Farm' is hosting
one of the district's biggest fireworks displays this
year, with 'Fireworks on the Farm'. The Canterbury Round
Table are the organisers of this display which takes
place at the spacious Merton Farm, where there is plenty
of room for entertainment, parking and fireworks.
Adult £10 | Child £5 50% off if you book online here.
Merton Farm, Canterbury
2nd November 2012 |
Fireworks Extravaganza
Fire eaters, glow acts and stilt
walkers will all appear at this fireworks display held
at the famous Kent County Cricket Club's ground in
Canterbury. There will also be live music from 'The
Chaps' and performances from the Da Vinci dance troupe,
as well as a funfair, refreshments, glow merchandise and
free face painting. Gates open at 6pm, with
entertainment starting from 6.15pm. Adult £8 on
the gate | Child (2-14) £4 on the gate | Family 2+2 £20
on the gate Cheaper tickets can be bought in
advance at
or by calling 01227 456 886 and selecting option 0. |
Ground, Canterbury
3rd November 2012 |
This is the 40th
consecutive annual bonfire night event organised by
Tyler Hill, with gigantic bonfire, fireworks display,
fire juggling, stalls, food, and children rides.
06:00pmpm - 09:30 pm
Advance Tickets - adults £5, Children
£2. Gate Admission - adults £7 Children
£3. Free parking at nearby University of Kent
Promoter: Tyler Hill Memorial
Hall Telephone Number:01227
471566 Email Address: |
Recreation Ground
Friday 9th November 2012
17.30-21.00Cost: Adult: £7.00, Child (reception –
16 years): £3.00ganised by the primary school's PTA this
is promoted as a family evening. In addition to the
bonfire and fireworks display there will be a BBQ,
mulled wine, hot chocolate and other tempting goodies!
Tickets are available from the Chiddingstone Village
Shop, the Causeway Village Shop and the school office.
Tickets will also be available from the gate on the
night. |
Ground |
3rd November 2012 |
Chislehurst Fireworks and Funfair 2012
The Rotary Club of Chislehurst puts on its annual
display, including a huge bonfire and a firework display
lasting close to half an hour. Also on site are a
children's funfair and food and drink stalls. |
Ground |
3rd November 2012
Crowborough Grand Fireworks
Display 2012:
One of the best firework displays in the area.
The Beacon will be lit at 7.15pm with the display
starting at 7.30pm. The model railway will be open for
the evening. Hot food available. The display is free to
all with donations to the Mayor's charities. |
Ground on Eridge Road in Crowborough |
3rd November 2012
Fireworks at the Circus
Sick Promotions have organised another great night of
family fun at The Leather Bottle pub in north
Kent. Fire eaters and other circus acts will
provide entertainment for crowds on the night, from
which money raised will go to Cruise Bereavement Care.
Doors open at 6.30pm with the firework display starting
at 8.30pm.
Entry £2
Bottle, Cobham
2nd November 2012
This years
Firework Display will be on the 2nd November 2012 at
the Rugby Club.Gates open at 6.00pm with the fireworks
commencing at 7.45 Food, Refreshments, Music,
Nolveties and Bar. Ticket Prices : In advance Adults
£3.50 Kids(U16) £1.50 On the Night Adults £4.00
Kids(U16) £2.00 Unders 5's get free entry
Tickets available from
East Kent Mercury Office, Queen Street Deal
Ebdens Garage, Gilford Road Deal
D&B Lions RFC Clubhouse, Canada Road
Canada Road, Deal Ct14 7EJ |
3rd November 2012 |
Torchlit procession through the town with several
marching bands, and a large parade of decorated floats
and walking parties followed by a huge firework display
on the recreation ground including the burning of Guy
Fawkes and 'Celebrity Guy. Road closures will be in
place from 6.00, procession starts at 6.30 with display
commencing around 8.00. Tickets available from local
shops and on the gate. Organised by Edenbridge Bonfire
Tel: 01732 863120
Email: |
Ground, Lingfield Road, Edenbridge |
3rd November 2012
Charity fireworks display
The picturesque location of Mount
Ephraim plays host to one of Faversham's biggest
fireworks displays this year. Ticket holders can enjoy
professionally-run fireworks set to music as well as
entertainment, stalls and a variety of food outlets.
Doors open at 6pm with the display at 7.30pm.
Adult plus 3 children under 14 £10 bought in advance -
see here | Adult plus 3
children under 14 £12 on the gate |
3rd November 2012
Sellindge firework
The Sellindge Sports and Social
Club is holding a firework display this year to raise
money for a new children's play area. A bar, food,
stalls and entertainment will be plenty to keep the
family occupied before the fireworks start after 7pm.
Gates open at 6pm.
Adult £3 | Child £2 | Under 3s go free
For more info about how to buy tickets, go here. |
Sellindge Sports and Social Club, near
Folkestone |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
standout annual fireworks display takes place at the
Great Lines Heritage Park in Gillingham. A giant bonfire
built by volunteers from the Royal Engineers will be lit
by the Mayor of Medway, Cllr Vaughan Hewett at 7pm.
Fireworks start at 7.30pm. Admission is free and parking
is limited so arrive early. Surrounding roads will be
closed from 5pm until 9.30pm; see which roads will be
affected here.
The Great
Lines Heritage Park,
Saturday 24 November 2012
and Fireworks 2012
gates open at 6pm The inaugural year of this
annual tradition. Food, hog roast, guy competition,
drinks, bonfire and grand firework display. Tickets on
sale in the Kino Cinema Organised by the Hawkhurst
Gang Bonfire Society. |
Highgate Hill, Hawkhurst |
3rd November 2012 |
At Blueberry Lane, Knockholt, Kent
TN14 7LL The annual Knockholt Firework Display is unique
in that spectators miss the crush of the big town
displays for an easily accessible fun evening of
fireworks, food and hot drinks around the massive
bonfire. Disabled parking in field. Gates: 6.00pm
Fireworks: 7.30pm Family (2+2): £15, Adult: £5,
Child: £3 |
Blueberry Lane,
Knockholt, Kent TN14 7LL
Saturday 10th November 2012
Lamberhurst Bonfire
Night and Fireworks Display 2012
Food, drink, music and fireworks with friends and
neighbours on The Down. 6:00pm - Activities start
6:30pm - Guy judging 6:40pm - Lighting the
beacon 7:00pm - Fireworks
Entry is free for all. Donations received on the night
fund these events. Last year had some excellent entries
in the Guy competition, so start your preparations now.
If you've not attended before, why not? Join the village
on what is possibly its biggest night of the year. |
Leeds Castle
3rd-4th November 2012
Firework Spectacular at Leeds
Castle, Kent
Watch this world famous fireworks extravaganza
amongst the beautiful and historical backdrop of Leeds
Castle. The magnificent display will provide an
experience like no other, performed alongside dramatic
space themed music and TV theme tune classics. Adults:
£18, Children: £10, Under 4’s: free Tickets must
be booked in advance, visit the website for more
Leeds Castle, Kent
3rd November 2012 |
Maidstone, Kent
Bonfire and Firework Spectacular With fire
breathers and Bonfire. Includes Children's Fairground
Rides and Stalls, Glow-Stick Galore, Village Bar, Music
and g Fire-Performers, Indoor Play Area etc. Hot Food
available all evening including a delicious Hog Roast,
Chips, Hot Dogs and Burgers, plus Jacket Potatoes, Soups
and Refreshments from our Tea Room Indoor Play Barn, Tea
Room and Fairground Rides will be open for refreshments
and fun until late Tel: 01622 621249 Email:
Lock Lane, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3AU |
Friday 9th November 2012
A fantastic family
display of fireworks with hot refreshments, BBQ food
and glow products for sale. Show the kids how it's
done - Apple Bobbing! Entry: Adults £5, Children £3.50
Gates open 5.30pm, display at 6.30pm
Promoter: Barming Primary School
PTA Telephone Number: 01622
726472 Email Address: |
Barming Primary School, Maidstone ME16 9DY |
3rd November 2012
Milstead fireworks
Children will be given a free
sparkler at this family-friendly firework display in
Milstead. Hot dogs, burgers, soup and mulled wine will
be on sale for the hungry hordes. The entrance to the
field is beside Julian House and attendees are asked to
bring a torch to the event, from which all proceeds will
go to Milstead Church. The event starts at 6pm.
Adult £3.50 | Child £1.50 |
Little Danes Meadow,
Milstead, near Sittingbourne |
Saturday, November 3rd 2012
Upchurch Family
Every year
more and more people choose to come to us because we
provide a traditional well organised Family Firework
Display. What you tell
us is:
It's a spectacular display- Good free on site car park- It's good value for money - Good range of stalls
. We've grown from a small village
display into one one of Kent's Biggest Bonfires.
Around 4,500
people attended our display in 2010. Adults £7
under 16* £5
Family ticket** £20 No advance
tickets - pay on
entry. *Children under 16 years of
age.**Family ticket is 2 adults and 2 children, extra adult
/ child
charged at the normal price.
Children 2 and under are FREE. Please have THE CORRECT
MONEY READY for us. This really speeds up the
Email: |
Our Firework
Display is at Westmoor
Farm on the A2 between Sittingbourne and
Rainham, Kent. If you have a Sat Nav the nearest
postcode is ME8 8QF.
Saturday 27th October
Cost: Firework display is free. A wax torch for the
procession is £2.50
In addition to the firework display and bonfire, the
village event will have bands, baton twirlers, stalls, a
fancy dress competition and refreshments. |
Saturday, November 3rd 2012
Sevenoaks Round Table Fireworks
Fireworks set to 007 theme and the first rocket at
7.30pm. Torchlight procession at 6.30pm from Buckhurst
Lane Proceeds donated to local charities. Tickets:
Adults (over 16) £8/7 - Children £4/3 Families £20/£17
(2 adults and 2 children). Outlets: Lorimers, Sevenoaks
Travel, Stag Theatre and Tourist Info NO ALCOHOL
Dukes Meadow, Sevenoaks School |
Saturday, November 3rd 2012
Cost: Adult £5, Child (2-16) £3, Family (2+2)
£15 Speldhurst's bonfire night is
offering a wealth of entertainment for all the family
this Guy Fawke's night. As well as a fantastic fireworks
display and a bonfire, there will be lucky dip, face
painting and tombola. Refreshments, including barbecue,
hot drinks, cakes, licensed bar and mulled wine, will
also be available.
(opposite the school) |
The Hop Farm, Kent
3rd & 4th
November 2012 |
Fireworks Spectacular
The Hop Farm Firework Spectacular is back with a
bang this year – they are hosting two nights of
fireworks displays. The park is putting on a
child-friendly display from 6pm on Saturday 3 November,
followed by an Olympic themed display at 9pm. On Sunday
4 November the main display at 6pm will be set to songs
with a Best of British theme. The Hop Farm will also
have a funfair, live music and family entertainment.
Organisers encourage visitors to bring their own Guy
Fawkes to add to the Hop Farm Bonfire. The day starts at
10am until late on Saturday and 10am to 8pm on Sunday.
Adult £10.50 | Child 3-15 years £6.30 | Senior £8.40 |
Family 2+2 £31.50 | Family 2+3 £35.70 All prices
are as given if bought online here. |
Family Park, Paddock Wood |
Tunbridge Wells
Saturday 3rd November
55th Annual Dunorlan
Park Fireworks Display
The Royal Tunbridge Wells Round Table
are spending more than £9000 on a fireworks display to
remember this year, as they host the 55th annual
event at Dunorlan Park. A children's fun fair will
provide entertainment and food concessions will be
available. Money raised from the event will be given to
local charities. No parking is available at the event so
customers should make use of town centre car parks.
Gates open at 5.30pm and the event starts at 7.00pm.
Adult £8 | Child £5 | Under 5s free Cheaper
tickets can be bought in advance from the places
listed here.
Dunorlan Park
Pembury Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells
Saturday 3rd
November 2012
Gate opens 17.30, bonfire lit 18.30, 'surprise' at
19.00, fireworks 19.30
Cost: Adult £5, Child £2.50, under 5′s FREE
In addition to the fireworks and bonfire, the event in
Wadhurst will also host charity stalls and other side
shows. Tickets are on sale from October 15th and can be
purchased in advance from Costcutters, The Greyhound,
Old Vine and Wadhurst Ironmongers. |
Stone Cross Farm, Lower
High Street, Wadhurst |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Back for another year in 2012,
the Danson Park fireworks display makes the most of of
their event with a stunning fireworks show, a funfair
and more family friendly entertainment. Set in the
beautiful grounds of Danson Park in Welling, the 2012
Danson Park fireworks display aims to be one of the
biggest shows in south east England, so get your gasps
of admiration ready for a spectacular pyrotechnics show.
Lasting nearly half an hour, the display will be
lighting up the night sky on Saturday 3rd November
2012. Other attractions at the Danson Park
fireworks display include a funfair for kids and food
and drink stalls, so there'll be something to keep both
young and old happy on the night. A variety of community
stalls will also be set up in the park, while the
display itself takes place over the lake and will be
choreographed to music. Organised by Welling Round
Table, the Danson Park fireworks display is a charity
event that raises money for good causes in the local
community. Past events have raised much needed funds for
projects such as the children's water park in Danson
Park, new mess tents for the Scouts, the local junior
football club and more, so you can be sure that your
money is going to be put to good use. The Danson
Park fireworks display takes place on Saturday 3rd
November 2012. The gates open at 6pm, with the display
itself starting at 8pm. Tickets cost £5.00 on the gate
or £3 for kids and £4 for adults if booked in advance
which can be done online or via local ticket agents in
Bexley. For more information please click on the link
Park Fireworks Official Site | |
Saturday 3rd
November 2012
Westerham Fireworks Display 2012:
Westerham Scout Group are proud to present a Firework
Spectacular every year.
Gates open at 5.30pm, display starts at 6.30pm, weather
permitting. Tickets: Family (2 adults 2 children) £18,
Adults £8 Children £5 Under 5s free There will be
a barbecue and a paying bar in the Sports Association
clubhouse. Parking is available in the Darenth Road car
park and Hortons Way - there will be no vehicle access
via Costells Meadow and spectators are urged to walk to
the event.
Tickets are now on sale from Manuka Shoes, The Hospice
in the Weald charity shop and The Sports Association or
they can be purchased on the night at an increased rate.
For any further details please call 01959 562372 |
Field |
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Wrotham Fireworks Fantasia 2012
As in previous years, the event will include a display
by the renowned Phoenix Firework Company.
This year - Fireworks Fantasia - will include live music
from a wonderful local band known as Long Way Down Band,
and dance from the familiar Hartley Morris Men.
There will be many more carnival rides and stalls; some
of which will be located on the Recreation Grounds so
that children can be entertained (without the need to
purchase a ticket to the fireworks display). Other
free activities will include participation in a costume
parade, face painting, hair weaving and a possibly maze
made from hay bales for the young ones to get lost in!!
A Fireworks Fantasia is planned to start at 3pm, through
to the fireworks at 7:15 pm. Pre booked tickets
adults £5, children and senoirs £3. Purchased on the
door, adults £6, children and seniors £4.
Email for more information |
High Street,
Wrotham, TN15 7AH |

5 Nov 2010
Join us for our
Little Pub Fireworks, free admission for all the family,
bonfire, and BBQ. 6-8pm. The Blacks Head Inn
The Green Bletchingdon OX5 3DA Tel:
01869 350315
Email: Price:
5 November 2010 |
annual firework display at Bodicote will be back again
this year! Gates Open 6.15
pm Firework display 7.30 pm £3.00 per person entry fee,
under 5's free Guy Fawkes competition
for under 11's (prize for best Guy and free entry)
3rd November 2012
Charlbury Cricket Club Bonfire & Fireworks
Charlbury Cricket Club, Forest Road, Charlbury OX7 3HH
(very near train station)
Gates Open: 6pm More info: As last year,
we expect a bonfire, fireworks, food, drinks and a
novelty stall.
Tickets are available in
various shops around Charlbury - look out for the sign.
Charlbury Cricket Club, Forest Road, Charlbury OX7
3HH (very near train station)
Culham Park, near
3rd November 2012
In support of HELP for HEROES. Arrive early (from
4.30pm) and enjoy the fun. View the Hot Air Balloon
‘night glow’. Watch the Stunt Bikes and the Slack-lining
demonstration.Are you brave enough to visit the Scare
Zone in the woods? Witness the Longbow Archers lighting
the Bonfire before the Fireworks Display at 7pm.
Plus a Mega Slide, Pedal Go-karts, Mini Roundabout,
Hoopla and Side Shows and, NEW for this year, will be
Circle Drumming in the marquee. Refreshments and a Beer
Tent. Tickets are £15 per car at the gate, or £12 per
car in advance. Advance tickets online from and: The BookStore - Abingdon,
Goffs Newsagent - Abingdon, Creations - Peachcroft
Centre, Abingdon and Milton Park, Burgreys - Sutton
Courtenay, Vickerys - Drayton, Mountain Mania - Didcot
Culham Park, off the
A415 between Abingdon and Clifton Hampden.The
entrance is next to Culham No. 1 Site near OX14 3DA
3rd November 2012 |
Faringdon Annual Charity Fireworks Display
Gates Open: 6pm Fireworks Start: 7pm Tickets: Adult £4.50 (£6 on the
night), Children £2.50 (£3 on the night), Family £13
(£16 on the night). Tickets are on sale in some local
shops - look out for the fireworks poster in the shop
windows. More info:Morris Dancers with phosphorous
torches, fairground rides for children, coconut shy,
candy floss stall, sweet stall, etc. and hot dogs,
burgers and hot drinks (provided by Faringdon
Scouts) Tel: 01367 253888 / 240716 |
Faringdon House, Lechlade
Road entrance - see signs from A417 / A420 |
2nd November 2012
Fabulous Fireworks
Fernham,just south of Faringdon, west Oxfordshire Gates
Open: 6pm. Bonfire lit at 6.15pm. Children's
(quiet) display 6.30pm. Main display: 7pm Tickets:
£10 family, £5 adult, £2 child More info: Large
bonfire, sparklers, glow sticks, refreshments: hot food,
drinks and mulled wine.
south of Faringdon, west Oxfordshire
6 November 2010
Henley Roundtable
Fireworks Swiss Farm, Marlow Road, Henley
Lots of fairground attractions will be on site to
entertain everyone - while grown-ups will doubtless
appreciate the beer tent, hog roast and live
Time: Gates open at 6.15pm Cost: Advance tickets: £4
adults, £2 children. On the gate: £5 adults, £3
31 Oct 2010
Fireworks night
Professional firework display set to music - in aid of
the school. Gates 5pm, display 6pm. Hot food available
(bbq, chilli) and mulled wine and hot drinks. Hallowe'en
fancy dress competition for children - prizes for the
best costumes. £3, child £1, family £8. 5-8pm. 17:00 -
20:00 Village Hall (Finmere), Water
Stratford Road, Finmere Oxfordshire MK18 4AT
Price: Family ticket £8, Adults £3,
Child £1
Fringford Greem
5 Nov 2012
Fringford Annual Bonfire and Fireworks
Gates Open: 5.30pm Price: Donations on the gate More info: Traditional family
bonfire & fireworks display.
Fringford Village Hall,
Fringford Green OX27 8DY |
Great Milton
5 November 2010 |
Great Milton Musical
Fireworks, Great Milton Recreation Ground (middle of
the village - you can't miss it!) - OX44 7NT on Friday
November 5th. Long-running, family-friendly event with
fab fireworks, BBQ and bar for parents! 7pm, donations
on the gate.
5 November 2012 |
Parish Council Fireworks Display
Gates Open: 6pm Fireworks
Start: 7pm Tickets: Available in
advance from Exeter hall, Kidlington (nb: office closed
for lunch every day, 1-2pm): £5 Adult, £4 child. Or on
the gate Adults £4 and Child £3. Under 3's free.
More info: Refreshments available, also limited
disabled car parking.Tel 01865 372143 |
Stratfield Brake
Recreation Ground, Frieze Way, Kidlington OX5 1UP |
5 November 2010 |
Spectacular Fireworks Display at Kingham! Friday 5th
November. The fun starts at 6pm, fireworks at 7pm.
Stalls, attractions – something for everyone. Lots
of lovely things to eat and drink: pig roast,
burgers, hotdogs, mulled wine, hot chocolate, bar…
See you at the playing field in Kingham (near
Chipping Norton). |
Long Hanborough
5 November 2010 |
Hanborough Musical
Fireworks will take place at The Playing Fields,
Roosevelt Road, Long Hanborough OX29 8JG on Friday
November 5th. Fairground rides, BBQ, hotdogs, jacket
potatoes, mulled wine. Gates 6pm, display 7pm, £3
(Children £2) on the door. More info available from
Vikki Beale 01993 883347 |
Oxford Round Table Firework Display, South Park
3rd November 2012 |
Oxford Round
Table Fireworks
Click here
to win free tickets with the Daily Info Fireworks
Gates Open: 5pm Fireworks Start: 6.45pm Tickets: Adults £5, Family (2
Adults, 3 Children) £12.
Tickets available
from shops around Oxford, including Shepherd and
Woodward, Walters of Turl Street, Shakespears Golden
Cross, Greens Cafe Bonn Square and G&D's Icecream
Cafe. More
info:Now in
its 45th year, the famous South Parks event has
fireworks, a bonfire, music stage, fun fair and
South Park, Headington, Oxford,
Oxfordshire. OX4
1NT |
3rd November 2012
Family Nature
Club's Bonfire Night
Open: 2pm - 7pm Tickets:
The garden relies on donations and a donation of at
least £5 helps to cover costs and to help them continue
in the future. More info: The garden’s annual
bonfire celebration with soup, lantern-making &
storytelling. Refreshments on sale.
Barracks Lane Community Garden, Barracks
Lane, off Cumberland Road, Oxford OX4 2AP
5 November 2012 |
Michael's School Fireworks
Gates Open: 5.30pm Fireworks Start: 6.30pm Tickets in advance: Adults £2.50,
Children £1.50, Family (2 adults, 3 children)
£7 Tickets
on the gate:
Adults £3, Children £2, Family £8 More info:Refreshments available
Tel: 01865 241476
t Michael's School,
Marston Road, Oxford OX3 0EJ
Fireworks For
Little Ones, Toddler friendly fireworks
display. Lake Street Playgroup, Hinksey Park,
Grandpont. Thursday 5th November 5 - 6pm, £5 Family Pass
. |
Botley Primary School, Elms Road,
Botley OX2 9JZ. Friday November 6th A spectacular firework display
and barbecue. 6pm. £3 each / £12 family of 5
07733 480605.
5 November 2010
oxford sea scouts firework display
fireworks night with b.b.q and refreshments disabled
access raising funds for a new boiler and heating
system for the scout hut 18:45 -
20:30 22nd oxford sea
scouts headquaters meadow lane off donnington bridge
road cowley Cowley ox44bi Tel:
07866186904 Email:
Price: £5 per adult £3.50
children £15 family of 4 Age restriction:
any age
4th November 2012
Firework Display - Chipping
There will be
a Fireworks Display at King’s Stone Farm (OX7 5QB)
near the Rollright Stones on Sunday 4th November.
Gates open at 6.30pm and the show will start at
7.00pm. Brought to you by the Rotary Club of
Chipping Norton, and featuring a superb 20 minute
display put on by a long-established professional
firm, this fireworks display is hopefully the first
of many. In addition, there will by hot food, soup
and soft drinks available for sale. No private
fireworks or alcohol will be allowed on the site
which will be stewarded. more
available in advance from Jaffe and Neale in
Chipping Norton at £4 for adults, £2 for
under-16s. Tickets available on the gate at £5 for
adults, £3 for under 16s, and family tickets are
£5 for 2 adults and 2 children
King’s Stone Farm, Little Rollright, Oxfordshire
OX7 5QB |
Fireworks display at the Bampton Recreation Ground
Gates open 18.00 £6 Adult £3
Child £15 family in advance email: |
3rd November 2012
Didcot Charity Fireworks
Gates Open: 5.30pm Displays: Fire
lit 6.15pm, fireworks 7pm More info: Funfair,
food to include a pig roast and the proceeds to
charity - organised by Didcot Rotary Club. To be
opened by Didcot’s mayor - Peter Read. Tickets on
the gate: Adults £5, OAP/Children (4-16rs) £3;
under-3s free. Family (2+3) £12. Advance tickets:
Adults £4, OAP/ Children (4-16 years) £2.50. Family
£10. Tickets from The One Stop Shop, Didcot Civic
Hall; Newbury Building Society, Broadway; and
Thorntons/Heart to Heart, Didcot Orchard Centre.Tel.
01235 212082
Recreation Ground,
Brasenose Road,
Didcot OX11 7BN
30 October 2010
and Sandhills Parish Council event. There will be
refreshments. Gates 6.30pm, fireworks 7.15pm. £3, 5-16
yrs £1.: 30 Oct 2010 18:30 - 20:00
One day only Where: Playing fields
Grovelands Road Risinghurst OX3 8JA
Tel: 01865 453910 Email:
Price: £3 5-16 YRS £1
5 November 2012
Blandy Bonfire and Fireworks Party
Gates Open: 5pm (ends at 7pm!) More
info: Hot food available from 5pm. Organised by
Friends of JB School.
John Blandy
School, Southmoor, OX13 5DJ
Firework Spectacular
1st Standlake & Cokethorpe
Sea Scouts, Standlake
Village Hall Playing Field Gates open 18.00 £3.50 Adult/£1.50
Village Bonfire and Firework Display Nash
Road Field Gates open 19.00 £4 adults, £2 senior
citizens, children
email: Tel. 01280 814434
6 November 2010
Primary Schools Partnership Firework Display
Fantastic Firework Display, mulled wine, hot chocolates
and hot dogs - a great event for all the family, which
raises money for the 3 Thame Primary Schools. Buy
tickets in advance from the schools or on the gate £5.00
adults, £2.00 children. On: 17.30 Until:
19.30 Address: Lord William Lower School, Thame,
Oxon, OX9 3LF
3 November 2012 |
This is
Wallingford's annual fireworks display, complete with a
bonfire and a best Guy competition to kick off the
evening. Event starts:
6pm. Bonfire lit: 6.20pm. Fireworks: 7pm.
Prices Free entry. Suggested
donations towards the charity collections are: Adult:
£6. Child: £2. Wallingford
is on the A329 Shillingford to Reading and A4130 Didcot
to Henley roads, and is easily accessible from Junction
13 of the M4 or Junction 9 of the M40 via the the A34 or
from Junction7 of the M40 via the A329. The Kinecroft is
in the town centre, opposite the Wallingford Museum.
There is parking for up to 2 hours at the nearby
Waitrose car-park and the town’s long-stay car-park is
just a little further away in Goldsmith’s Lane. Train:
Cholsey Station (2 miles) and the 136 bus (Mon-Sat) or
Reading Station and the X39 or X40 bus. Bus: Bus
services run to Wallingford from Abingdon, Benson,
Berinsfield, Brightwell, Cholsey, Dorchester-on-Thames,
Goring, Henley, Nettlebed, Oxford, Watlington and Witney
Tel: 01491 833282 |
The Kinecroft,
Oxfordshire |
2nd November 2012
Grove RFC Annual
Fireworks and Bonfire
Gates Open: 7pm Fireworks Start: 8pm Tickets:
Family Ticket £10, Adult £5, Children Under 16 £3
More info: BBQ. Refreshments & Rides, Bar
Open til Midnight GRFC kindly requests that you do NOT
bring Sparklers to the event please
Grove Recreation Ground, Cane
Lane, Grove (near Wantage) OX12 0AA
Weston On
The green
30 October 2010
Bonfire Party and Fireworks Display. at Playing
Field 6.30pm Bonfire & 7pm Fireworks
Pumpkin lanterns and ghouls/witches/skeletons welcome!
Helpers are needed for bonfire construction (10-12
Saturday 30th Oct) . Also we will need bonfire wood
(e.g. pallets, sheds, conifers etc.) Please contact Paul
Warren 350770 to organise collection/delivery to playing
6 November 2010
Primary School PTA are running their annual firework
event on Sat 6th November at Wheatley Primary School,
Littleworth Road. Gates open at 5.30pm and the firework
display starts at 7pm. We have plenty of entertainment -
fairground rides and sidestalls, bar, mulled wine, pig
roast, hot dogs, baked potatoes, children's fun tent and
music. Tickets cost £5 for adults, £3 for children/OAPs
or £15 for a family of five. You can get a special offer
family ticket for £12 if you buy it in advance. For more
information ring Paula Hood on 07974 448717.
4th November 2012
and Soup Party
Open: 6pm - 10pm Tickets:
Adults £3.50, Children £2.50, under 5's and Season
ticket holders can get in for free! More info:
Bonfire, sparklers, live music (act TBC), BBQ and soup,
soft drinks/Alcohol (bottled), face painting. Well
behaved Dogs on a lead are welcome. Tel 01993 772602.
Cogges Farm, Cogges, Witney OX28
30 October 2010
Trick, Treat and
Some of the Oxford fireworks displays are taking
inspiration from Halloween. This year the Curbridge
Bonfire celebrations at Witney United Football Stadium
has a few tricks and treats in store as the Guy Fawkes
party takes place on Halloween. As well as the Guy
judging competition, children are invited to come along
in fancy dress. Gates open at 5.30pm and the bonfire
will be lit at 7pm with fireworks at 7.30pm. | |
5 November 2012
Night at The Plough
Fireworks Start: 6pm (we think) More
info: Rain or shine, a free fireworks display! BBQ
and Mulled Wine also available.
Plough, Upper Wolvercote, Oxford OX2 8BD
Firework Display, Wytham Recreation Ground,
Saturday November 14th. Firing at
6.30pm, gates open from 5.30pm. Entrance £5, under 14s
FREE, Hot snacks on sale and licensed bar. |
1 November 2010
Oxford University Scout and Guide Group (OUSGG)invite
you to their annual Firework and Bonfire evening
at Youlbury on Monday 1st November. The event includes
fireworks, a bonfire, and a Jacket Potato supper (bring
your own topping). There will be a small charge - no
more than £5 - to cover the cost of the event. This cost
will be reduced if you are able to provide transport
from the centre of Oxford to Youlbury (and back
afterwards). If you are interested in coming along, then
you need to contact so you can be
catered for and added to the mailing list for the event.
Somerset & Avon

5 November 2010
Bonfire Night A fireworks display at the Boars
Head in Aust Main Street with 80% of the
proceeds going to the NSPCC and 20% to local
churches. Food and drinks available. Fund
raising raffles and best.guy competition.
Saturday, 3rd November 2012 |
Rotary Club and Bath RAG Joint Fireworks Display
– 3rd November 2012
Go to Bath's fantastic firework display in aid
of charity. Gates open 6pm and the fireworks
display will start at around 8.15pm. There will
also be entertainment on the outer field 7-8pm.
Bath Rotary Club and Bath RAG Joint Fireworks
Recreation Ground, Bath |
6 November 2010
pm University of Bath – Public Firework Display
– Claverton Down Bath There will be a funfair,
radio roadshow, fireworks display, performances
showcasing student talent from fire juggling to
singing and dancing. The event is organised by
Bath Rag, the student fundraising group at the
University of Bath. Cost: free, but Rag
volunteers will be around on the night to
collect a suggested donation of £2 per person
7 November 2010 |
4.30 Display 6.30 Bradley Stoke Town
Council – Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre The Town
Council is inviting all residents and neighbours
to a professional public firework display. Gates
open at 4.30 and hot food will be served from
4.45pm so don’t be late if you want to eat. |
November 2012
Firework Show Take
kids to this great charity display in
Bristol. There will be an entertainment
stage and a separate children's display
earlier in the evening. BBC Children in
Need's Pudsey Bear is expected at the
children’s display. Please see the website
for more information.
George V Playing Fields, Sutherland Avenue,
Downend, Bristol |
6 November 2010
- display 8pm Puxton Park Firework Display
– Cowslip - Lane Hewish BS24 6AH
At Puxton Park there's the usual Guy Fawkes
celebrations but this year they're planning a
bigger, better display. Gates open at 6pm and
the fireworks start at 8pm. It's £5 entry on the
gate and under-twos go free. They'll be festive
fare plus family fun.
| |
7 November 2010
The Trinity Centre. Trinity Road, Bristol. BS2
0NW. Tel 01179351200 /
Free Fireworks Party. A great night out for all
the family kicks off with a dazzling Fireworks
display and Bristol Samba drummers at 7.30pm
with hot cider on sale and a selection of hot
food to keep you warm. Dizraeli and the Small
Gods round off a night of free entertainment
with their live music performance. Entry is FREE
to the public.
4/5 November 2010
Gardens: 4-5th November - Bangless
Bonfire Nights
Family-friendly celebrations.
Bristol Zoo Gardens, Clifton, Bristol BS8
3HA. 0117 974 7399
| |
7 November 2010
The fireworks
spectacular at Bristol's County Cricket
Ground is back Gloucestershire Cricket Club
Firework Fiesta
The annual display at the County Ground in
Neville Road. Gates open at 4.30pm and there's a
fun fair, food and a children's display,
followed by the grand finale. Information: 01275
832377. |
Cricket Club |
6 November 2010 |
Bristol Charity Fireworks
Fiesta - Durdham Downs
. The Downs firework
displayProbably Bristol's biggest firework event
with an evening of entertainment for all the
family. Featuring a radio roadshow, bonfire,
fireworks and more. Site opens at 5pm, bonfire
lit at 7pm and fireworks at 7.30pm. NOTE: No
sparklers or own fireworks are allowed on site.
Cost: £4 for adults, £3 for children and £12 for
a family of four. Parking is available on site
and around the Downs. |
Bristol Charity Fireworks
Fiesta - Durdham Downs
5 November
Bridgwater's famous Guy Fawkes Carnival. 7pm.
Tel: 01278 421795 Email:
at St. Matthew's Field. 7pm
start This event is sponsered by Bridgewater
Town Council. | |
3 November 2012 |
Firework Display –The Grand Firework Display is
always a central part of the Bridgwater Guy
Fawkes Carnival celebrations, and this year’s
spectacular will be held on Thursday, November
3. It takes place in St Matthews Field from 7pm.
Sponsored by Bridgwater Town
Council. For details contact Bridgwater Tourist
Information Centre on 01278 436438. |
Matthew's Field,
Bridgwater |
7 November
2010 |
Firework Display - A spectacular free
firework display on the Esplanade,
Burnham-on-Sea - 7:00pm start (to be confirmed).
Sponsored by Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge
Town Council. For details contact Burnham-on-Sea
Tourist Information Centre on 01278 787852 |
Easter Compton
5 November 2010 |
Compton Firework FiestaFireworks display in the playing
fields. Gates open 6.30pm, fire lit 7pm.
Adults £3, children £1.50. Hot food, drinks
and glow-sticks for sale.
28 November 2010 |
Christmas Spectacular Cattle Market and Market
Place, Frome Free community Christmas event for
residents and visitors to Frome including fun
fair rides, reindeer, Santa’s grotto, music and
drama performances, fireworks, arts and crafts
activities, circus skills, Christmas markets,
carol singing, advent service/procession and the
official town Christmas lights switch on.
2-5:30pm. Tel: 01373 465757 |
7 November 2010 |
Round Table firework Display
The Dial Hill Fireworks Display in
Clevedon celebrates its 50th anniversary with
this year’s spectacular, to be held on Saturday,
November 5, at Clevedon Cricket Club. Gates open
at 6pm for children's funfair rides, the bonfire
will be lit at 6:45pm and the fireworks display
will start at 7:30pm. Tickets are £3 in advance
or £4 on the night (if available). Family
tickets are £8 in advance. |
Hill Cricket Ground Clevedon |
3 November 2012 |
SPECTACULAR fireworks display is again set to
light the skies of Minehead on November 5
following the success of last year’s event.
Organisers Butlins and West Somerset Council
will be hoping for a similar turnout to last
year, when several thousand people spilled out
on to the seafront to watch the show. The
free Minehead Fireworks Festival gets under way
at 4.30pm on Thursday, November 3, when Butlins
opens the gates to its funfair for visitors to
enjoy free rides. The fireworks display starts
at 7pm, with rockets launched from Minehead
beach. There will also be free parking at
Butlins from 4.30pm. |
6 November 2010 |
open at 6pm for Nailsea & Backwell RFC's
Bonfire Night fireworks display on Saturday,
November 5. The bonfire will be lit at 7pm, and
the fireworks will follow at 7.45pm. Adults cost
£5 and children £3. There is also a family
ticket for four available for £12. Information:
01275 810818. |
6 November 2010 |
6pm – 8pm High Down Junior School, firework
display - Down Road, Portishead A strictly
family event with no alcohol, personal fireworks
or sparklers allowed. For little ones worried
about the noise of fireworks, a viewing room is
available for primary-aged children. Tickets are
available from the school, West Hill Auto
Spares, Morgan Westley, Read & Rite Books
and Makit in Portishead. Gates open at 6.30pm;
display starts at 7.30pm Cost: £3 in advance or
£5 on the gate |
6 November 2010 |
pm Priddy Firework Display – Priddy Somerset BA5
3BB One of the best Bonfire Nights in Somerset.
Fireworks, Best Guy, bonfire, bar, food, bouncy
castle. I haven't got the start time yet, but it
usually opens 6:30 for a 7pm start. Please check
back nearer the day. Admission is free; but the
Friendly Society members will be rattling
buckets. Fancy dress is optional... Parking is
on the roadside; please be considerate of the
residents and leave plenty of room for access by
the emergency services - thanks. |
Shepton Mallet
Saturday 17 Nov 2012
Bonfire &
Fireworks Night with The Mangledwurzels
An evening of Wurzels-flavoured, cider-fuelled
Scrumpy & Western entertainment from The
Mangledwurzels! The Mangledwurzels are a
three-piece Scrumpy & Western band based in
Somerset writing and performing in the style of
Adge Cutler. Formed in early 2005, the band has
established themselves across the West Country
with their highly entertaining live performances
blending classic Wurzels songs with self-penned
original compositions and pop standards
’Mangled’ in true Wurzels tradition. Outside gig
(so dress accordingly!) with bar and barbecue. more
Normal pub opening hours; The Mangledwurzels
will be performing a two-set show at 7pm with
the firework display between sets.
(01749 331247) |
The Highwayman
Inn, Cannards Grave, Shepton Mallet
Somerset BA4 4LY |
30th October 2010 |
Racecourse, Orchard Portman, Taunton, Somerset,
TA3 7BL Time: Gates open: 3pm, Fireworks: 7.30pm
(all times approx). Prices: £5, Familt ticket
£18, U3's FREE The Taunton Bonfire Night
Fireworks at Taunton Racecourse is the BIGGEST
and BEST Firework Event in the South West
. With trade stalls, funfair rides, art and
crafts, climbing wall, food and bars there will
be plenty to do! Heart FM’s Bush Troy and
Paulina will be at the event presenting through
out the day. The Wurzels, one of Somersets well
known bands will be on from 5pm. The main event
will be the best Firework Display with music
from a world class sound system. Don’t miss
out!!!!!!! The Taunton Bonfire Night
Fireworks opens at 3pm untill 9pm. The Fireworks
will go off at 7.30pm. For a great evening of
fireworks and fun for the family, head to the
2010 Taunton Bonfire Night Fireworks at Taunton
Racecourse! | |
30th October 2010 |
Club Fireworks Extravaganza The Wyvern
Club, Mountfields Road,
01823-284591 |
Monday 5th November 2012 |
Beauchamp Charity Bonfire & Firework Display
('one of the largest, most spectacular bonfire
and firework displays in the area choreographed
to music'). Gates open
5:30pm - Display starts at 7:30pm....
Adults: £5.00, Children: £3.00, Family: £12.00 -
Free on site parking!
Somerset |
Meare Court
Hatch Beauchamp,
Somerset TA3 6DA |
3 November 2010 |
Guy Fawkes
Celebration - Ticket Event Once again
Halswell lights up the sky for the annual Guy
Fawkes Night celebration. The Ball Room will be
given over to story-telling in the grand manner
of Tudor times together with ghostly appearances
from Sir Nicholas and Lady Brigett . Come along
to what is probably one of the most spectacular
pyrotechnic displays in the southwest and join
in the fun. Tickets will be onsale from late
September 2010 and are priced at £7.50 for
adults and £3.00 for children under 12 years.
Call 0845 204 1066 or email to book Gates open at
6.30pm with the main attraction lighting up the
sky at 7.30pm. | |
5 November 2012 |
Taunton RFC
are promising a dazzling night of family fun at
their Fireworks Extravaganza on Friday, November
4. Entrance is £15 for a family ticket (two
adults, two children), or £5 for adults and
£3.50 for under-16s. Gates open at 7pm with a
sparkler zone, and there will be plenty of food
and drink on offer. |
5 November 2009 |
Primary School Fireworks Night .Thurlbear
CE VA Primary School, Thurlbear,
Adults £2 Child £1
Pre-schoolers FREE of charge It starts with the
judging of the guys at 6.30 pm, followed by an
impressive firework display at 7pm and bonfire.
There will be a barbeque, bar and refreshments
Tel; 01823 442277 | |
6 November 2010 |
Scouts Manor Road Staplegrove Taunton
TA2 6EL. Gates open at 6pm Signposted from Post
Office. New Hot Food Stalls, Drinks,
Entertainment. Fire Lit 7pm Adults £3.50,
Children £1.50. Call 01823 354407 for enquiries |
6 November 2010 |
Oake Manor -
Spectacular Firework Display Oake Manor
Golf Club, Gates open at 5pm, display at
6.30pm prompt. Hog roast and BBQ available
from 5.30pm. Plus a free disco. PAY ON ENTRY
occasions.php |
7 November 2010 |
Night with Fireworks at The Princess Royal,
Taunton Canon Street, Taunton, TA1 1SW
Directions We are located in
Canon Street in central Taunton immediately
opposite the entrance to the Canon Street car
park. You can reach us on foot from the town
centre in a few minutes from either St James St
(turn right into Canon St) or from Hammet St
through the Canon St car park. We are also just
a few minutes walk from Somerset County Cricket
Club St James St entrance (cross over St James
St to Canon St, and we're just 200 yds or so up
on the left hand side). Telephone
01823 275604 |
November 2010
Christmas Lights Join Total Star for the Taunton
Christmas Lights turn on! A truly memorable
annual event. Join the residents of
Taunton and Somerset for the annual Christmas
Lights switch on, parade and fireworks
spectacular. Come early to enjoy the
atmosphere and live events happening all over
town. Starting at 3.45pm fun for all the
family! |
7 November 2010 |
5.30pm Children’s display 6.30pm main display
7.30pm Thornbury Round Table Firework Display
Mundy Playing Fields Thornbury As well as the
fantastic display including a special earlier
children’s display there will be funfair rides,
seasonal fare and stalls – a great night out for
all the family. Admission £4 and £3 for
children. |
30 October 2010 |
Country Park - Foxholes Lane, Tockington The
country park is closing to the public at the end
of the year and hopes to go out with a bit of a
bang with this fireworks party. Gates open
5.30pm. |
10th November 2012 |
The Grand Pier
Weston-super-Mare – Fireworks
Spectacular pyrotechnics over the sea and
lots of fun. The best views will be from
the Grand Pier itself and entry is
strictly ticket only. Tickets include
unlimited rides for the evening. Please
see the website for times, prices and
other details.Tel: 01934 620238
The Grand Pier Weston-super-Mare, Marine
Parade, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset,
BS23 1AL |
6 November 2010 |
Weston Super Mare Cricket Club
Devonshire Road (opposite
Broadoak School) Weston-Super-Mare North
Somerset,BS23 4NY Bonfire and Fireworks night
for all the family For anyone wanting a
fantastic evening of fireworks in a safe and
friendly atmosphere then this event is not to be
missed. The fireworks are provided by a
professional organisation and never fail to keep
the crowd pleased... Opening the gates at 6:00pm
you can relax and enjoy yourself before the fire
gets going at 7.00pm and then the spectacular
fireworks starting at 7.15pm There is a fully
licensed bar for the adults amongst you and food
will be available throughout the whole evening.
Please join us at one of Weston's premier events
Family Ticket - £10 (2 adults/2 children) Adult
- £5 Child £3 Child under 3 = FREE |
4 November 2010 |
Spectacular - Yeovil Town Football Club Last
years event was attended by hundreds of families
and this years display promises to be just as
good. Yeovil Town Football Club, Huish Park,
Yeovil BA22 8YF Tel: 01935 84788
Gates open at 6.00pm. The bonfire will be lit
around 7.00pm ish and fireworks will commence at
7.30pm.Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children)
£15, Adults £6, Child £3, Under 3's free |
NewsDetail/0,,10673~1833591,00.html |
5 November 2012 |
Fireworks Extravaganza Charity Night at Yeovil
Showground this Saturday night, November 5, is
always a popular choice. Entry costs £6 for
adults and £3 for children, and there’s also a
family ticket available for £15. Organised by
the Yeovil Lions Branch Club and Yeovil Round
Table, this year’s display will have a Star
Wars theme – Darth Vader, Royal Guards and
Storm Troopers will be in attendance when the
gates open at 5.30pm. There will also be a
laser light show, rides, and food and drink.
Showground,Two Tower Lane,off Dorchester Road
BA20 2RN. |
5 November 2012 |
Conference and Leisure Complex hosts its third
annual Fireworks Extravaganza on Saturday
night, November 5. The bonfire will be lit at
6.30pm, with the fireworks display starting an
hour later at 7.30pm. Entry costs £5 for
adults and £3.50 for children. A family ticket
(two adults and three children) costs £15, and
includes admission to the family disco from
8.30pm. ADVANCED
TICKETS (from Westland Leisure Complex on
01935 848 380) or on-line
Conference and Leisure Complex, Westbourne
BA20 2DD. |
wins £41,000 lottery grant
11:00 - 15-July-2010
The Carnivals In Somerset Promotion
Project group has made a successful
bid for Heritage Lottery funding to
promote and conserve the history of
the area's famous illuminated
carnivals. A Heritage Lottery Fund
grant of £41,000 has been secured to
develop a range of facilities and
key element will be a mobile
exhibition unit, due to make its
first appearance on Wells Cathedral
Green on August 4. It will then be
touring the county and elsewhere.The
exhibition van will display the
history, heritage, culture and
community of the carnivals through
images, video, text and memorabilia.
The van also has a recording
facility to collect oral histories
and memories. Anyone with carnival
memorabilia is invited to bring it
along. A carnival DVD and
educational package for schools is
being prepared.
The Carnivals in Somerset Promotion
Project (CISPP), was formed by
volunteers in January 2009, in
response to concerns that the
heritage of Somerset's illuminated
carnivals could be lost unless more
people are encouraged to take part
in the tradition.The carnivals bring
in an estimated £40 million of
tourist and other revenue each year.
Around 10,000 people are thought to
be involved in carnival and there
are more than 50 float clubs and
another 100 or so other clubs who
enter as walking groups or
The origins of carnivals in Somerset
can be traced back to the famous
Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy
Fawkes and his fellow conspirators
failed in their attempt to blow up
the Houses of Parliament. King James
I and his parliament decreed that
the events of November 5 should be
commemorated annually with the
lighting of bonfires which led to a
tradition of merrymaking out which
the carnivals were born. The
Bridgwater Carnival (the oldest
event of its kind in the UK) can be
traced back to 1847 through
journalistic records.

are highly regarded as
the largest illuminated
processions in the
They occur late on in
the year at various
locations including:
Burnham-on-Sea, Chard,
Ilminster, Glastonbury,
North Petherton, Shepton
Mallet, Taunton,
Wellington, Wells,
Weston-Super-Mare, and
The carnivals in
Somerset date back to
400 years, and are one
of the most spectacular
events in Somerset
today. In some of the
bigger locations (such
as Bridgwater), you can
expect to see crowds of
more than 120,000.
The carnival floats (or
carts as they are
sometimes referred as),
are designed and built
by dedicated carnival
clubs around the West
These carnival clubs
have many members who
raise money throughout
the year, and work
relentlessly to achieve
the spectacular carnival
entries. The carnival
floats take part in the
carnival parade along
with other entries;
these range from clowns
dancing in the streets
to 100ft illuminated
carnival floats (some
with up to 30,000 light
bulbs) pulled by
The timing of the West
Country Carnival close
to the British
celebration of Bonfire
night is no coincidence,
as the roots of the
original carnival in
Bridgwater date back to
1605. Guy Fawkes
is the character most
associated with the plot
to blow up the Houses of
Parliament, however the
instigator was Jesuit
priest Robert Parsons
from Nether Stowey, a
short distance from
Bridgwater. Parsons and
his colleagues were
Catholics who wanted to
put an end to the
Protestant King James VI
and Parliament of the
day, in order to put an
end to catholic
persecution, hence they
planned their ill-fated
attempt on 5 November
Bonfire night is a major
annual celebration
across the whole of
England, but it is
likely that the reason
that the West Country
Carnival was originally
so keenly celebrated is
that the South West
towns were predominantly
Protestant — hence the
celebration of Robert
Parsons' (and Guy
Fawkes') failure. The
religious origins of the
event are almost
forgotten and far less
significant today |
Carnival Circuit
The Bridgwater carnival was
the first carnival of its type,
however other carnival processions
within the South West began some years
ago. They start in late August and
continue until late November. The
oldest and largest circuit is the
Somerset County Guy Fawkes Carnival
Association Circuit which starts at
Bridgwater, with many of the carts
will appear in all of the carnivals.
Prizes are awarded in several
categories for the best carts in each
The three circuits are:
* Wessex Grand Prix
Circuit: Sturminster Newton, the third
Thursday in August/weekend before Bank
Holiday; Trowbridge; Mere; Frome;
Shaftesbury; Gillingham; Castle Cary
& Ansford; Wincanton; Warminster
* South Somerset
Federation Of Carnival Committee
Circuit: Wellington held on the last
Saturday in September; Ilminster;
Chard; Taunton; Yeovil
* Somerset County
Guy Fawkes Carnival Association
Circuit: Bridgwater on the Friday
following the nearest Thursday to 5
November; North Petherton on the
following Saturday; Burnham-on-Sea on
the following Monday; Shepton Mallet
on the following Wednesday; Wells on
the following Friday; Glastonbury
& Chilkwell on the following
Saturday; Weston-super-Mare on the
following Monday, the last carnival in
the whole circuit. From 2012 this will
change with Bridgwater on the first
Saturday after 5 November,
Weston-super-Mare on the following
Friday, North Petherton on the second
Saturday, Burnham-on-Sea on the
following Monday, Shepton Mallet on
the following Wednesday, Wells on the
third Friday and Glastonbury on the
third Saturday.
There is one unofficial carnival
in the circuit, held at Midsomer
Norton on the Thursday between the
Shepton Mallet and Wells carnivals.
There are also a series of unofficial
Christmas carnivals, including
[edit] Carts and floats
Uniquely in the West Country, the
vehicles are called carnival "carts",
unlike other carnivals where the term
carnival float is used. The term
"cart" is still used today to describe
the large and elaborate trailers used
in the procession. Carts are built by
local clubs of individuals funded
totally by charitable donations and
sponsorship from local businesses.
Carts are always
themed, with no restriction on the
theme from the organising committee.
Regularly chosen themes include:
* Popular
children's books - like Alice in
* Favourite
children's characters - such as Disney
* Scenes or themes
from history - like Pre-Historic,
Victorian or famous Battles
* Scenes or themes
from around the world - such as
Australia, Rio de Janeiro or Spanish
* Travel and
transport - such as cars or trains,
e.g. The Chattanooga Choo-Choo
* Popular themes of
the day - including pop songs or
* The future or
exploration - such as space
Carts include both music and costumed
people to complete their theme. People
and items on the cart can either be
moving, or static in tableau format -
the later being difficult to hold
position for on a cold November
Today these carts are driven by farm
tractors, and usually also tow a large
diesel driven electricity generator to
provide the huge amount of power
required to power the carts. Some
generators used can provide over one
megawatt of power, with 10,000 to
30,000 light bulbs not uncommon on a
modern day cart.[8] The tractors
themselves are often decorated to
match the rest of the cart and
generator, and in some cases modified
so that the driver is positioned low
down between the two front wheels.
This allows for a higher degree of
decoration without obscuring the
driver's view. The length of the
entire cart is often built to the
maximum allowable of 100 feet (30 m).
These floats are also interspersed
with walking exhibits, either groups
or singles, and occasional marching
bands or majorette troupes.
dates of the Somerset Carnivals
2012 |
own(Click on Link)
Bridgwater [route/map]
of our annual carnival in Bridgwater
can be traced back to the Gunpowder
Plot of 1605 when Guy Fawkes and his
fellow conspirators, failed in their
attempt to blow up the Houses of
Parliament. That story is well known
to everyone, but what is not so widely
acknowledged is that it was King James
1st and his parliament who decreed
that the events of 5 November should
be commemorated annually with the
lighting of bonfires, a tradition
which is celebrated across the nation
to this very day.
November |
7:00pm |
Burnham-on-Sea /
Highbridge [route/map]
the late 1800s and contininuing into
the 1900s Burnham celebrated November
5th with a bonfire in the High Street
to which were rolled blazing tar
barrels. In about 1907/8 there were
concerns about safety and it was
decided to have the bonfire on a field
and a torchlight procession
starting in the High Street and
processing to the bonfire field. Thus
in 1909 Burnham had its first
Torchlight Carnival Procession. This
continued until the outbreak of World
War One ,and the carnival did not
return until 1923.It then continued as
an evening carnival until 1939, when
an afternoon procession was held. Festivities
cocooned until 1947 and the event grew
in size and popularity to become one
of the most popular carnivals in
Essex.Afternoon events were held on
the Mildmay Ironworks Field and there
were madi gras type events in the High
Street after the procession. In the
1950s a full Funfair was introduced
into the High Street and this remained
until 1966. There were
problems in this year and the
following year an small afternoon
procession was organised .1967 saw an
Evening procession back,now at the end
of September and much curtailed from
pre-1966. Subsequent
committees have built that carnival up
to what you now see today, with one of
the most successful Carnivals in the
South East of England.
November |
7:30pm |
Castle Cary
Cary & Ansford Carnivals take
place annually in October. Our
Children’s Carnival usually takes
place on the afternoon of the second
Saturday, when children and parents
process through Castle Cary town
centre. The Illuminated Carnival takes
places on the evening of the following
Saturday.Around the
time of the Illuminated Carnival, a
fun fair is in town, and high street
traders compete in a window-dressing
competition. The Carnival Committee
produces a 64-page Carnival
Programme,on sale locally, which
provides information about the
Carnival, serves as a directory to the
local businesses that advertise in it,
and includes competitions. On our
pages you will see line drawings that
have appeared in our Programmes, drawn
by Committee member Pam Pope. On the
evening of the procession there are
barbeques, hog roasts, and other hot
food and drinks around the town.
October |
7:30pm |
GP |
from the League of Friends and Chard
Youth Centre met to discuss ways in
which to raise money for the
respective groups. Gerald Quick,
Mervyn Ball, Tom Miller and Wendy
Clulow decided that the best option
would be to revive Chard Carnival,
after a break of 13 years. The
carnival is now in its 43rd year and
has raised over £85,000 pounds for
local charities and organisations,
including Chard Christmas Lights,
Children’s Hospice South West, Chard
Hospital and all the local schools. In
the early 1970’s, Chard, Ilminster,
Wellington and Taunton formed the
South Somerset Federation of
Carnivals, with Yeovil joining at a
later date. This provided a
competition for the best entries from
the 5 towns taking part.
October |
7:15pm |
FC |
of the now-disbanded committee, said:
"It was felt that due to the current
climate and the difficulty in fund
raising, obtaining sponsorship, the
cost of public-liability insurance and
new rulings on health and safety, it
would be impossible to commit to
staging this event with the limited
funds the committee had in reserve
following the disastrous summer last
year and the poor attendance of floats
at the carnival in December
been in Frome since 1929 having been
founded by Mr Alan Bennett together
with others who worked at that time
for Butler and Tanners, a local
printing firm who are still one of the
main employers in the town. Frome
carnival grew in popularity over the
years and this was aided by the fact
that Mr Bennets daughter Hazel met and
married Mr Roy Butler M.B.E. he became
known as "Mr Carnival" and was well
known in the community for his
dedication to the carnival charity
which was formed to help local people
in need.
Sat 22nd September
7:00pm |
GP |
October |
7:30pm |
GP |
is the biggest. At each carnival there
are collections to raise money for
charities.The Carnival takes over the
town for one day, starting at around
7.30 in the evening. Thousands of
people pour in from near and far,
traffic is closed off, and the town
reeks of hot dog stands and outdoor
snack bars. People line the streets,
all wrapped up against the cold, and
the Carnival floats weave through
town. It's quite a close-and-friendly
affair. Apart from crowds in the
streets, people hold parties in houses
along the route and the pubs fill up
after the event. Kids love it -
there's a fairyland element to it,
even though the high-volume music
makes it a little, shall we say,
November |
7.00pm |
the second Carnival in the Somerset
circuit, Ilminster is a small market
town South of Taunton. Ilminster
have some good organisation and put on
a well organised show with more
entries than most towns. There are
prizes for 1st, 2nd and third in their
different classes, there is a cup for
“Spirit of Carnival”
It's a fun night out for all the
family and you can help raise funds
for charities or the clubs for the
next year's entry. Thousands attend
the carnival, so watch out as parking
can get very limited on carnival
nights and the town centre can often
be cut off to traffic during the
October |
7:15pm |
FC |
A popular annual event started in 1928
when Mere Carnival was founded.
September |
7:00pm |
GP |
Midsomer Norton
A very enjoyable Carnival which has been
running since 1948
November |
7:15pm |
North Petherton
Fawkes Carnival, was formed in 1948,
and joined the Somerset County Guy
Fawkes Carnival Association in
1952,and is regarded by many of our
thousands of spectators, as the family
carnival. This is due mainly to the
fact that it held on a Saturday night,
which allows the youngsters to stay up
a little later than normal. The other
reason is that is runs straight
through the town of North Petherton,
Somerset, with no awkward turns,
causing unnecessary hold ups. As
with thousands of visitors converged
into our small town emergencies will
always happen and no amount of
planning will not eliminatethis,
please be patient as the emergency
services will deal with theses as soon
as possible, and allow the carnival to
resume, if they need to be
the route. North
Guy Fawkes Carnival, offers ample
viewing throughout the whole route,
which allows even the youngest and
eldest of our visitors,
watch this marvelous spectacle of
light, sound and movement. We
do not charge for admission to one of
the three, largest illuminated
carnivals in the world, however a
street collection will take place
during the carnival
itself, by numerous collectors and
collecting vehicles, proceeds of
which, go towards the running of the
carnival, prize money and finally
the local charities of which we
support. We are always grateful for
any amount we collect, however our
collections have equated to only 30p a
head. With over three
hours of entertainment from the
dedicated entrants and the cost for
them to build these exquisite entries,
we urge you to give at least £3
per head from your group of friends or
family, and secure the future of North
Petherton Carnival for future
generations, to marvel over.
November |
7:00pm |
is an annual event that has become
part of Shaftesbury’s history. This
year will be the 133rd Carnival, a
great achievement that involves
hundreds of people to make it such a
great success. A lot of people give
their time voluntarily including
people driving Courtesy cars for our
Mayor and retiring royal family,
collecting vehicles who turn out year
after year, the many marshals that
walk miles back and forth, the owners
of the land at our assembly areas, who
are always most helpful and of course,
our sponsors for their continued
financial support, without which the
Carnival could not survive. There are
more too numerous to mention, so thank
you, thank you, thank you all.
September |
7:00pm |
GP |
Shepton Mallet
of Shepton Mallet’s carnival are some
what unique. It all began because the
town needed a community centre. In the
early 1960s the Shepton Mallet
Community Association was inaugurated
to raise funds for the
project.Organisations from across the
town and surrounding villages pulled
together and it was agreed that
bringing carnival to Shepton Mallet
was one way to draw in much needed
funds.A Carnival committee was set up
in 1965 and carnival came to Shepton
Mallet. Over the following decades,
thousands of pounds have been raised
for local charities, unfortunately
donations to the community centre fund
were stopped when it was realised that
for various reasons the centre would
not be set up.Mr Bob Kerslake and Mrs
Maura Kerslake were amongst the
founder members with Mr Lionel Edwards
as chairman an office he held for
thirty years this he handed over to
Don Clifford who remains as chairman
at the present time. In the years that
followed, from 1965 the sponsorship
raised by the carnival queens and
princesses has done much to cover the
running costs, with street collections
making up the balance to cover costs
and make donations yearly to local
clubs and charities.Over the years the
carnival grew and in 1978 there were a
record 151 entries. It was at this
stage that the decision was made to no
longer plough money into the community
centre fund, there still being no
visible progress on that project. In
fact Shepton Mallet 30 years later
still does not have a community hall.
November |
7:30pm |
on Sunday in the run-up to Sturminster
Newton Carnival with a church service,
a walk round Broad Oak, and skittles
at the Bull. On Monday there is a
jumble sale, on Tuesday a pet show and
darts at the Royal British Legion, on
Wednesday a quiz, and on Thursday the
fun fair will open and the Dorset
Doddlers carnival fun run will take
place. Bingo on Friday, August 20, is
followed by carnival day itself. Sir
Thomas Tyldesley's Regiment of Foote
will be at Durrant re-enacting the
battles of the English Civil war. In
the afternoon there will be children's
fancy dress, and an evening parade
celebrating the carnival's 60th
anniversary. The day will end with a
firework spectacular.
7:15pm |
GP |
is over a 1.5 mile long route and
features stunning illuminated floats
and walking entries with lights, glitz
and glam.BUSINESS administration
apprentice Lizzy Grigg was crowned
Miss Taunton 2010 at a ceremony at
Taunton’s Albemarle Centre. Lizzy will
head the Taunton carnival parade in
October |
7:00pm |
FC |
to the town carnival. Leaves Canal
Road at 7pm, and makes its way through
the town centre before finishing at
Cradle Bridge (by the library)
Entry forms and a route map are
available form our website or the town
council offices at 10/12 Fore Street.
October |
7:00pm |
GP |
carnival floats, bands &
Masqueraders - 6:45pm from Boreham Road
October |
7:00pm |
GP |
which was under threat because of a
demand for £1,500 from the Performing
Rights Society, has been given a
reprieve following intervention by
Taunton MP Jeremy Browne. The society
wanted to claim the money under a new
law. But carnival chairperson
Josephine Chave was able to negotiate
a substantial reduction after Mr
Browne took up the cause. The carnival
is set to go ahead as planned on
September 25th
September |
7:30pm |
FC |
Carnival is a spectacle not to be
missed. It is said be the biggest
illuminated carnival in the world.
These huge floats make their way
slowly through the medieval streets
intertwined with street performers
with highly inventive and stunning
costumes. As it is dark at this time
of year the blaze of colourful lights,
music, dancing and beautifully
tailored costumes on these floats
creates a unique and exciting
atmosphere. The tableau floats usually
depict a scene with all the performers
in a fixed pose effectively creating a
living picture.
The carnival is Free to see and
all these floats are created by
enthusiasts who are raising money for
The 2010 Wells carnival is
scheduled to take place on Friday 12th
November at 7.00pm and is a must see
for anyone planning to come to the
area. There is also a fun fair
in the market place.
November |
7:00pm |
NEW ROUTE - [route/map]
& COLOUR The earliest newspaper
records concerning Weston super Mare
November Carnival go back to
1871. In those days it was usual
for the Parade to start at the
Knightstone Island and after wending
its way through almost every street in
the town, it dispersed on the beach,
where bonfires were lit and effigies
burned. These were not only Guy
Fawkes, but any unpopular figure of
local disdain or even international
infamy.This year approximately 100,000
spectators are expected to line the
route around the town. There will be
around 130 entries, of which 50 will
be large illuminated floats up to 100
feet long and up to 17 feet high.
November |
7:15pm |
Wincanton Carnival ceased after the
2009 Carnival season.
GP |
Yeovil |
unknown |
List of
carnival clubs
The following is a list of
major carnival clubs and their home
town locations:
- 2Rs Carnival Club - Temple
Cloud, near Bristol, Somerset
- Aliens Carnival
Club - Frome, Somerset
- Aysheberton
Stannary Carnival Club -
Ashburton, Devon
- Axminster Young Farmers
Carnival Club - Axminster, Devon
- Bridgwater YMCA Carnival Club
- Bridgwater
- Brimgrovers Juvenile Carnival
Club - Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset
- Britannia Carnival
Club - Castle Cary, Somerset
- British Flag
Carnival Club - Bridgwater,
- Cavaliers Carnival
Club - Bridgwater
- Cary Comedians
Carnival Club - Castle Cary,
- Centurions Carnival Club - a
club based in Bridgwater
- Club 2000 Carnival Club -
Chard, Somerset
- Cobra Carnival Club
- Wells, Somerset
- Crazy Crew Carnival Club -
- Crusaders Carnival
Club - Bridgwater, Somerset
- Domino Carnival
Club - Chard, Somerset
- Dynamites Carnival Club -
Glastonbury, Somerset
- Elcipse Carnival
Club Devon
- En-spired Carnival Club -
Salisbury, Wiltshire
- Excalibur Carnival Club -
Topsham, Devon
- Gemini Carnival
Club - Ilminster, Somerset
- Globe Carnival Club
- Wells, Somerset
- Gorgons Carnival
Club - Wells, Somerset
- Gremlins Carnival
Club - Bridgwater
- Griffens Carnival Club -
created by the merger of the
Griffens and Bath Bridge Carnival
- Harlequin Carnival
Club - Ilminster,
- Hillview Juvenile
Carnival Club - Highbridge,
- Hot Rock Carnival Club -
Gillingham, Dorset
- Huckyduck Carnival Club -
Coleford, Somerset
- Ipplepen Carnival
Club - Ipplepen, near Newton
Abbot, Devon
- Just Georges
Carnival Club - Sturminster
Newton, Dorset
- Key Kids Juvenile Carnival
Club - Meare, Glastonbury, Somerset
- King William Carnival Club -
Glastonbury, Somerset
- Kipling Cubs Juvenile
Carnival Club - Shaftesbury, Dorset
- Lime Kiln Carnival Club -
- Luckington Carnival Club -
Coleford, Somerset
- Mardons Carnival Club -
Midsomer Norton, Somerset
- Magnum Carnival Club -
Blandford Forum, Dorset
- Marina Sydenham
Juvenile Carnival Club -
- Marketeers Carnival
Club - Bridgwater
- Masqueraders
Carnival Club - Meare,
Glastonbury, Somerset
- Mendip Vale
Carnival Club - Wells,
- Mojo Carnival Club
- Shepton Mallet, Somerset
- Motiv8 Carnival Club -
Yeovil, Somerset
- Mutineers Carnival Club -
Teignmouth, Devon
- Natajacks Carnival Club -
Frome, Somerset
- New Beginnings Carnival Club
- Taunton, Somerset
- New Market Carnival Club -
- Nunsford Nutters
Carnival Club - Colyton, Devon
- Nunsford Nymphos Carnival
Club - Colyton, Devon
- Oasis Carnival Club
- Frome, Somerset
- One Plus One Carnival Club -
Ilminster, Somerset
- Pentathlon Carnival Club -
North Petherton, Somerset
- Peredins Carnival
Club - Southampton, Hampshire
- Phoenix Carnival Club -
Cullompton, Devon
- Poppe Inne Carnival Club - Tatworth
near Chard,
- Rainbow Carnival Club -
- Ramblers Carnival
Club - Bridgwater
- Rascals Juvenile Carnival
Club - Ilminster, Somerset
- Renegades Carnival Club -
- Revellers Carnival
Club - Motcombe near
Shaftesbury, Dorset
- Shambles Carnival
Club - Shepton Mallet,
- Seaton Explorers Carnival
Club - Seaton, Devon
- Sidvale Carnival
Club - Sidford, Devon
- Spangles Carnival
Club - Ilminster, Somerset
- St. Peters Carnival Club -
Yeovil, Somerset
- Tango Juvenile
Carnival Club - Salcombe
Regis, Devon
- Toppers Juvenile Carnival
Club - North Petherton, Somerset
- Vagabonds Carnival Club -
- Waterside Carnival Club -
Midsomer Norton, Somerset
- Wells and Glastonbury Young
Farmers Carnival Club - Wells and
Glastonbury, Somerset
- Westonzoyland
Carnival Club - Westonzoyland,
- Wick Carnival Club
- Glastonbury, Somerset
- Wilfs Carnival Club -
- Wills Carnival Club
- Bridgwater, Somerset
- Xtreme Carnival Club -
Ilminster, Somerset

Saturday 3rd November 2012
Banstead CC Firework
Gates open at 6.00pm Display at 7.30 pm (approx)
Entrance by donation. Hot and cold drinks, BBQ and
glow novelties all available.
Banstead CC
Avenue Road
SM7 2PP |
Beacon Hill
Saturday 3rd November 2012
open 4.30pm
Bonfire lights at 5pm
Fireworks starts around 5.30pm.
BBQ, Mulled Wine, Hot Chocolate and Refreshments,
Popcorn, Candy Floss, Toffee Apples, Glow Items, and
much more.... On the gate family (2+2) £15, Adult
£5, child (3-16) £4, OAP £4, extra child £3, under 3s
free. In advance: family (2+2) £12, Adult £4.50, child
(5-16) £3.50, OAP £3.50, extra child £2, under 3s free.
Advance tickets can be bought from Beacon Hill Post
Office or Beacon Hill School, Beacon Hill Rd, Hindhead
or Magical Rooms, Grayshott. For more info call: 01428
606761 or email:
No dogs or sparklers please. |
Beacon Hill Playing
off Tilford Road
GU26 6RF |
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
in Library Car Park
18:00 Assembly of guys in Library Car Park
18:15 Pedestrians without torches proceed to
18:20 Judging of guys
18:25 Presentation of Prizes
18:40 Piper to lead Torchlight procession
Bramley Field |
3rd November 2012 |
is the largest bonfire and firework display in the
UK staged to celebrate the Gunpowder Plot! Brockham
Bonfire, is a traditional ‘family’ night of fun and
celebration to raise funds for local societies, worthy
causes and local charities. Please allow plenty of time
to get to the firework display, as Brockham get
extremely busy on Bonfire Night. Car parks are
well signposted and numbered. The centre of
Brockham becomes a traffic exclusion zone from 5.30pm
until at least 10.30pm. A voluntary donation per person
is asked to support the various local charities and
societies |
Brockham Village
Surrey |
3rd November 2012
open 5pm. Music and entertainment by Radio Jackie's
Roadshow from 5pm. Voted in 2009 by Sainsburys
Magazine one of the UK's Top 5 Firework Displays. For
one of the largest charity firework displays in the
South East of England come to the Carshalton Fireworks
for their 55th annual bonfire night display. This
event is put on by Wallington & Carshalton Round
Table. The aim is to provide a safe, enjoyable and
exciting event for the local community. All profit
from the event is donated to local charities to
further support the local community. £5 in advance and
£7.50 on the day.
Carshalton Park, Ruskin Road
3th November 2012 |
These community
fireworks are organised by Caterham Round Table in aid
of local charities. Sat: gates open 6pm
£4 adv from various local stores until 5pm, 2 Nov; more
on the door Click
further details |
Top of Church Hill,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6SA
details & map
01883 340 945
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
The torchlight
procession takes place as follows: There are 400
wax candle torches sold on a first come first served
basis at £5 each. The torches are sold by members of the
Committee from the local school in an unlit form. This
process is strictly supervised and sales are only made
to adults (those over 18), it is made clear at the time
that adults must ensure that children are not allowed to
carry the torches. The public are asked to queue orderly
where the money is passed over for the torches and the
torches are then lit outside the waiting area, again
under the supervision of a marshal Warning and Safety
Notices are displayed at the point of sale on
Fluorescent Yellow A4 Paper. Once all the torches have
been handed out and lit, the procession is led by a
mobile p.a system along the road system and onto the
village green where the torch carriers are marshalled
around the exterior of the exclusion zone (roped off
area) until all members of the torch procession are
around the fire. At that time the fire is lit with the
torches and once again the torch bearers are marshalled
away from the area using three metre wide exit zones
which are moveable based upon the wind direction. After
the fire has been lit the exclusion zone remains in
place and is marshalled at all times to ensure that no
member of the public will go inside the zone. Road
Diversions, Park & Ride and Events programme
3:00pm South side of Village Green (by the Spar
and the Chemist) road closes. The bus slip road
closes. 5:00pm Stalls open for business.
5:00pm Park & Ride shuttle buses start operating.
Please note that once the car parks are full we have no
further availability. 5:30pm A283 Petworth Road
from the junction with Woodside Road to the Crown
closes, traffic diverted along Coxcombe Lane
5:30pm North side of the Village Green from Petworth
Road to Pockford Road closes, traffic diverted via
Pockford Road / Skinner’s Lane 6:30pm
Torches go on sale at St Mary’s School. 7:00pm
Procession of 400 torches departs St Mary’s School.
7:30pm (approx) Bonfire set alight. 8:00pm (approx)
Fireworks 8:30pm (approx) Grand Draw
9.30pm (approx) Last shuttle bus back to car parks
10:00pm (approx) Roads re-open. |
Chiddingfold Green
GU8 4TX |
Firework Extravganza
Fri, 26th October 2012
Rugby Club, Stunning fireworks set to music.
18:00 Gates open 19.00 Bombfire Lit 20:00
Fireworks (come early to avoid the queues)
Advanced Tickets (available from Chobham Rugby Club
website) : Adult (over 16)
£4.00 Child £2.00 On
the Gate Adult (over 16) £5.00
Child £3.00 Beer tent, Barbecue,
Chips, Hot Drinks,KrispyKreme Doughnuts, Sweets,
Popcorn, Candy Floss, Glow in the dark novelties
Rugby Club, Windsor Road |
Cranleigh, Surrey
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
Cranleigh in
Surrey hosts an exciting free display with a friendly
village atmosphere. Children compete to make the best
Guy, which then leads the procession through the streets
to the Common where the bonfire and firework display
takes place. 18:30 Procession leavess from Park Mead,
19:20 Bonfire is lit on Cranleigh Common, 20:00
Cranleigh fireworks display by Selster Fireworks starts
Free entry with collections for local charities. For
more information see the Cranleigh Village Community
Website. |
Procession leaves
from Park Drive
GU6 8LU |
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Dunsfold Village Bonfire
On Saturday 3 November. From 6pm there will be
refreshments on sale and a raffle on the common ground
opposite the cricket pitch by Mill Lane. At 6.30pm the
torch procession will move from the common ground to the
Bonfire which is by Chapel Hill. Bonfire will be lit at
7pm and at 7.45pm there will be the fireworks which can
be viewed from the common grounds opposite the cricket
pitch by Mill Lane.
Chapel Hill
Dunsfold Village
Saturday 3rd November 2012
Gates open to
the public at 6pm. Other attractions featured will be a
fairground and a BBQ for hot food. Advance tickets are
£3 from Effingham Post Office or Parkers Hardware in The
Street. If bought on the gate the price is £5. Under-11s
go free.
George V Fields
Epsom, Surrey
3rd November 2012 |
Hook Road Arena –
Epsom Fireworks Display and Funfair
Dress up warmly and head out to see this exciting annual
display of fireworks and enjoy all the fun of the fair.
Tickets can be purchased in advance of the display from
local ticket outlets - please see the website for
details. Tickets are also available for purchase on the
gate when they open at 5.30pm. Email: |
Hook Road Arena,
Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8QG
3rd November
2012 |
Farnham Roundtable
Firework Fiesta,
6.15pm Torchlight procession leaves Farnham Central Car
park. 7.15pm Bonfire is lit 7.45pm (approx)
fireworks display beginnings. Tickets: In
advances from the outlets in Farnham - all proceeds go
towards local charities. Adults: £5.00 Children:
£3.00 Family: £14.00 On the Night Adults:
£6.00 Children: £4.00
Farnham Park
Surrey |
Sunday 28 October 2012
Halloween & No Bangs
Firework Party
Godalming & District NCT will be holding their
annual Halloween & No Bangs Firework Party
From 5pm. Fireworks go off at 6:30pm. Raffle, lucky dip,
refreshments, micro rugby and music from Act One
Adventures along with the usual fancy dress and carved
pumpkin competitions. Come along and experience the only
dedicated fireworks for the under 5’s and their
families. Entry donation of £5 per family.
Guildford Rugby Club, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7
3rd November 2012
& Villages Lions Club - Annual Town Bonfire &
Grand Firework Display 19:00 torchlight procession
from The Pepperpot 19:30 torchlight procession
arrives at the Church, Town Mayor will light the
bonfire 20:00 grand Firework Display starts.)
Tel: (Graeme Hutson) 07909 900693 Email:
Display by Angelfire Pyrotechnics at 7.30.
The Lammas Lands
behind The United Church, Bridge Road, Godalming
5 November 2012 |
Fireworks Fiesta, . As usual there will be a
torchlight procession from the High Street heading up to
the London Road and into the park. Entry to Stoke Park
is entirely free of charge but we do ask the audience to
make a donation of at least £2.00 per person. All
profits from the event will be donated to Charity. Event
: Torches on sale at the Guildhall price £5 each from
6:45pm Mayoral address at 7:30pm Torchlight
procession leaves from the Guildhall at 7:45pm STOKE
PARK : Peter Gordon from 96.4 Eagle Radio
starts the fun at 7pm Funfair and fast food
available all evening Torchlight procession arrives at
8:15pm Fireworks start at 8:30pm (approx)
Tel: (Graeme Hutson) 07909 900693 Email: |
Guildford Lions website |
5 November 2012 |
open at 6:30pm. Fireworks start at 7:15pm. Hot dogs
and burgers will be on sale.
Northmead Junior School
School Road
November 2012
The fireworks
will be lit at 6.30pm, followed by a bonfire. |
Village Hall |
Friday 2nd November2012 |
Round Table and Kingston Rotary Club will be hosting
Kingston's main Firework Displays on Friday 2nd November
at Kingsmeadow Athletics and Fitness Centre Stadium in
Surrey. The organisers promise a display full of
colour, noise and excitement, designed to flow with the
music. There will be children's funfair rides before the
show and family activities on site from 6.30pm.
Please do not bring any sparklers, as these will not be
permitted by the stewards.Gates open 6.30pm
Fireworks commence at 8.00pm Tickets
are on sale costing just £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for
children 5- 11, if purchased in advance from Kingston
Tourist Information Centre, in the Market Place or
Kingsmeadow Athletics and Fitness Centre. Tickets
can be bought on the day at the gate and are £6.00 for
adults and £4.00 for children. |
Kingsmeadow Stadium
KT1 3PB |
5 November 2010
Park Fireworks : Gates will open at 6pm and they'll
be plenty of time to eat and drink before the big
A traditional bonfire will be lit to start the evening
with the fireworks due to start around 7.30pm.
Ticketed event please visit Lingfield Park's website or
call for further details
or call 01342 834 800.
Sunday 4th November 2012
5.00pm Gates
open 7.00pm Bonfire 7.30pm Fireworks
Adults: £4.00 Children: £3.00 |
Mytchett Community
140 Mytchett Road
Onslow Village
3rd November 2012
Saints Church
Family event. Doors open at 6pm,
with hot dogs and jacket potatoes being on sale. There
is a short firework display at 6.30pm and then the
bonfire is lit. Entry is by ticket only - on sale from
1st October - no tickets on the gate.
All Saints
Sunday 4th November 2012 |
We are a special needs
school in Brox Road Ottershaw, run by the charity I CAN.
Our bonfire night is always a great event, with a
spectacular firework display fired by professionals to
mu Available on the night will be chips, burgers, hot
dogs, home made soup, mulled wine, tea & coffee plus
cold drinks.
Gates open at 17.00 with the bonfire lighting at 18.00.
Prices are: £6.00 adults, £4.00 children/OAP’s £16
family ticket (2 children & 2 adults). Prices held
again. All profits go towards equipment for our
children. |
I CAN Centre with
Meath School
Brox Road
KT16 0LF |
Saturday 10th November 2012
open 5.30pm, fireworks start promptly at 6:30pm. As well
as the fireworks we'll have hot dogs, mulled wine,
refreshments, glo toys and music. Adults £6, Children
£2, Family ticket £14 (2 adults and up to 3 kids) |
Parishg Church School
Blackborough Road
Saturday 27th
October |
As well as
the bonfire and fireworks display there will be a
funfair, food stalls, bar plus live music. The floats
for the procession will assemble in the car park of the
village hall at 6.15pm and the judging of the fancy
dress and floats will take place at 6.45pm. The Torchlit
Procession commences at 7.10pm and the bonfire will be
lit at 7.30pm after which the Fireworks Display will
start at 8pm. Donations welcome.19:15
Torch lit procession starts from Village Hall (torches
available for purchase)
Ripley Village |
3rd November 2012
open at 5.30pm and a funfair will be available. The
fireworks display will begin at around 8pm. This is a
charity fund-raising event organised by Staines Round
Table and Feltham and Hounslow 41 club. Tickets cost £8
on the door, but only £6 if bought in advance.
Kempton Park Racecourse
Staines Road East
5th November 2012
Gates open:
5:30pm Display: 7:30pm approx.
Features: Fireworks to music Live bands Funfair
rides Entertainers Glow in the dark stall Mulled wine,
beer, hog roast, burgers, hotdogs, candyfloss, chips,
tea & coffee |
Cleeves School
Oatlands Avenue
KT13 9TS |
Friday 9th November 2012
Village Infant School bonfire, which is open to all,
takes place Friday, November 9th. Gates open at 5.15pm
and the bonfire is lit at 6pm. You can beat the queues
on the night if you purchase tickets in advance for
slightly cheaper via the school's website for £5 per
adult and £2 per child or alternatively pay £6 per adult
and £3 per child on the gate.
Windlesham Village School
School Road
3rd November
At Woking Park
will see the 19th Woking Fireworks Extravaganza run by
Woking Round Table. As well as one of the best
Fireworks displays in Surrey there is also a funfair
and food stalls on site. The timings for the
event are the same as previous years 5:30pm Park
closed to public and cleared in preparation for the
event 6:00pm Gates and Funfair open 8:00pm
Fireworks display starts 8:25pm (approx) Fireworks
display ends 9:30pm Funfair closes 10:00pm Event
closed Ticket Prices have been held at last years
prices and are On the gate
Adult: £6 (over 16) Child: £4 (age 5 - 16) Child: Free
(under 5's) Family: £15 (2 Adults & 2
Children) Pre-sales Adult: £5 (over 16) Child:
£3 (age 5 - 16) Child: Free (under 5's) Family: £12 (2
Adults & 2 Children) Pre-sales tickets are on sale
from Woking Leisure Centre
Woking Park
Sunday 4 November 2012
Holy Trinity Primary School
Fireworks Spectacular
5pm Gates open, 5.30pm Tots display, 6pm Bonfire
lit and 6.45pm Main display. BBQ, refreshments, pocket
money treats. Admission on the gate: adult £4.50, child
£3, pre-schooler £1. |
Holy Trinity Primary School, Benner Lane, West
End, Woking
Not many places have stronger bonfire
traditions than Sussex. Where in other places,
celebrations of the Gunpowder Plot have dwindled to
be little more than suburban garden fires and boxed
fireworks, the enormous bonfires and stunning
fireworks displays across Sussex continue.Sussex
bonfires kick off in October and continue through
November. Many of the county’s towns and
villages have their own bonfire societies, which
organise their event every year. Bonfire
societies tour around the county taking part in the
torchlight processions in each town and village.Many
of the societies are long established, although
Lewes in the oldest of the Sussex
organisations. The Lewes societies originated
in the 17th century after the 5 November
celebrations across the county spiralled out of
control and became riotous, drunken events, which
sparked a crackdown by authorities. Bonfire
societies were formed to bring the bonfire boys, and
their events into some kind of order.Sussex bonfires
began to take a more organised form in the 19th
century, after an unsuccessful attempt by police to
put a stop to the celebrations. This is when
the Sussex bonfires became organised torch-lit
processions accompanied by drummers and banners,
like we know them today. Many of the societies
dropped their distinctive disguises for more
elaborate fancy dress. Each of the societies
still have their own ‘uniform’, which often gives
clues to how the society was formed.
In 1066 Country, the Hastings, Battle and Rye
bonfire societies play big parts in the gunpowder
season, organising events that draw tens of
thousands of people to the area celebrate bonfire
night in spectacular fashion.
20 Oct 2012 Fletching Fletching
20 Oct 2012 Hailsham
20 Oct 2012 Nevill Nevill
20 Oct 2012 Seaford
27 Oct 2012 Firle Firle
27 Oct 2012 Staplecross
27 Oct 2012 Littlehampton
28 Oct 2012 Titchfield
03 Nov 2012 Newick Newick
03 Nov 2012 Battle
03 Nov 2012 Winchelsea
05 Nov 2012 Lewes
05 Nov 2012 Lindfield
10 Nov 2012 Chailey
10 Nov 2012 South Heighton
10 Nov 2012 East Hoathly
10 Nov 2012 Shoreham
10 Nov 2012 Rye
17 Nov 2012 Robertsbridge Robertsbridge
17 Nov 2012 Barcombe Barcombe
01 Dec 2012 Rottingdean Smugglers Night, supported by South
Bonfire Society
5 November 2010
Heart's Fun at the
Fireworks, Brighton Racecourse, Brighton, Sussex BN2,
01273 603580
5th November. Fun evening of family entertainment -
Heart FM Radio presenters live on stage plus live
performance from a VERY SPECIAL artist followed by an
amazing fireworks and laser finale set to all of your
favourite tunes! Plus fairground rides, indoor and
outdoor food and drink outlets. All proceeds to Have a
Heart charity for children.
Selsey Fireworks 13th
October 2012
This very popular, annual fireworks display will be fired
to music following the Legends, Myths and Magic theme.
Besides the wonderful fireworks, there will also be a
massive fun fair, a large bonfire, live music and plenty
of catering facilities. Tickets are available at various
outlets; please see the website for details.
School Lane,
Selsey, Sussex, PO20
Square |
Saturday 11th
September sees this year’s second Sussex Bonfire
procession of the year, with a trip to one of the
highest places in Sussex, Crowborough. The main event
of the evening gets underway at 7pm, when wreaths are
laid at the war memorial, which I believe is at All
Saints Church, next to the green.The procession gets
underway at 7:30, from Chapel Green, just after the
crowning of the carnival queen at 7:15. After leaving
the green at 7:15, two hours of processing through the
streets of the town get underway, with a long ramble
right round the town, which last year was in the area
south of Crowborough Hill and took in a refreshment
stop at the Bricklayers Arms in Whitehill Road, but
the details of which can be found in the programme,
which is available in the town. The route of the
procession will take the procession of torches and
floats through the streets and back to the Chapel
Green area for about 9:30pm.
Crowborough |
October 2009
If you want to
support and up and coming bonfire society, then maybe
Eastbourne will be the night for you. Reformed
after a long absence in 2001, Eastbourne is a small yet
friendly society, who can be seen with their distinctive
banner and unevenly spaced Guernsey stripes at all of
the main events in Sussex.Advertising themselves as a
family friendly event, the discharging of rook scarers,
flares and other scary things in the procession is
strictly prohibited and the procession will actually
take place along the promenade in the town, rather than
along the road. It’s no great secret in bonfire circles
that Eastbourne have had a hard time with the council,
who have made it difficult even for torches to be
part of the procession in the past, I believe citing
reasons such as “fire risk to buildings” as an excuse
not to have a torchlit procession. The procession will
leave about 7:30 from Silverdale Cross and end with an
explosive firework display and beacon on the beach
around 8:30, behind the bandstand, so a nice early one
and good for the kids, with the added advantage that the
area is well lit and policed, making it one of the
safest events on the calendar. One final note, it is
illegal to drink on the streets in Eastbourne, and
accordingly drinking is prohibited both in the
procession and in the crowd. |
Borough |
23 October
Fletching |
Mayfield |
16th October 2010
Hailsham Bonfire Society
7.30pm – 10pm
Society website |
17th October 2009
Hastings Bonfire Society celebrations. Hastings’
coincides with the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings
and takes place as part Hastings Week, our annual
celebration of the battle that changed English history.
From 7pm
Hastings Bonfire Society
website |
23 October 2010
Nevill Juvenile Bonfire Society was formed, almost by
accident, in 1967, when two local men had their own
bonfires destroyed before the 5th November, and
decided to have a community bonfire, with forty of
their friends and 50 torches, along with fireworks and
a small set piece, on the local allotments.Within two
years the society were using 1500 torches in four
processions and within five years they had over 500
members. Today the society marches with a large
number of visiting societies, making an impressive
snake around the Nevill estate, headed up with their
own colourful costumes and green and white striped
guernseys. Topical cartoon or toy related tabs
are usually the order of the day with Nevill, last
year a giant Lego Batman was hauled through the
streets to meet a firey, explosive end, in recognition
of the 50th birthday of Lego and the Batman film, the
Dark Knight, which had been released earlier in the
year. Events kick off at six when the first procession
forms up in Highdown Road for a march to the green,
where poppies will be lit and the Martyrs’ Memorial
will also be set off. The Last Post will be
played and there will be a minutes silence, before the
procession returns to Highdown Road. At half seven the
main procession will form up and leave at around
quarter to eight. Taking around seventy five
minutes, it will wind its way around most of Nevill
before heading down to The Green and up the Nevill
Road to the firesite at Landport Bottom, which,
confusingly, is neither where the Landport Estate is
or the bottom of anywhere! It’s more commonly
known as “The Race Hill” and it’s where Borough
Bonfire have their fireworks on the fifth! After the
fireworks have completed the final procession will
form up in Highdown Road, do a loop of Firle Crescent
and Mount Harry Road before returning the the
headquarters for Bonfire Prayers! Don’t forget to
support Nevill by buying a programme, which are
available from the shops on the estate and by paying
the small £3 charge for adults to enter the
firesite. Don’t forget that accompanied kids are
free! There will be a collection for charities
along the route, please don’t forget to give
From 6.30pm
Bonfire Society website |
October 2010
Littlehampton Bonfire
Society celebrations
Start time to be confirmed
Bonfire Society website
23 October 2010 |
Firle, who have a long
history and are the only big society that don’t invite
other societies to attend their procession. Not
because they are an unfriendly lot, but because there
are so many members and such a small village, that there
just would be room for everyone! Famous for its
fire banners coming down the hill, Firle is a great
destination, but being small, it’s often overcrowded,
so hopefully the clash with Fletching this year
will help relieve some of this. Winner of the
“Where In Sussex Best Bonfire Brew” in 2005, I will be
sad to not be attending this year. There is
usually a charge for parking at Firle Place and the
fireworks are always spectacular. Those heading to
Firle hoping for something controversial will be sadly
disappointed, as Firle bonfire is, as it always has
been, a celebration for the villagers of Firle. |
Bonfire Society website |
Battle, East
6th November 2010
Bonfire Boyes- Battlefield, Battle East Sussex
A procession of bonfire societies and bands around Abbey
Green followed by a huge bonfire.Admission by donation,
the collection on the night goes to local charities and
good causes, processions starts 7.45pm. Bonfire lit at
Battle Bonfire Society Celebrations. Battle
bonfire society plays a big part in the gunpowder
season, organising events that draw tens of thousands of
people to the area celebrate bonfire night in
spectacular fashion. During the 17th century a
roaring gunpowder trade operated from Battle, with the
largest works being on the site of the Powdermills
Hotel. It was these seemingly inconspicuous works
that reportedly supplied Guy Fawkes prior to his plot to
blow up the Houses of Parliament on 5 November 1605.
| |
Firework display
6 November 2010
Firework display at Blacklands School,
Osborne Close, Hastings TN34 2HU
Start 7pm. Small entrance fee |
& Borough |
6th November 2010
Nevill Sports Ground, Nevill Road,
Hove BN3 7QQ
Large display. One of the top ten displays in the UK, as
recommended by The Times. Gates open at 6.00pm and the
display is scheduled to start at 7:30pm. Tickets: Adult
- £10, Junior (16 and under) - £5, Children (Under 5) -
Free, Family Ticket (2 adults and 2 children) - £25.
October 2010
For details of Newick
Bonfire Night please see our Programme which is
available in most local shops and pubs. Newick Bonfire
Night is provided for Newick residents only as we are
a small Society with limited manpower and funds so are
unable to provide facilities for visitors. The roads,
including the A272, will be closed from 6.30pm-11pm
and there are very few places to park in the village.
Please do not park on the procession routes. We regret
we are unable to provide answers to queries about the
night which can be found in the Programme.Newick
Bonfire Society celebrations
Newick Bonfire
Society website
5th November 2010
Sussex County Cricket Ground
(SCCC), Eaton Road : Large display organised jointly by
the Brighton Lions and Sussex County Cricket Supporters
Club. Gates open at 6.00pm and the display starts at
7.30pm. Tickets: Adult - £10, Junior (16 and
under) - £5, Children (Under 5) - Free, Family Ticket (2
adults and 2 children) - £25. Ticket sales from the Club
Shop or from the SCCC website (dates they go on sale to
be confirmed). (Reserve date - 6th November).
and |
Bonfire Night celebrations
5 November 2010 |
annual bonfire event takes place throughout the town,
organised by several local bonfire societies. There are
seven different Bonfire Societies in Lewes, each with
their own marching procession, bonfire and
firework display. From 5pm Lewes will be closed to
traffic. Be warned that roads in the town are closed and
there are no parking facilities. You may also have a
long wait on public transport. Most processions
take place between 7pm and 9.30pm on the High
Street. From about 10.15pm the societies return from
their fire sites and from 11pm most have their final
processions leading to 'bonfire prayers' to round off
the evening. Very large crowds expected (around
150,000 people come to Lewes to watch the celebrations).
Unsuitable for small children and pets. Note : Lewes
Bonfire Council urge people from outside the Lewes
locality to celebrate in their own area due to travel
problems and very crowded streets.
Lewes Bonfire
Society Celebrations
East Sussex
Winchelsea Bonfire Boyes Celebrations
6th November 2010
Winchelsea, East Sussex
Winchelsea Bonfire Boyes Celebrations
| |
Lancing -
Beach Green
3rd November 2010 |
Funfair and
Charity Firework event on Beach Green, Lancing.
Funfair opens 6pm. Fireworks approx 9pm. Event
organised by Showtime Amusements (01243) 576471.
Charity fundraising in aid of St Barnabas. (Part of
The Adur Town Centres Initiative). For
information please contact : David Steadman, Adur Town
Centres and Street Scene Coordinator, Tel : (01273)
Adur Town Centres and Street Scene Coordinator an
e-mail. |
November 2010
7.30pm – Torchlight
procession starts from King Edward Hall
8pm – Bonfire is lit at
end of procession on Lindfield Common
8.15pm – Grand
fireworks display begins
website |
5 November 2010
display at St Peter and St Paul School, Buckhurst Road
Tel: 01424 211073 |
Rye, East
13 November 2010
Rye, East Sussex
Rye Bonfire Society Celebrations.
Rye bonfire society plays a big part in the
gunpowder season, organising events that draw tens of
thousands of people to the area celebrate bonfire night
in spectacular fashion. | |
13th November 2010
- Beach bonfire, fireworks and procession : Starts
6.30pm until midnight. Beach Green and foreshore
adjacent to Church of the Good Shepherd.
| |
7 November 2010
Chailey Bonfire Society Celebrations
| |
30 October 2010
South Heighton Bonfire Society
| |
20 November
2010 |
Robertsbridge Bonfire Society Celebrations
| |
West Sussex
20 November 2010
Barcombe Bonfire
Society Celebrations
| |
5th November 2010 |
Thomas A Becket
Middle School : Professional firework display organised
by 'friends of the school'. Gates open 6pm for 7pm
start. Refreshments available. Tickets available in
advance from school in Glebeside Ave. £10 family
of 4 or £3 each. Limited tickets available on night £4
each. Entrances in Rectory Road and Glebeside Ave. No
parking on school grounds or in Glebeside Avenue as it
gets very congested. |
Becket Middle School website |
West Sussex
Fireworks with a TV music theme. You can
buy tickets in advance and there's a funfair as well
as the bonfire and fireworks.
Promising a "mammoth bonfire". Sounds
More than just a bonfire - more a way of
Proceeds to Holy Trinity School PTA. The
Cuckfield firework display is held at Cuckfield Park.
A really good pagan firework display
near Midhurst.
Chailey Bonfire
What will the theme be this year....?
East Sussex
16 October
23 October
30 October
5 November
6 November
13 November
20 November

Lewes Bonfire Societies |
Bonfire Societies |
Below is a list of all the bonfire
societies in Lewes with a little bit of info
on each, this will go some way in explaining
how fiercely the bonfire tradition is upheld
in Lewes.
are at present seven bonfire societies
within Lewes all with their own traditions ,
bonfire , motto , costume and " Colours " .
- Lewes
Bonfire Council
- The Lewes Bonfire Council
co-ordinates the activities of the
town's seven Bonfire Societies - Cliffe,
Commercial Square, Lewes Borough, Nevill
Juvenile, Southover, South Street and

- Cliffe
Bonfire Society - official site
- Homepages from Cliffe Bonfire
Society in Lewes Formed 1853 . . Motto =
Nulli Secundus . . 1st Pioneers = VikingsSmugglers = Black And White

Bonfire Society

Formed 1855 . . Motto = For
Independence . . 1st Pioneers = North
American Indians
Smugglers = Black And Gold

- Nevill
Juvenile Bonfire Society
- Founded in 1967, Nevill Juvenile
celebrate with a torchlit parade and

Formed 1967 . . Motto = We Dare . .
1st Pioneers = Valencians
Smugglers = Green And White

South Street Bonfire

Formed 1913 . . Motto = Faithful
Unto Death . . 1st Pioneers = English Civil
Smugglers = Brown And Cream

Southover Bonfire

Re-Formed 2005 . . Motto = Advance
. . 1st Pioneers = Priory Monks
Smugglers = Red And Black

- Waterloo
Bonfire Society
- Unofficial pages of this Lewes

Re-Formed 1964 . . Motto = True To
Each Other . . 1st Pioneers = Mongolian
Smugglers = Red And White

- Lewes
Borough Bonfire Society
- In the home of Bonfire, this is the
oldest recorded Society.

Formed 1853 . . Motto = Death or
Glory . . 1st Pioneers = Zulu Warriors
Smugglers = Blue And White

Bonfire Societies
Bonfire Society
Bonfire Society
- Firesite
- Pages relating to Lewes Bonfire,
information and pictures.
- Merrie
Harriers Bonfire Society
- Over the years the Bonfire Society
has distributed more than £23,000 to local
good causes.
Established over 10
years ago and now returning re-invigorated
in 2010, Shoreham has a beach bonfire,
fireworks and procession
- Winchelsea
- Lewes
Borough Bonfire Society
- In the home of Bonfire, this is the
oldest recorded Society.

Formed 1853 . . Motto = Death or
Glory . . 1st Pioneers = Zulu Warriors
Smugglers = Blue And White

is a list of all of the active sussex
bonfire societies outside Lewes , with a
little bit of info on each one , this will
go some way in explaining how fiercely the
bonfire tradition is upheld in this neck of
the woods. All but one or two by the way are
in East Sussex . . Why ?
. . Not all of them have their own bonfire
night celebration , google the society if
want more information and most of them have
their own bonfire night celebrations
different to the " Fifth "Why ?
. . . Me Thinks it has got something to do
with the Harvest Festival , Cinque Ports
Confederation and the freedom to roam at
night during the close cross English Channel
fighting season and the many fire beacons
raised in Sussex to warn of advancing
enemies , Many of the older societies are
either on a hill , coast or surrounded by
fertile farmland used to serve Lewes.
The wimpy Spanish and French would not
normally dare to try and cross the channel
in choppy waters from September onwards , So
we English lit fires and took to the streets
and celebrated our freedom.French Invasions
, Spanish Armada , Sussex Martyrs , Guy
Fawkes , Pagan and Harvest Festivals . Think
about it ! . See the bonfire night dates
page for more details 
- Barcombe
Bonfire Society
- Information about their history,
events and activities. BBS is 'the closest
to Lewes a non-Lewes Society gets'. Formed 1932 . .
Main Bonfire Costume = Japanese

- Battel
Bonfire Society
- Claims to be the oldest Bonfire
Society in England,with records going back
to 1646. The event is held on the first
Saturday in November closest to the 5th.Formed 1907 . .
Main Bonfire Costume = Saxons

Hill Bonfire Society
1969 . . Main Bonfire Costume = Aztec

- Chailey
Bonfire Society
- News of this Sussex Society formed
in 1966. Formed
1966 . .
- Main Bonfire Costume =
Fancy Dress

- Crowborough
Bonfire & Carnival Society
- 50 years of bonfire and carnivalsFormed 1897 . .
Main Bonfire Costume = Spanish

Hoathly & Halland Bonfire &
Carnival Society
Formed 1917 . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Wild West

- Eastbourne
Bonfire Society
- After 35 years Eastbourne rejoins
the Sussex bonfires
- Re-Formed
2001 . . Main Bonfire Costume = Pirates

Ewhurst and
Staplecross Bonfire Society
Formed ???? .
. Main Bonfire Costume = Harlequins

- Firle
Bonfire Society
- "Firle upholds and promotes all
that's excellent about traditional Sussex
Bonfire and holds a Bonfire Night with
torchlit processions and fireworks each
October". Re-Formed
1982 . . Main Bonfire Costume = Valencian

Ashes Bonfire Society
Formed 2000 . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Pirates

- Fletching
Bonfire Society
- Homepages of Fletching Bonfire
- Formed
1854 . . Main Bonfire Costume = Yeomen
Fletching Bonfire Society
- 'Hundreds of images and loads of
info of our bonfire celebrations, Guy
Fawkes day, gunpowder plot and 5th

- Hailsham
Bonfire Society
- Re-formed after am interval of 14
years, this society became active again on
the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder
Plot to present a torchlight procession,
bonfire and fireworks display.Re-Formed 2005
. . Main Bonfire Costume = Victorian

- Hastings
Borough Bonfire Society Links
- The Official HBBS. Formed 1995 . .
- Main Bonfire Costume =
Red, Blue & Gold Stripes ( Smugglers )

Bonfire Society
Formed 1896 .
. Main Bonfire Costume = Blue & White

- Littlehampton
- Sussex Champions 2004 'We burn to
do good'
- Formed
1952 . . Main Bonfire Costume = Red

Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire Costume = Red

Bonfire Boyes & Belles
Formed 1556 .
. Main Bonfire Costume = French Revolution

Bonfire Society
Formed 1937 .
. Main Bonfire Costume = Cavaliers

Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Monks

Hood Bonfire Society
Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Voodoo

& Mark Cross Bonfire Society
Re-Formed 1970 . . Main Bonfire
Costume = ????

Rye &
District Bonfire Society
Formed 1695 .
. Main Bonfire Costume = ????

Heighton Bonfire Society
Formed 2003 . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Blue & Yellow Stripes

Bonfire & Carnival Society
Formed 1827 . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Knights

Cross Bonfire Society
Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Voodoo

Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire
Costume = ????

The Devil Are We
Formed ???? . . Main Bonfire
Costume = Devils


Saturday 10th November 2012
Bradford-on-Avon Schools
Fireworks – Saturday 10th November 2012
Gates will open at The Beehive Field at
5.30pm. There will be a fireworks display, a bonfire,
live music and lots of fun. Live music will be provided
by popular local bands starting at 5.45pm. Other
attractions include: a BBQ, a hog roast, beer including
real ale, cider and mulled wine, popcorn and candy
floss. For younger children there will be a bouncy
castle plus an inflatable assault course. The fireworks
start at 7.00pm. So whatever the weather, there’s
something for everyone to enjoy.
It is organised each year by the parents of pupils at
Christ Church, Fitzmaurice and St Laurence schools and
is a significant annual fundraiser enabling the
purchasing of additional resources and equipment for the
three schools. Advance tickets will be available
from the Murco Service Station, Woolley Street; The
Castle Inn; ANP Stores, Trowbridge Road; Piha, Lamb
Yard; Hartley Farm, Winsley; and Christ Church and
Fitzmaurice schools. The prices for these are: £5 Adults
and £2.50 Children (aged 5-17 years old). Gate prices on
the night will be £7 Adults and £3 Children, so advance
tickets offer a great saving. Please note that we cannot
under any circumstances allow people to bring sparklers,
fireworks or alcohol into the field.
The Beehive Field
Trowbridge Road
Friday 2nd November 2012
Funfair Food Bar.
Commences 17.00 hrs Fireworks 19.00 hrs Ends
21.00hrs Tel: 01249 814000
Tickets on sale now at the Town
Council's Information Centre, Bank House &
Beversbrook Sports & Community Facility |
Beversbrook Sports & Community
Facility, Calne, SN11 9FL
November 2012 |
Jubilee Bonfire and Firework Display
To raise funds for
Rotary Charities. Saturday 3rd November Monkton
Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3PE Gates Open
5.00 p.m.; Bonfire Lit 6.15 p.m.; Firework Display
7.00 p.m. Refreshments and Glowstick products
available for purchase. Funfair Stalls and Rides.
Surprise Additional Attraction. Entry Fee on the
gate : £5; Children under 7 years free Save 40 % by
buying Advanced Tickets for just £3 each from local
outlets •We have increased the budget for fireworks
this year so the display should be spectacular •We
have increased the range of Glowstick products this
year, with many new novelties. Items to suit all
ages and prices to suit all pockets •We have moved
the location of the bonfire to be more central ,
giving everyone a better view of the fire. more 5.00
p.m. Bonfire 6.15; Fireworks 7.00 Entry Fee £5.00,
under 7’s FREE Buy tickets in advance from local
outlets for £3 and save 40% For details phone Mike
Oakes on 01249 656457
Park, CHIPPENHAM Wiltshire SN15 3PE |
3rd November 2012
Christian Malford, nr Chippenham
Bonfire and Firework Spectacular ('The best in the
Free Sparklers for Children; Free Car Parking Advance
tickets available from: Village Shop, Chippenham Tourist
Office Adults £5.00 Children 5- 16 Yrs £3.00 Under 5’s
free Gate price: Adults £7.00 Children 5- 16 Yrs £5.00
Under 5’s free Shuttle Coach from Chippenham £2.50 Coach
Tickets from above sales points
The Recreation Ground, Christian Melford, Nr Ghippenham |
3rd November 2012
Gates open 6pm, tickets on the
gate Adult £3.50, child £1.50, family £10 Hot food &
drink In aid of All Cannings Pre-School 18:00 |
King's Arms, All Cannings , SN10 |
Saturday 3rd
November 2012
1st Downton Scouts Bonfire Night
Bonfire to be lit 07:00pm - Fireworks 07:20pm -
Barbecue from 6:00pm
Family Tickets (2 adults + 3 children) at £10.00 can be
purchased in advance from: The Cottage Loaf, Downton and
The White Horse Inn, Downton. On the Night: Adult
tickets will be £5.00 Children (under 16 years) will be
£3.00 Please Note - No Family Tickets will be
available on the Evening. No refunds.
Contact: 07875 043867 or e-mail |
The White Horse Inn, The Borough,
Friday 9th November 2012
Gates Open from 7pm Fireworks start at 8pm
Burgers, Sausages, Hot Drinks, Kids Snack Bar &
Adult Bar Limited parking available In case of bad
weather this event shall be rescheduled to Sunday 11th
November For your own health & safety please do not
bring your own fireworks or sparklers to this
event Price: Adult:
£3, Child: £2, Under 4: FREE |
Football Club,
SN8 2BG Marlborough
28th Oct 2012
Inspired by the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
and the 50th anniversary of the James Bond film
franchise, this year’s event will have a “Diamonds are
Forever” theme, with Fireworks set to music. Fire
performers will be a major highlight of the event,
performing on stage so everyone gets a great view. There
will be ample catering outlets, and a large yurt –
courtesy of Avalon Yurts – so festival goers can
experience the wonderfully atmospheric fireside
storytelling. New for 2012 will be our Acoustic,
Unplugged, Open Mic zone, run by the fantastic
Wrongo-Bongo band.We are also pleased to announce that
we have one of the UK’s top Remote Control Helicopter
Pilots (Richie Clark) performing as part of the display.
See for more
information. 14:00 - 18:30 Tel:07989
470278 Price:
family ticket in advance Age:All ages |
Duchy Manor Grounds,
Springfield Road,
Mere, BA12 6EW
Saturday 10th November 2012
Neston Bonfire and Fireworks
This annual village event was
started over 30 years ago by a small group of parents,
many of whom are still involved to the present day.
Today FONS organise the bonfire with the support of a
huge number of volunteers including parents, teachers,
staff and friends of Neston School. |
Neston Recreation Ground.
SN13 9SX
6 Nov 2012 |
Rushall School PTFA Fireworks
display as well as stalls, BBQ and refreshments. Doors
open at 5.30pm. Display starts 6.30pm. Fun for all the
family! 17:30 -
19:00 Price:Family
ticket £10 |
Rushall School,
near Pewsey.,
November 2012
Spireworks Bonfire and fireworks display
Look out for this fantastic annual bonfire and
fireworks display in Salisbury. The event includes
a live music show on stage. Gates open 5.45pm,
lighting of bonfire at 7.15pm and fireworks at
Livestock Market,
SP2 8RH |
5 November 2012
Brewery Inn Firework Display and BBQ
Refreshments available. Rockets up at 7pm.
Tel:01380828463 Price: Donations to help for
heroes. |
Inn, Seend Cleeve, SN12 6PX Seend |
3rd November 2012
Swindon Lions
Club will be holding its annual fireworks show .
The proceeds from the fireworks display will be used
by the Lions Club for charitable causes. Timings
Gates Open and Funfair from 5.30pm Firework
display 7.15pm promptly You
can buy your tickets at the following outlets:
Nationwide Building Society, The Parade, Nationwide
Society, Regent Street, G&T
Newsagent, 19 Drove RoadThe Kings Arms
Hotel Reception, Wood Street. Magnum
Wineshop, Wood Street & Swindon
Information Centre, Regent Street. For further
information about the Fireworks Spectacular and Fair
please contact Lion Thelma Potts 01793 700063.
Polo Ground,
Marlborough Road
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
We invite
you to join us at Lydiard Park for our annual Firework
and Bonfire Spectacular, 2012
The Details.... Entry Fee: £8
Adult £3 Child (3-14 years) Purchase
tickets at the gate only - not available in advance Free car parking on site - vehicle access via
Hook Street only. To ensure unrestricted access for
buses and emergency vehicles please note that this year,
no parking is allowed in Tregoze Way and Hay
Lane Gates open at
5:30pm Easy pedestrian access
via Lydiard Park - please consider taking public
transport to Middleleaze or Grange Park then walking as
you will be able to exit the park much more quickly
after the event has ended Bonfire
lit at 6:00pm Fireworks
scheduled for 7pm. Please allow enough time
to enter the event before the display begins! Entertainment during the evening, including
live music from Interlight! Various refreshment stalls Supporting local Scouting, plus this year's
community charity: Wiltshire
Search and Rescue
Safety... Please leave all your own
fireworks and sparklers at home! This is to ensure your
own and other's safety whilst in the park. The use of
fireworks and sparklers at the event is not
Lydiard Park, Lydiard
Tregoze, Swindon Wiltshire SN5 3PA
OCTOBER 2012 |
Fireworks night at Roves Farm, with no big
bangs! - 27 OCT
Time: 17:00
Contact: 01793 763939 |
Sevenhampton, Swindon, SN6 7QG
Roves Farm |
5 November 2012 |
Royal Oak, Bishopstone Join
the Royal Oak for some outdoor fun and fireworks. Build
a guy, bring some wood and fireworks, enjoy a hog roast,
hot dogs and parking. Please click for more
information... Address: Cues Lane,
Swindon Time: 18:00 Contact:
01793 790481 |
Royal Oak, Bishopstone |
5 November 2012 |
Fireworks Night at Riffs Riffs Bar Boy have we got
some to let off!!! Address: 26
Greatfield, Swindon Time: 18.00 Contact:
01793 778304 |
Riffs Bar |
2nd November 2012 |
Fernham Fireworks Fernham village Gates open 6pm.
Bonfire lit 6.15pm and children’s display at 6.30pm.
Main display at 7pm. There will be Mulled Wine, Beer,
Sausages, Chilli and Candy Floss. Sparklers, Glowing
necklaces, Music and Fireworks! No dogs allowed. Please
see Fernham village website for more information.
Time: 18:00 |
Fernham Farm
Fernham village |
Friday 2nd November 2012
Ampthill Fireworks
Gates open at 6:00pm, Entertainment from
7:00pm, Beacon lighting at 7:30pm, Fireworks at 8:00pm
Ticket Information:Adults: £6 on the gate Adult in
Advance: £5 Children: (Under 14): £4 Children in
Advance: (Under 14): £3 FamiIy Ticket: (2+2): £15 FamiIy
in Advance: (2+2): £12 Car Parking Prices: £2 per car |
Ampthill Park, Ampthill |
3rd November 2012 |
Moggerhanger Park Firework Display
Tickets in Advance: Adults: £5, Children £2.50, U3’s
Foc; Tickets on the Gate: Adults: £6, Children £3.00,
U3’s Foc Hot refreshments available from 6pm Tel: 01767
641007 x215 Email:
Park, Park Road, Moggerhanger, nr., Bedford,
Bedfordshire, MK44 3RW |
2 November 2012 |
The Bedford Rugby Club
Followers Association Fireworks Display will take place
on Goldington Road, Bedford. Gates,
Funfair and Bars Open at 6pm , Children's
Display starts at 7pm. Main Display
Starts 8pm Strictly no admissions after
display starts, including ticket holders so please
arrive in good time
TICKET PRICES: Adults - £7
Children aged 2-14 - £4 Under 2's
- FREE Family Ticket - £18
(not available online) (2 Adults
& 2 Children)
Ticket sales also available from:
The Tourist Information Centre (St Paul's
Sq) Mon-Sat 9am - 4:30pm
Times & Citizen (Mill Street) Mon-Fri
10am - 4pm Bedford Blues Club Office
Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm
Bedford Rugby Club,
Goldington Road,
Bedford MK40 3NF
Click here for online ticket sales |
3rd November 2012
Ffrom 5pm-8.30pm Adults £4; children
5-16 £2; children under 5 free
Bletchley, Milton Keynes
5 November 2012
Dunstable Firework Display 2012
6.30pm - 9.30pm |
Community Football Centre, Creasey Park Drive, Dunstable
Wednesday 31st October 2012
their success at the Olympic & Paralympic
ceremonies, Kimbolton Fireworks are back on home turf
for the annual Kimbolton Castle Fireworks Display.
This year's firework extravaganza, set to inspirational
and uplifting music, takes place on Wednesday 31st
October.Heralded as one of the best in Europe, and being
London Mayor, Boris Johnson's, choice for London's New
Year's Eve Display, Kimbolton Fireworks will light up
the sky with an awe-inspiring display of pyrotechnics
above historic Kimbolton Castle.Heart FM DJs will
entertain the crowds along with a fun fair, bar, laser
show and a wide choice of food outlets including fish
& chips, burgers, hog roast and sweet stall. Gates
open at 6 pm, allowing plenty of time to enjoy the fun
before the main event at 8 pm. Tickets on the
night are £10 for adults with all children under 16
admitted FREE. Tickets bought in advance are £9, from
Kimbolton School Bursary, Watson's of High Street,
Kimbolton and the Fish & Chip Co Ltd with vans at
Buckden, Riseley, Higham Ferrers, Barford and Kimbolton.
The event is organised by Kimbolton School Society.
The Police, Fire Service and St John's Ambulance will be
in attendance. Ample FREE onsite parking. NO sparklers
please. Finally, please NO
Sparklers. |
Centre of Kimbolton, just off the A14 |
3rd November 2012
Lions' Firework display
Gates open at 5.30 (bonfire 6.30 fireworks at 7) Funfair
for small children, Musical Interlude by local theatre
group, Hot food - burgers/hot dogs etc Light sticks for
sale etc. Visitors can pay on the gate (prices TBC) -
Ample parking.
Tel 0844 414 4017 Office Hours
Brooklands Avenue, Leighton Buzzard
3rd November 2012
Display Site will open at 6.30pm until 8.30pm with
children's rides and entertainments together with a
variety of different refreshment facilities. The
firework display will start promptly at 7.30pm
Luton's annual bonfire and firework
display. Please do not bring fire works into the grounds
- this includes sparklers Cost: Free admission
Old Bedford Road, Luton
3rd November 2012
Event: Langford Lower School PTA Fireworks
Time: Gates open at 5pm,
first display 6pm Hot Food, Bar, Refreshments, Light
Ropes for sale.
Cost: Tickets priced at £4 each
per adult/child in advance or £5 on the Gate
- Babes in arms FOC
Available now from School, Hillfoot Farm Shop, The Old
Butchers, Village Store and Post Office |
Langford Lower School, Church Street,
Langford |
3rd November 2012 |
1st Sandy Scouts Bonfire and Firework
Display Lighting of the bonfire at
6.30pm Fireworks commence at 7.30pm
Bonfire and Fireworks Display - the largest
Firework event in Sandy. No personal fireworks and
sparklers Cost: Tickets: Adults and
children over 6 - £4 prior to the day. On the day
- £7 . Children under 5 - free. Tickets from Sandy
Tourist Information Centre, Bridge Farm Shop, Girtford
Bridge, Budgens on Fallowfield, the Post Office, and the
Queens Head, Cambridge Road Tel: 01767
682979 Email: |
Sandpit, Cox Hill, Off Cambridge Road, Sandy |
5 November 2012
Annual Bonfire and
Firework Display 2012
Stotfold Football Club hold their Annual Bonfire and
Firework Display Vintage organ, Bar, Hot
dogs, Tea, Coffee, Cold drinks, Sweets. Please park on
The Green. Sparklers NOT allowed inside Roker park.
Fire lit 7.00pm. Fireworks 7.30pm. Adults £5,
Children £2.50, Family with up to 3 children £12
For a printable (PDF) poster, click here. (and help us advertise the event by
displaying it!)
Roker Park, Stotfold |
27 October 2012
Danish Camp Firework Extravaganza Gates open 6
pm. Bonfire & display at 7.15 pm (approx)
Choose from bangers (hot dogs!) burgers and chilli with
rice (vegetarian alternatives available).
Fireworks take place opposite side of river; lovely
reflections in the water!!! Free parking refreshments
and licensed bar. Disabled access. Music,
food and fun Cost: £13 adults. £7 children
ticket price includes live jazz, fireworks display and
Danish Camp, Riverside Visitor Centre, Chapel
Lane, Willington MK44 3QG
3rd November 2012
pm - 12 midnight ‘Fireworks' themed 2
course menu (Click here to download the Menu)
Fireworks display across the lake at 9.00 pm with ‘The
Burning of the ‘Guy' from 9.30 pm - 12
Cost: Online ticket price £12.00;
Offline ticket price £14.00 To book visit
or Tel: 0333 7007 667 and ask for
Phillipa or Lucy, quoting WEB or email
Tickets are non-refundable and are for over 18s
only Tel: 0333 7007 667 Email:
Restaurant & Bar, Wyboston Lakes Hotel
Wyboston Lakes
Great North Road, Wyboston
Bedfordshire MK44 3AL

Bledlow Ridge
4 Nov 2012
Bledlow Ridge Bonfire
Established firework event raising money for local good
causes. Fantastic fireworks by Sonning Fireworks Ltd!
BBQ food, hot drinks and soup, plus Bar, including
mulled wine. Glowsticks for the young at heart! Gates
open 4.30pm, bonfire 5.30pm, fireworks 6.30pm.
Off-street parking available. Advance prices, Adult £5,
Children £3, Family £14. 'On the night' prices Adult £8,
Child £5, Family £22, so save money and get your tickets
in advance from The Country Store, Bledlow Ridge or call
01494 481524. Come and join us for a good evening out in
the fresh air of Bledlow Ridge!
Field by Darusso Restaurant (The Boot Inn),
Chinnor Road, Bledlow Ridge, HP14 4AW
Bletchley Park
3rd November 2012 |
Bletchley Park’s dazzling annual
Blitznight is set once again, to enchant and
delight visitors from Bletchley, Milton Keynes and
beyond . Now in its 15th year, the
huge fireworks event just keeps on getting bigger
and bigger,
As the rousing wartime
music rings out and the spectacular firework
display set the sky alight, visitors can warm
themselves with delicious burgers from the
barbeque and a drink or two from the bar, while
the children enjoy the traditional fun fair. The
gates open at 6.30pm and the fireworks get
underway at 8.00pm. All proceeds go to the
Bletchley Park Charitable Trust. Admission to be
paid at the gate: Adults £3 Children £1, Season
tickets to not apply for this event -
Tel. 01908 640404 |
Bletchley Park
Milton Keynes
3rd November 2012
and Fireworks
6pm -
Free event!
There will be a
special appearance by the Sealed Knot and a
barbeque from 6pm onwards. The Firework display
will be at 7pm, followed by the lighting of the
bonfire soon afterwards.Collection buckets will be
at the entrances to the parks this and will be
donated to the Mayor's Charities: Project Street
Life, Buckingham and Winslow CAB, Water Aid and
Hospital Car Service. Please give generously.
A Best Dressed
Guy Competition will be held outside the Old
Gaol on Saturday morning - there is a group
prize and an individual prize, the winning guy will
be on the bonfire in the evening! Watch out for the
posters. For more information,Contact: Amanda
Brubaker 01280 816 426 email
Park, Buckingham
calendar/calendar.html |
10 November 2012
St Giles ‘Magic In The Sky’
Grand Pyromusical Display by Jubilee Fireworks Ltd,
produced by Milkhu Productions One of the
largest bonfires in the region plus Bucks bangers,
mulled wine and more. Timings (tbc): Gates open
5.45pm, Bonfire Lighting Ceremony 6.30pm, Fireworks
7pm Adults: £6 in advance; £7 on gate; Under-16s:
£3, £4; Under-3s: free; Family: £15; £18 Advance
tickets: The Olde Posthouse, Chalfont Pets, The Post
Office, Yaldens, Nucleus Gallery – Chalfont St
Peter Proceeds to: Chalfont St. Giles Guides,
Scouts and associated groups
Chalfont St Giles, HPA 4QA |
Thornborough, (between Milton
Keynes and Buckingham)
Thornborough, near Milton
Keynes. - In Thornborough village,
Lower End Torchlit Procession 6.30 pm from The Two
Brewers pub, Thornborough. Gate for bonfire opens at
7.15pm. Fireworks 7.30 pm; Tickets Adults £4.00; £2.00
children/seniors Tel 01280 814434 Email:
November 2012
Probably the largest and best fireworks
display in High Wycombe This event includes a massive
bonfire and a spectacular fireworks display. We are
helped out by many other local groups who, amongst other
things, help with the logistics, run a safe sparkler
area for children, provide the food and run a licensed
bar.The gates open at 5pm, and the
bonfire is lit at 6pm. Fireworks go off at 6.30pm
Family ticket per car on the night is £20 and if
purchased in advance £15. Car parking will only be
on the Main Event
Field, Kingshill Road, Terriers, High Wycombe.
5 November 2012
Marlow, Bucks
Piece Firework Display is on Monday
5th November
Gates open at 6.00pm, and tickets are bought on the
night – costing £6.00 for
adults and £3.00 for children.
In addition to the display there will be food ,
refreshments, licensed bar and children’s fairground
Saturday 3rd November
display is Marlow Bottom Fireworks on
Saturday 3rd November, at Burford
School, Marlow Bottom – raising funds for the School,
and for the playing fields. Gates open 5:30pm, with the
“Fireworks extravaganza” starting at approx
7pm. They have plenty of other attractions lined
up too – lots of stalls, hot food, BBQ, refreshments and
a bar. The best way to get tickets is online at, but
nearer the time they will be available from other
Adults: £6, Child (age 4-12) £5, or £20 for a
group/family of 4. |
Marlow Bottom
Milton Keynes
4th November 2012 |
This year, the
spectacular Keith Emmett & Sons firework display in
Milton Keynes will take place on Sunday 4th November in
Campbell Park. The display starts at 7.30pm and as
always, entry is free.There’ll be a fair for those
wanting more thrills than the big bangs and night sky
lighting up, so make sure you’re prepared for plenty of
“ooo”s, “ahh”s and fun!This iconic event was first
witnessed over 30 years ago at what became the Food
Centre site. As development progressed, so the event
shifted to the Central Police Station, Xscape and along
Midsummer Boulevard. Its current long term home is
Campbell |
Campbell Park,
Milton Keynes
Saturday 3 November 2012 |
bonfire and firework spectacular
The crowd will be treated to a superb display of
dramatic multi-coloured fireworks and a flaming
bonfire. There will be refreshments from around the
world and a large fun fair.
Advanced tickets are on sale now from: All
Libraries. My
Council. Montem
and Langley
leisure centres. Absolute
Ice arena. Tickets
will also be available on the gates. Ticket prices
Advanced tickets Adult Tickets £4.50 Children/senior
citizen Tickets £2.50 Family Tickets £12.00 Child
tickets are needed for youngsters aged four to 15.
Children aged 3 and under get in for free. 16
year olds and above need adult tickets.
On the night Adult Tickets £6.00
Children/senior citizen Tickets £4.00 Please
note Family Tickets won't be available on the
night. For more information contact
events on 01753 875194 or e-mail
Upton Court Park, Slough
Click |